Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111




CData Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials ビュー

Name Description
AccountCombinationsLOV The account combinations list of values resource is used to identify general ledger account combinations. An account combination is a complete set of segment values that uniquely identifies an account in a chart of accounts.
AccountCombinationsShorthandAliasesLOV The operations from the List of Values/Account Combinations Shorthand Aliases List of Values category.
AccountingCalendarsLOV The accounting calendars list of values resource is used to view information on defined calendars. A calendar can either be an accounting calendar or a commitment calendar.
AccountingPeriodsLOV The accounting periods list of values resource is used to view period details in a calendar.
AccountingPeriodStatusLOV The accounting period status list of values resource is used to view the period status of a period in a calendar.
BankAccountUserRules The bank account user rules resource is used to create country-specific rules on a simplified bank account UI. Label changes are also supported through this service.
BudgetaryControlResults The budgetary control results resource can be used to view budgetary control validation information for a labor schedule from the Labor Cost Management in Project Management or a requisition in Self Service Procurement.
BudgetaryControlResultsBudgetImpacts The budgetary control results budget impacts for labor cost management resource is used to view budgetary control validation information with budget balances for a labor schedule from the Labor Cost Management in Project Management.
BudgetaryControlResultsBudgetTransactions The budgetary control results resource is used internally for budget adjustments in Enterprise Performance Management to display budgetary control validation information.
CashBankBranchesLOV The bank branches list of values resource is used to query bank branches.
CashBanksLOV The banks list of values resource is used to query banks.
ChartOfAccountsLOV The chart of accounts list of values resource is used to view details about a general ledger chart of accounts.
CurrencyConversionTypesLOV The currency conversion types list of values resource is used to view information on currency conversion rate types. Currency conversion rate types are used to automatically assign a rate when converting foreign currency journal amounts to ledger currency equivalents.
CurrencyRates The currency rates resource is used to retrieve information on currency rates and dates for which rates are available for a source and target currency combination.
CustomerAccountSitesLOV The customer account sites list of values resource is used to view the details of a customer account site.
DebitAuthorizations The debit authorization resource is used to view, create, and modify a debit authorization.
DebitAuthorizationsdebitAuthorizationVersions The debit authorization version resource is used to view a debit authorization version.
DisbursementPaymentMethodsLOV The disbursement payment methods list of values resource is used to query payment methods on the user interface.
ErpBusinessEvents The ERP business events resource is used to retrieve or update a business event-enabled record to determine whether the business event can be initiated.
Erpintegrations The ERP integrations resource automates bulk data import and export flows. It also provides key features such as callback and error notifications, as part of these flows.
ExpenseAccommodationsPolicies The expense accommodations policies resource is used to contain details of all accommodations expense policies.
ExpenseAccommodationsPoliciesexpenseAccommodationsPolicyLines The expense accommodations policy lines resource is used to contain details of an accommodations expense policy.
ExpenseAirfarePolicies The expense airfare policies resource is used to view airfare expense policies.
ExpenseAirfarePoliciesexpenseAirfarePolicyLines The expense airfare policy lines resource is used to view airfare expense policy line records.
ExpenseCashAdvances The cash advance resource is used to manage all employee cash advances, which includes creation, update, deletion, and selection.
ExpenseCashAdvancesAttachments The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
ExpenseCashAdvancesCashAdvanceDff The cash advance descriptive flexfield resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a cash advance.
ExpenseConversionRateOptions The expense conversion rate options resource is used to provide conversion rate policies for business units.
ExpenseConversionRateOptionsconversionRateTolerances The conversion rate tolerance resource is used to contain the conversion rate policy exceptions for specific currencies within a business unit.
ExpenseCreditCardTransactions The expense credit card transactions resource is used to describe all corporate card transactions of an employee. Only a selection of employee corporate card transactions are currently supported by this resource.
ExpenseDelegations The delegations resource is used to manage all information related to delegation that describes authorized delegation between employees.
ExpenseDffContexts The expense descriptive flexfield contexts resource is used for expenses and expense reports.
ExpenseDffSegments The expense descriptive flexfield segments resource is used for expenses and expense reports.
ExpenseDistributions The expense distributions resource is a child resource that contains distribution information about an expense item.
