Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The payables invoice distributions resource is used to manage details that are used to create accounting entries, and includes information, such as accounting date, distribution combinations, and the details necessary for integration with applications, such as Oracle Fusion Assets.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API to process some of the filters having queryable=true in metadata. The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [Cdata].[Financials].[InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions] WHERE InvoiceDistributionId = 10003


Create an InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistribution.

You need to provide InvoicesUniqId instead of InvoicesInvoiceId and InvoicelinesUniqId instead of InvoicelinesLineNumber, to insert the record.

INSERT into [Cdata].[Financials].[invoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions](InvoicesUniqId,InvoicelinesUniqId,DistributionLineNumber,DistributionCombination,DistributionAmount,DistributionLineType) values (132432,'132432,10',46,'101.10.60230.462',3.25,'Item')


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses InvoicesUniqId instead of InvoicesInvoiceId, InvoicelinesUniqId instead of InvoicelinesLineNumber and InvoiceDistributionUniqId instead of InvoiceDistributionId as a path parameter in the URL to update the record.

If you want to update a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Financials].[invoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions] set Description='adsw' where InvoicelinesUniqId='1324325,45' and InvoicesUniqId=13243 and InvoiceDistributionUniqId=300000294882

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use InvoicelinesLineNumber instead of InvoicelinesUniqId, InvoiceDistributionId instead of InvoiceDistributionUniqId and InvoicesInvoiceId instead of InvoicesUniqId. You can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Financials].[invoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions] set Description='adsw' where InvoicesInvocieId=1324325 and Description='asw'

Note : Update on aggregates are not allowed by API, use the child tables to add/update/delete aggregates.


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses InvoicesUniqId instead of InvoicesInvoiceId, InvoicelinesUniqId instead of InvoicelinesLineNumber and InvoiceDistributionUniqId instead of InvoiceDistributionId as a path parameter in the URL to delete the record.

If you want to delete a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can delete the record in the following way:

Delete from [Cdata].[Financials].[invoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions] where InvoicesUniqId=132432 and InvoicelinesUniqId='1324325,46' and InvoiceDistributionUniqId=300000294882

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use InvoicelinesLineNumber instead of InvoicelinesUniqId, InvoiceDistributionId instead of InvoiceDistributionUniqId and InvoicesInvoiceId instead of InvoicesUniqId. You can delete the record in the following way:

Delete from [Cdata].[Financials].[invoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions] where InvoicelinesLineNumber=46 and Description='asdw' 


Name Type ReadOnly Description
InvoicesInvoiceId [KEY] Long True

InvoicesInvoiceId of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

InvoicesUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of invoicesInvoiceId.

InvoicelinesLineNumber [KEY] Int True

InvoicelinesLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

InvoicelinesUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of invoicelinesLineNumber.

InvoiceDistributionId [KEY] Long True

InvoiceDistributionId of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

InvoiceDistributionUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of InvoiceDistributionId

DistributionLineNumber Long False

The line number associated with the invoice distribution. The value must be provided while creating an invoice distribution and cannot be updated once the invoice distribution is created.

DistributionLineType String False

The type of invoice line. The value must be provided while creating an invoice distribution. The valid values are Item, Freight and Miscellaneous. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE and can be reviewed using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Payables Lookups task.

IncomeTaxType String False

The payments of type 1099 made to a supplier. A 1099 supplier may receive payments of more than one type. The value can either be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line.

AccountingStatus String True

AccountingStatus of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

MatchedStatus String True

MatchedStatus of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

ValidationStatus String False

The option that indicates whether an invoice has passed validation and all invoice holds have been released. The default value is set to Not Validated.

AccountingDate Date False

The date when the invoice distribution is to be accounted. The value can either be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line.

DistributionAmount Decimal False

The amount on invoice distribution. The value must be provided while creating an invoice distribution.

AssetBook String False

The asset book candidate for transfer to Oracle Fusion Assets.

DistributionCombination String False

The accounting flexfield for account associated with a distribution. The value can be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line.

TrackAsAssetFlag Bool False

Indicates if the item should be transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets. The value can either be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from parent invoice line or populated by default to true if an asset account is provided in the distribution combination. If the value is true, then it indicates that the item should be transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets.

BaseAmount Decimal True

BaseAmount of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

CanceledFlag Bool False

Indicates whether an invoice distribution is canceled. The default value is false. If the value if true, then it indicates the invoice distribution is canceled.

Description String False

The description of the invoice description. The value can be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line.

IncomeTaxRegion String False

The reporting region for invoice line for 1099 supplier. The value can be provided while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line.

ReversedFlag Bool False

Indicates whether a distribution is part of a reversal pair. The default value is false. If the value if true, then it indicates the distribution is part of a reversal pair.

InvoicedQuantity Decimal True

InvoicedQuantity of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

UOM String True

UOM of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

UnitPrice Decimal True

UnitPrice of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PurchaseOrderDistributionLineNumber Decimal True

PurchaseOrderDistributionLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PurchaseOrderNumber String True

PurchaseOrderNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PurchaseOrderLineNumber Decimal True

PurchaseOrderLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PurchaseOrderScheduleLineNumber Decimal True

PurchaseOrderScheduleLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

ReceiptNumber String True

ReceiptNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

ReceiptLineNumber Long True

ReceiptLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

ConsumptionAdviceNumber String True

ConsumptionAdviceNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

ConsumptionAdviceLineNumber Decimal True

ConsumptionAdviceLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

AssociatedItemDistributionLineNumber String True

AssociatedItemDistributionLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

FinalMatchFlag Bool True

FinalMatchFlag of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

MultiperiodAccountingStartDate Date False

The multiperiod accounting start date on the invoice distribution.

MultiperiodAccountingEndDate Date False

The multiperiod accounting end date on the invoice distribution.

MultiperiodAccountingAccrualAccount String False

The accrual account used in multiperiod accounting to accrue deferred expenses.

TaxRegimeName String True

TaxRegimeName of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

TaxName String True

TaxName of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

TaxRecoverable String True

TaxRecoverable of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

TaxRate String True

TaxRate of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

TaxRateName String True

TaxRateName of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

TaxType String True

TaxType of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

IntendedUse String False

A tax driver used to determine and calculate the applicable taxes. The value can either be provided while creating an invoice line or populated by default from source document or from the respective entity setup. When passing the attribute value in the payload, ensure that you are passing a value for the intended use code attribute as well.

IntendedUseCode String False

The user-entered intended use code that helps to uniquely identify an intended use.

CreatedBy String True

CreatedBy of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

CreationDate Datetime True

CreationDate of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

LastUpdatedBy String True

LastUpdatedBy of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

LastUpdateDate Datetime True

LastUpdateDate of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

LastUpdateLogin String True

LastUpdateLogin of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PrepaymentNumber String True

PrepaymentNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PrepaymentLineNumber String True

PrepaymentLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PrepaymentDistributionLineNumber String True

PrepaymentDistributionLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

PrepaymentAvailableAmount Decimal False

The amount of the prepayment that can still be applied to an invoice.

ChargeApplicableToDistId Long True

ChargeApplicableToDistId of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

AllocationLineNumber Int True

AllocationLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

AllocationDistributionLineNumber Long True

AllocationDistributionLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

BudgetDate Date False

Budgetary Calendar Period Date applicable for funds check.

FundsStatus String True

FundsStatus of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions

Finder String True


InvoiceId Long True


CUReferenceNumber Int False

Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.

EffectiveDate Date True

This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111