ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Schedules resource manages purchasing details, such as ship-to location and delivery date.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API to process some of the filters having queryable=true in metadata. The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [Cdata].[Procurement].[DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules] WHERE LineLocationId = 10003


Create an DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedule.

You need to provide DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID instead of DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId and LinesUniqId instead of LinesPOLineId , to insert the record.

INSERT into DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules(DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID,LinesUniqId,ScheduleNumber,Quantity,ShipToLocation,ShipToOrganization,ReceiptCloseTolerancePercent,InvoiceMatchOptionCode,EarlyReceiptToleranceDays,InvoiceCloseTolerancePercent,LateReceiptToleranceDays,AccrueAtReceiptFlag,InspectionRequiredFlag,ReceiptRequiredFlag,ReceiptRoutingId,DestinationTypeCode,Carrier,ServiceLevel,ModeOfTransportCode) values (121321,2131,5,10,'Marseille','Marseille',0,'P',60,0,0,'N',false,false,3,'EXPENSE','Airborne','2nd day air','PARCEL')


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID instead of DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId, LinesUniqId instead of LinesPOLineId and LineLocationUniqId instead of LineLocation as a path parameter in the URL to update the record.

If you want to update a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Procurement].[DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules] set Description='abcd' where draftPurchaseOrdersUniqID=454545454 and LinesUniqId=121 and LineLocationUniqId=55655

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId. You need to provide all the UniqIds.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId instead of DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID, LinesPOLineId instead of LinesUniqId and LineLocation instead of LineLocationUniqId. You can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Procurement].[DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules] set Description='abcd' where DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId=454545454

Note : Update on aggregates are not allowed by API, use the child tables to add/update/delete aggregates.


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID instead of DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId, LinesUniqId instead of LinesPOLineId and LineLocationUniqId instead of LineLocation as a path parameter in the URL to delete the record.

If you want to delete a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can delete the record in the following way:

Delete from [Cdata].[Procurement].[DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules] where draftPurchaseOrdersUniqID=454545454 and LinesUniqId=121 and LineLocationUniqId=55655

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId. You need to provide all the UniqIds.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId instead of DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqID, LinesPOLineId instead of LinesUniqId and LineLocation instead of LineLocationUniqId. You can delete the record in the following way:

Delete from [Cdata].[Procurement].[DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules] where DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId=454545454


Name Type ReadOnly Description
DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId [KEY] Long True

DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

DraftPurchaseOrdersUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of draftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId.

LinesPOLineId [KEY] Long True

LinesPOLineId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

LinesUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of linesPOLineId.

LineLocationId [KEY] Long True

LineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

LineLocationUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of LineLocationId

ScheduleNumber Decimal False

Number that uniquely identifies the purchase order schedule for the purchase order line.

POLineId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the parent line of the schedule. This attribute is used when the schedule is split.

LineNumber Decimal True

LineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

POHeaderId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order.

OrderNumber String True

OrderNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

Quantity Decimal False

Scheduled quantity of the item.

Amount Decimal False

Amount of the service on the purchase order schedule.

ShipToOrganizationId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization where the supplier ships the item.

ShipToOrganizationCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the inventory organization where the supplier ships the item.

ShipToOrganization String False

Name of the inventory organization that receives the item.

ShipToLocation String False

Name of the location where the supplier ships the item.

ShipToLocationId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the location where the supplier ships the item.

ShipToLocationCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the location where the supplier ships the item.

ShipToLocationInternalCode String False

Abbreviation that internally identifies the location where the supplier should ship the goods.

DestinationTypeCode String False

Value that indicates how to use the item during fulfillment. Values include inventory, expense, drop ship, or manufacturing.

DestinationType String False

Type of destination that determines how to charge the item. Values include inventory, expense, drop ship, or work order.

LocationOfFinalDischargeId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the final discharge location.

LocationOfFinalDischargeCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the final discharge location.

TransactionBusinessCategoryId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the classification or categorization of a transaction. This attribute is used for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.

TransactionBusinessCategoryCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the classification or categorization of a transaction. This attribute is used for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.

TransactionBusinessCategory String False

Classification or categorization of a transaction. This attribute is used for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.

UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the user-defined fiscal classification.

UserDefinedFiscalClassification String False

Additional classification of the transaction for tax purposes.

ProductFiscalClassificationId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the fiscal classification of a product by tax authority for tax purposes. It is based on the inventory item category.

ProductFiscalClassificationCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the fiscal classification of a product by tax authority for tax purposes.