ExpenseDistributionsPJCDFF The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
ExpenseEntertainmentPolicies The expense entertainment policies resource is used to view entertainment expense policies.
ExpenseEntertainmentPoliciesexpenseEntertainmentPolicyLines The expense entertainment policy lines resource is used to view entertainment expense policy line records.
ExpenseLocations Expense locations resource is used to provide data that represents physical geographies.
ExpenseMealsPolicies The expense meals policies resource is used to get all meals expense policies.
ExpenseMealsPoliciesexpenseMealsPolicyLines The expense meals policy lines resource is used to get all meals expense policy line records.
ExpenseMileagePolicies The expense mileage policies resource is used to get all mileage-related policies.
ExpenseMileagePoliciesexpenseMileagePolicyLines The expense mileage policy lines resource is used to get all records related to mileage policy lines.
ExpenseMiscPolicies The expense miscellaneous policies resource is used to view miscellaneous expense policy records.
ExpenseMiscPoliciesexpenseMiscPolicyLines The expense miscellaneous policy lines resource is used to view miscellaneous expense policy line records.
ExpenseOrganizationSettings The expense business unit settings resource is used to get user entered setup options.
ExpensePerDiemCalculations The expense per diem calculations resource is used to calculate the reimbursement of a trip upon which a per diem policy applies.
ExpensePerDiemPolicies The expense per diem policies resource is used to view per diem expense policy records.
ExpensePerDiemPoliciesexpensePerDiemPolLines The expense per diem policy lines resource is used to view per diem expense policy line records.
ExpensePerDiemPoliciesexpensePerDiemPolValues The expense per diem policy values resource is used to view records of per diem expense policy values in percentages.
ExpensePersons The expense persons resource is used to get details like BU name and currency name for a person.
ExpensePreferences The expense preferences resource is used to get a person's expense preferences record.
ExpensePreferredTypes The expense preferred types resource is used to query preferred expense types for a chatbot user.
ExpenseProfileAttributes The expense profile attributes resource is used to get a person's expense profile attributes record.
ExpenseReportsAttachments The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user attaches to an expense report.
ExpenseReportsExpense The expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpenseAttachments The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user attaches to an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpenseduplicateExpenses The duplicate expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all duplicate expense items related to an expense.
ExpenseReportsExpenseExpenseAttendee The expense attendees resource is a child resource that contains attendee information about an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpenseExpenseDff The expense descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpenseExpenseDistribution The expense distributions resource is a child resource that contains distribution information about an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpenseExpenseDistributionPJCDFF The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
ExpenseReportsExpenseexpenseErrors The expense errors resource is a child resource that contains information about all validation errors of an expense.
ExpenseReportsExpenseExpenseItemization The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense item.
ExpenseReportsExpensematchedExpenses The matched expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all matched expense items related to an expense.
ExpenseReportsexpenseNotes The expense notes resource is a child resource that contains notes entered by an approver or an auditor about an expense report.
ExpenseReportsExpensePayment The expense report payments resource is a child resource that contains payment information for a paid expense report.
ExpenseReportsExpenseReportDff The expense report descriptive flexfields resource is used to store additional company-specific information that is captured for an expense report.
ExpenseReportsprocessingDetails The expense processing details resource is a child resource that contains information about status changes of an expense report.
ExpensesAttachments The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user has attached to the expense item.
ExpensesduplicateExpenses The duplicate expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all duplicate expense items related to an expense.
ExpenseSetupOptions The expense setup options resource is used to get user selected setup options.
ExpensesExpenseAttendee The expense attendees resource is a child resource that contains expense attendee information.
ExpensesExpenseDff The expense descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an expense item.
ExpensesExpenseDistribution The expense distributions resource manages details about all expenses incurred by an employee, which includes attendees, distributions, descriptive flexfields, itemizations, and attachment information.
ExpensesExpenseDistributionPJCDFF The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
ExpensesexpenseErrors The expense errors resource is a child resource that contains information about all validation errors of an expense.
ExpensesExpenseItemization The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense incurred by an employee.
ExpensesmatchedExpenses The matched expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all matched expense items related to an expense.
ExpenseTemplates The expense templates resource is used to group sets of expense types by business unit for purposes such as Education, Travel, and Relocation.
ExpenseTemplatesexpenseTypes The expense types resource is used to define the expense types for an expense report template and the associated corporate policies.
