ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Requisition Preferences resource manages the user's requisition preferences. The preferences are used to set the default information required to create requisitions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
UserPreferenceId [KEY] Long UserPreferenceId of RequisitionPreferences
RequisitioningBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit where the user's preferences are applicable.
RequisitioningBU String Name of the business unit where the user's preferences are applicable.
PersonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the user for whom the requisition preferences are applicable.
UserDisplayName String UserDisplayName of RequisitionPreferences
UserEmail String Email address of the user for whom the requisition preferences are applicable.
RequesterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person for whom goods or services are ordered.
Requester String Requester of RequisitionPreferences
RequesterEmail String Email address of the person for whom goods or services are ordered.
DeliverToLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the final location where the buying company should deliver the goods previously received from a supplier.
DeliverToLocationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the final location where the buying company should deliver the goods previously received from a supplier.
DeliverToLocationName String DeliverToLocationName of RequisitionPreferences
DeliverToAddress String DeliverToAddress of RequisitionPreferences
FormattedDeliverToAddress String FormattedDeliverToAddress of RequisitionPreferences
DestinationOrganizationId Long DestinationOrganizationId of RequisitionPreferences
DestinationOrganization String DestinationOrganization of RequisitionPreferences
DestinationOrganizationCode String DestinationOrganizationCode of RequisitionPreferences
DestinationTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies whether the item is for inventory, expense, or manufacturing. Valid values include INVENTORY, EXPENSE, and MANUFACTURING.
DestinationType String Type of destination to determine how the purchased goods or services should be charged. Valid values include Inventory, Expense, and Work Order.
DestinationSubinventory String Name of the subinventory that identifies where to deliver the requested goods.
WorkOrderId Long WorkOrderId of RequisitionPreferences
WorkOrder String WorkOrder of RequisitionPreferences
WorkOrderOperationId Long WorkOrderOperationId of RequisitionPreferences
WorkOrderOperationSequence Decimal WorkOrderOperationSequence of RequisitionPreferences
PreferenceType String Type of preference to determine in which flow the requisition preferences are applicable for the user. Valid values include SSP and WORK_ORDER.
OneTimeLocationFlag Bool OneTimeLocationFlag of RequisitionPreferences
InvOrgEnabledForProjectTracking String InvOrgEnabledForProjectTracking of RequisitionPreferences
ActivePreferenceFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the requisition preferences are active for the user. If false, then the preferences are not active. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
WorkOrderInventoryOrganizationId Long WorkOrderInventoryOrganizationId of RequisitionPreferences
WorkOrderInventoryOrganizationCode String WorkOrderInventoryOrganizationCode of RequisitionPreferences
WorkOrderInventoryOrganization String WorkOrderInventoryOrganization of RequisitionPreferences
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of RequisitionPreferences
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of RequisitionPreferences
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of RequisitionPreferences
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of RequisitionPreferences
SetId Long SetId of RequisitionPreferences
DeliverToCustomerLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the third-party location to which materials need to be delivered.
DeliverToOneTimeAddress String DeliverToOneTimeAddress of RequisitionPreferences
RequisitionBUOptionsOrganizationId Long RequisitionBUOptionsOrganizationId of RequisitionPreferences
Finder String finder
SysEffectiveDate Date syseffectivedate
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111