ProductFiscalClassification String False

Tax classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product.

ProductCategoryCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the category used to classify products for tax purposes.

ProductCategory String False

Name of the category used to classify products for tax purposes.

LineIntendedUseId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the intended use of a product in the business by the purchaser.

LineIntendedUse String False

Purpose for which a product is likely to be used in the business by the purchaser.

ProductTypeCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the product type.

ProductType String False

Value that determines how the tax is calculated. Values include goods and services.

AssessableValue Decimal False

Value of the product that can be assessable.

TaxClassificationCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the tax classification.

TaxClassification String False

Grouping of taxes for reporting and processing purposes.

InvoiceCloseTolerancePercent Decimal False

Percent that the application uses to determine whether to close a purchase order schedule when the invoice invoices only part of the item.

ReceiptCloseTolerancePercent Decimal False

Percent that the application uses to determine whether to close a purchase order schedule when the receiver receives only part of the item.

EarlyReceiptToleranceDays Decimal False

Maximum number of days the application allows to receive an early shipment.

LateReceiptToleranceDays Decimal False

Maximum number of days the application allows to receive a late shipment.

AccrueAtReceiptFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then accrue the purchase order schedule at receipt. If false, then do not accrue the purchase order schedule at receipt. This attribute does not have a default value.

ReceiptRoutingId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the routing to use when receiving the item. Values include 1 for standard receipt, 2 for inspection required, or 3 for direct delivery.

ReceiptRouting String False

Value that indicates the routing to use when receiving the item. Values include standard receipt, inspection required, or direct delivery.

InvoiceMatchOptionCode String False

Determines whether the invoice for the purchase order schedule must match the purchase order or the receipt. Values include C for consumption advice, P for order, or R for receipt.

InvoiceMatchOption String False

Determines whether to match the invoice to the purchase order or the receipt. If the purchase order line is under consignment, then match each invoice to the consumption advice.

InspectionRequiredFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the schedule must be inspected before the buyer can pay the invoice. If false, then the buyer can pay the invoice even if the schedule hasn't been inspected. This attribute does not have a default value.

ReceiptRequiredFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the schedule must be received before the buyer can pay the invoice. If false, then the buyer can pay the invoice even if the schedule hasn't been received. This attribute does not have a default value.

MatchApprovalLevelCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the match approval level.

MatchApprovalLevel String False

Value that specifies how quantities on the purchase order, receipt, inspection, and invoice must match before the buyer can pay the invoice. Values include 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way.

AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the purchase order schedule allows the application to use a substitute item in place of the ordered item. If false, then the purchase order schedule does not allow a substitute item. This attribute does not have a default value.

FirmFlag Bool True

FirmFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

OverReceiptTolerancePercent Decimal False

Percent tolerance to use when receiving more than the ordered quantity or amount without starting the action that the OverReceiptActionCode attribute specifies.

BackToBackFlag Bool True

BackToBackFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

NoteToReceiver String False

Note that the receiver can read to get details about how to process the purchase order schedule.

RequestedDeliveryDate Date False

Date when the buyer requested that the supplier deliver the item.

PromisedDeliveryDate Date False

Date when the supplier promises to deliver the item to the buyer.

RequestedShipDate Date False

Date when the buyer requested that the supplier ship the item.

PromisedShipDate Date False

Date when the supplier promises to ship the item to the buyer.

SalesOrderNumber String True

SalesOrderNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

SalesOrderLineNumber String True

SalesOrderLineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

SalesOrderScheduleNumber String True

SalesOrderScheduleNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

SecondaryQuantity Decimal False

Scheduled quantity in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute is applicable when more than one unit of measure controls the item.

TaxableFlag Bool True

TaxableFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

Carrier String False

Company that transports the item.

CarrierId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the company that transports the item.

CountryOfOrigin String False

Country of the organization that ships or exports the item.

CountryOfOriginCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the country of the organization that ships or exports the item.

ShipToExceptionAction String False

Action to take if an exception occurs when the receiving location is different from the ship-to location. Values include none, reject, and warning.

ShipToExceptionActionCode String False

Value that indicates how to handle each receipt when the receiving location is different from the ship-to location. Values include none, reject, or warning.

FundsStatusCode String True

FundsStatusCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

FundsStatus String True

FundsStatus of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ModeOfTransport String False

Mode of transport to ship the item, such as truck, air, or boat.

ModeOfTransportCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the mode of transport.

CancelDate Date True

CancelDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CancelReason String False

Description of the reason for cancellation.