ExpenseTemplatesexpenseTypesitemizedExpenseTypes The itemized expense types resource is used to itemize expense types.
ExpenseTemplatesexpenseTypespreferredAgencyLists The preferred agency lists resource is used to view the preferred agency lists that are defined for the expense type.
ExpenseTemplatesexpenseTypespreferredMerchantLists The preferred merchant lists resource is used to view the preferred merchant lists that are defined for the expense type.
ExpenseTemplatesmobileExpenseTypes The mobile expense types resource is used to view the expense types that are defined for an expense template.
ExpenseTypes The expense types resource is used to define an expense report template and the associated corporate expense policies.
ExpenseTypesitemizedExpenseTypes The itemized expense types resource is used to define expense types that are eligible for itemization.
ExpenseTypespreferredAgencyLists The preferred agency lists resource is used to view the preferred agency lists that are defined for the expense type.
ExpenseTypespreferredMerchantLists The preferred merchant lists resource is used to view the preferred merchant lists that are defined for the expense type.
ExternalBankAccounts The external bank accounts resource is used to view, create, and modify an external bank account.
ExternalBankAccountsaccountOwners The account owners resource is used to view, create, and modify the account owner of an external bank account.
FedBudgetExecutionControls The federal budget execution controls resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution controls.
FedBudgetExecutionControlsfedBudgetControlSegments The federal budget execution control segments resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution control segments.
FinBusinessUnitsLOV The Financials business units list of values resource is used to view information on defined business units. A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy and can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities.
Finders Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view.
InstrumentAssignments The instrument assignment resource is used to view, create, and modify a payment instrument assignment.
IntercompanyOrganizationsLOV The Intercompany organizations list of values resource is used to view details on defined Intercompany organizations. Intercompany organizations are defined for diverse business needs that represent the initiators and recipients of Intercompany transactions.
IntercompanyTransactionTypesLOV The Intercompany transaction types list of values resource is used to view information on defined intercompany transaction types. They are processing rules that ensure intercompany transactions are processed in a systematic way.
InterimDocumentsPayables The interim payables documents resource is used to view, create, and modify an interim payables document for validation and payment processing.
InvoicesappliedPrepayments The applied prepayments resource is used to view the prepayments that are applied to an invoice.
Invoicesattachments The attachments resource for a payables invoice is used to manage attachments that the user has attached to the invoice header.
InvoicesavailablePrepayments The available prepayments resource is used to view the available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.
InvoicesinvoiceGdf The payables invoices global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice.
InvoicesinvoiceInstallmentsinvoiceInstallmentDff The payables invoice installments descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice installment.
InvoicesinvoiceInstallmentsinvoiceInstallmentGdf The payables invoice installments descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice installment.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionDff The payables invoice distributions descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice distribution.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionGdf The payables invoice distributions global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice distribution.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionProjectDff The payables invoice distribution project descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the project information for an invoice distribution.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceLineDff The payables invoice lines descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice line.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceLineGdf The payables invoice lines descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice line.
InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceLineProjectDff The payables invoice line project descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the project information for an invoice line.
LedgersLOV The ledgers list of values resource is used to view information on defined ledgers including primary, secondary, reporting currencies and average balancing enabled ledgers.
LegalEntitiesLOV The legal entities list of values resource is used to view information on defined legal entities. A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by legislation.
LegalJurisdictionsLOV The legal jurisdictions list of values resource is used to view information on defined legal jurisdictions. A legal jurisdiction serves as a geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.
LegalReportingUnitsLOV The legal reporting units list of values resource is used to view information about defined legal reporting units. A legal reporting unit represents the lowest level component of a legal structure that requires registration, and is used for reporting, such as statutory and tax.
MemoLinesLOV The Receivables memo lines list of values resource is used to view valid memo lines.
PartyFiscalClassifications The party fiscal classifications resource is used to query, update, and create party fiscal classifications.
PartyFiscalClassificationsfiscalClassificationTypeTaxRegimeAssociations The fiscal classification type tax regime association resource is used to query, update, and create party fiscal classifications for purposes of assigning the appropriate tax regime to a specific party fiscal classification.
