ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Contacts resource manages supplier contacts for supplier registration.


Name Type Description
SupplierRegistrationRequestsSupplierRegistrationKey [KEY] String SupplierRegistrationRequestsSupplierRegistrationKey of SupplierRegistrationRequestscontacts
SupplierRegistrationContactId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a supplier contact in the supplier registration.
AdministrativeContactFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the supplier is an administrative contact. If false, then the supplier isn't an administrative contact.The default value is false.
SalutationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the honorific title of the supplier contact in the supplier registration. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CONTACT_TITLE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
Salutation String Honorific title of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
FirstName String First name of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
MiddleName String Middle name of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
LastName String Last name of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
JobTitle String Job title of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
Email String Email of the supplier contact in the registration.
PhoneCountryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country for the landline phone number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
PhoneAreaCode String Abbreviation that identifies the area for the landline phone number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
PhoneNumber String Landline phone number for the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
PhoneExtension String Landline phone extension for the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
MobileCountryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country for the mobile phone number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
MobileAreaCode String Abbreviation that identifies the area for the mobile phone number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
MobileNumber String Mobile phone number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
FaxCountryCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country for the fax number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
FaxAreaCode String Abbreviation that identifies the area for the fax number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
FaxNumber String Fax number of the supplier contact in the supplier registration.
CreateUserAccountFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, create a user account for the supplier contact. If false, then don't create a user account for the supplier contact. The default value is false.
Finder String Finder of SupplierRegistrationRequestscontacts
SupplierRegistrationKey String SupplierRegistrationKey of SupplierRegistrationRequestscontacts

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Build 24.0.9111