Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The third-party tax reporting code associations resource contains details of the association between third parties and the reporting codes.


Name Type Description
ReportingCodeAssocId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the association of the third party and the reporting code.
PartyNumber String The identifying number of the third party.
TaxReportingTypeCode String The reporting type code.
ReportingCodeCharValue String Alphanumeric value of the reporting code.
ReportingCodeDateValue Date Date value of the reporting code.
ReportingCodeNumericValue Long Numeric value of the reporting code.
EffectiveFrom Date The effective start date for the association of the third party and the reporting code.
EffectiveTo Date The effective end date for the association of the third party and the reporting code.
PartyName String PartyName of ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations
PartyTaxProfileId Long PartyTaxProfileId of ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations
BPartyNumber String BPartyNumber of ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations
BPartyTaxProfileId Long BPartyTaxProfileId of ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations
Finder String Finder of ThirdPartyTaxReportingCodeAssociations

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Build 24.0.9111