CancelledBy Long True

CancelledBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

RejectedReason String True

RejectedReason of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ReasonForChange String False

Reason for changing the schedule.

ChangeAcceptedFlag Bool True

ChangeAcceptedFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ChangeOrderAmountCancelled Decimal True

ChangeOrderAmountCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled Decimal True

ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CustomerItem String True

CustomerItem of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CustomerItemDescription String True

CustomerItemDescription of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CustomerPOLineNumber String True

CustomerPOLineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CustomerPONumber String True

CustomerPONumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CustomerPOScheduleNumber String True

CustomerPOScheduleNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CurrencyCode String True

CurrencyCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

Currency String True

Currency of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

RejectedBy Long True

RejectedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

RejectedByRole String True

RejectedByRole of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CancelFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the schedule is canceled. If false, then the schedule is not canceled. This attribute does not have a default value.

SecondaryUOMCode String True

SecondaryUOMCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

SecondaryUOM String True

SecondaryUOM of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

UOMCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure.

UOM String False

Unit of measure in the item quantity.

PricingUOMCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure the item uses for pricing.

PricingUOM String True

PricingUOM of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ReceiptDateExceptionActionCode String False

Action to take when the application does not receive the purchase ordered quantity or amount before the value that the Late Receipt Tolerance Days attribute specifies. Values include none, reject, or warning.

ReceiptDateExceptionAction String False

Action to take when the buyer does not receive the purchase ordered quantity or does not receive the amount before the value that the Late Receipt Tolerance Days attribute specifies. Values include none, reject, or warning.

OverReceiptActionCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the over receipt action.

OverReceiptAction String False

Action to take when the receipt exceeds the value that the OverReceiptTolerancePercent attribute specifies. Values include none, reject, or warning.

WorkOrderId Long True

WorkOrderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

WorkOrderNumber String True

WorkOrderNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

WorkOrderOperationId Long True

WorkOrderOperationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

WorkOrderOperationSequence Decimal True

WorkOrderOperationSequence of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

WorkOrderSubType String True

WorkOrderSubType of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

SupplierOrderLineNumber String True

SupplierOrderLineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

OrchestrationAgreementLineNumber Long True

OrchestrationAgreementLineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

OrchestrationAgreementNumber String True

OrchestrationAgreementNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

PrimaryTradeRelationshipId Long True

PrimaryTradeRelationshipId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

POTradingOrganizationId Long True

POTradingOrganizationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

POTradingOrganizationCode String True

POTradingOrganizationCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

POTradingOrganization String True

POTradingOrganization of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

FirmStatusLookupCode String True

FirmStatusLookupCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

FirmStatus String True

FirmStatus of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ParentLineLocationId Long True

ParentLineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ParentScheduleNumber Decimal False

Number that uniquely identifies the schedule from which this schedule was created.

ShipToCustomerContactId Long True

ShipToCustomerContactId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ShipToCustomerContact String True

ShipToCustomerContact of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ShipToCustomerId Long True

ShipToCustomerId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ShipToCustomer String True

ShipToCustomer of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ShipToCustomerLocationId Long True

ShipToCustomerLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ServiceLevelCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the service level for the shipping method.

ServiceLevel String False

Priority that determines how quickly to transport the item.

CancelUnfulfilledDemandFlag Bool False

Contains one of the following values: True or False. If True, then cancel all the associated requisitions while canceling a purchase order schedule. If False, then do not cancel the associated requisitions while canceling an order schedule. This attribute does not have a default value.

CreatedBy String True

CreatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

CreationDate Datetime True

CreationDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

LastUpdateDate Datetime True

LastUpdateDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

LastUpdatedBy String True

LastUpdatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

ShippingMethod String False

Transportation method for the carrier or service level for the purchase order. For example, ABC Shipping - AIR - 2nd Day.

RetainageRate Decimal False

Percentage of the invoice value that can be withheld as retainage.

LastAcceptableDeliveryDate Date True

LastAcceptableDeliveryDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

LastAcceptableShipDate Date True

LastAcceptableShipDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

OriginalPromisedDeliveryDate Date True

OriginalPromisedDeliveryDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

OriginalPromisedShipDate Date True

OriginalPromisedShipDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules

Type String False

Type of payment whether it is released based on units of work or lump sum.

Description String False

Description of the work associated with the progress payment schedule.

Price Decimal False

Price of the purchase order schedule.

TypeCode String False

Abbreviation that identifies the progress payment schedule type. Valid values are rate and lump sum.

Finder String True


Intent String True


SysEffectiveDate String True


CUReferenceNumber Int False

Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.

EffectiveDate Date True

This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111