PartyTaxProfiles The party tax profiles resource is used to query and update party tax profiles.
PayablesOptions The payables options resource is used to manage the details about the parameters and defaults for operating the Payables application. The resource contains information such as the ledger, the functional currency of the ledger, and the defaults such as payment terms. This resource also contains information to determine default values that cascade down to the invoice entry.
PayablesPaymentTerms The payables payment terms resource is used to manage the details about payment terms that's used in computing the installments that are due to the supplier.
PayablesPaymentTermspayablesPaymentTermsLines The payables payment terms lines resource is used to manage the details about payment term lines that assist in determining the installment amount and the due date of each installment.
PayablesPaymentTermspayablesPaymentTermsSets The payables payment terms sets resource is used to manage the details about payments terms associated to the reference data set.
PayablesPaymentTermspayablesPaymentTermsTranslations The payables payment terms translations resource is used to manage the details about payments terms and the languages that the contents of the columns are translated in the supported languages.
PayablesTaxReportingEntities The payables tax reporting entities resource is used to manage details about the reporting entities that are required for 1099 reporting.
PayablesTaxReportingEntitiespayablesTaxReportingEntityLine The payables tax reporting entity lines resource is used to manage details about the tax reporting of entity lines. A reporting entity may be defined with a single balancing segment line for each organization or with multiple lines to combine 1099 reporting for the entire organizations.
PayeeBankAccountsLOV The payee bank account list of values resource is used to query payee bank accounts.
PaymentsExternalPayees The payments external payees resource is used to view, create, and modify an external payee.
PaymentsExternalPayeesexternalPartyPaymentMethods The external party payment methods resource is used to view, create, and modify payment methods assigned to supplier payees.
PaymentTermsLOV The Receivables payment terms list of values resource is used to view valid payment terms.
PreferredCurrenciesLOV The preferred currencies list of values resource is used to view user preferred currencies.
ReceiptMethodAssignments The receipt method assignments resource is used to assign a new receipt method to a customer account or site, and to find, update, and delete existing receipt methods of a customer account or site.
ReceivablesAdjustments The receivables adjustments resource is used to reduce or increase the value of a transaction. You can perform an adjustment against an invoice, debit memo, and credit memo, and against any of these parts of the transaction: Charges, Freight, Invoice (transaction header), Line, Tax.
ReceivablesAdjustmentsreceivablesAdjustmentDFF The receivables adjustments descriptive flexfields resource is used to get the descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice adjustment.
ReceivablesBusinessUnitsLOV The Receivables business units list of values resource is used to view valid business units.
ReceivablesCreditMemosattachments The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes The note objects resource is used to view the note objects.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoDFF The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoDistributions The receivables credit memo distributions resource is used to create, get, and find distributions associated with the credit memo.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoDistributionsreceivablesCreditMemoDistributionDFF The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Distributions/Receivables Credit Memo Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoGdf The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Global Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLines The receivables credit memo lines resource is used to get and find the lines of a credit memo.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLinesattachments The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLinesreceivablesCreditMemoLineDFF The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLinesreceivablesCreditMemoLineGdf The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Global Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLinesreceivablesCreditMemoLineTaxLines The receivables credit memo line tax lines resource is used to create, get, and find the tax lines of a credit memo line.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoLinesreceivablesCreditMemoLineTransactionDFF The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCreditMemosreceivablesCreditMemoTransactionDFF The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivities The resource that provides details of a customer and its associated accounts. Customer transaction details are captured in the child resources.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiescreditMemoApplications The resource that provides details of credit memo applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiescreditMemoApplicationscreditMemoApplicationDFF The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiescreditMemos The resource that provides details of credit memos created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. It includes standard and on account credit memos.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiesstandardReceiptApplications The resource that provides details of standard receipt applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiesstandardReceiptApplicationsstandardReceiptApplicationDFF The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiesstandardReceipts The resource that provides details of standard receipts created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiestransactionAdjustments The resource that provides details of adjustments created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiestransactionPaymentSchedules The resource that provides details of payment schedules for transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountActivitiestransactionsPaidByOtherCustomers The transactions paid by other customers resource provides details of receipt applications for transactions that are paid on behalf of the customer account.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities The resource that provides details of a customer, and the associated accounts and billing sites. Transactional details are captured in the child resources.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiescreditMemoApplications The resource that provides details of credit memo applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiescreditMemoApplicationscreditMemoApplicationDFF The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiescreditMemos The resource that provides details of credit memos created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. It includes standard and on account credit memos.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiesstandardReceiptApplications The resource that provides details of standard receipt applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiesstandardReceiptApplicationsstandardReceiptApplicationDFF The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiesstandardReceipts The resource that provides details of standard receipts created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiestransactionAdjustments The resource that provides details of adjustments created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiestransactionPaymentSchedules The resource that provides details of payment schedules for transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.
ReceivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivitiestransactionsPaidByOtherCustomers The transactions paid by other customers resource provides details of receipt applications for transactions that are paid on behalf of the customer account.
ReceivablesInvoicesattachments The receivables invoice attachments resource is used to create, find, and delete the attachments associated with an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesnotes The receivables invoice notes resource is used to capture, find, and delete the comments, information, or instructions on an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceDFF The receivables invoice descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceDistributions The receivables invoice distributions resource is used to create and get the invoice distributions associated to an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceDistributionsreceivablesInvoiceDistributionDFF The receivables invoice distributions descriptive flexfields resource is used to create and get descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice distribution.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceGdf The receivables invoice global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceInstallments The receivables invoice installments resource is used to edit and get the installments of an invoice. Note: You can update only the InstallmentDueDate and OriginalAmount attributes.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceInstallmentsreceivablesInvoiceInstallmentGDF The receivables invoice installment global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice installments.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceInstallmentsreceivablesInvoiceInstallmentNotes The receivables invoice installment notes resource is used to create and find comments, information, or instructions on an invoice installment.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines The receivables invoice lines resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the lines of an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLinesattachments The receivables invoice attachments resource is used to create, find, and delete the attachments associated with an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLinesreceivablesInvoiceLineDFF The receivables invoice line descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLinesreceivablesInvoiceLineGdf The receivables invoice line global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLinesreceivablesInvoiceLineTaxLines The receivables invoice line tax lines resource is used to create and get tax lines on an invoice.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLinesreceivablesInvoiceLineTransactionDFF The receivables invoice line transaction descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the transaction descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceTransactionDFF The receivables invoice transaction descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the transaction descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
StandardReceiptsattachments The attachments resource is used to add one or more attachments to a standard receipt.
StandardReceiptsremittanceReferences The remittance references resource is used to add one or more remittance references to a standard receipt.
StandardReceiptsstandardReceiptDFF The standard receipts DFF resource is used to add one or more descriptive flexfield values to a standard receipt.
StandardReceiptsstandardReceiptGdf The standard receipts GDF resource is used to add one or more global descriptive flexfield values to a standard receipt.
TaxAuthorityProfiles The tax authority profiles resource is used to query tax authority profiles.
TaxClassifications The tax classifications resource is used to query existing tax classifications.
TaxExemptions The tax exemptions resource is used to query, update, and create tax exemptions.
TaxPayerIdentifiers The taxpayer identifiers resource is used to query, update, and create taxpayer identifiers.
ThirdPartyFiscalClassifications The third-party fiscal classifications resource contains details of the association between third parties, such as supplier or customer, and their fiscal classifications.
ThirdPartySiteFiscalClassifications The third-party site fiscal classifications resource contains details about the association between third-party sites, such as supplier site or customer site, and their fiscal classifications.
ThirdPartySiteTaxReportingCodeAssociations The third-party site tax reporting code associations resource contains details of the association between third party sites and the reporting codes.
ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations The third-party tax reporting code associations resource contains details of the association between third parties and the reporting codes.
TransactionSourcesLOV The Receivables transaction sources list of values resource is used to view valid transaction sources.
TransactionTaxLines The transaction tax lines resource is used to get, insert, and update a manual tax line.
TransactionTypesLOV The Receivables transaction types list of values resource is used to view valid transaction types.
ValueSets ValueSets
ValueSetsvalidationTable ValueSetsvalidationTable
ValueSetsValues ValueSetsvalues
WithholdingTaxLines The withholding tax lines resource is used to view, create and update a withholding tax line.
WorkflowUsers The workflow users resource is used to view the users associated with the workflow.

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Build 24.0.9111