Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The transaction tax lines resource is used to get, insert, and update a manual tax line.


Name Type Description
TaxLineId [KEY] Long TaxLineId of TransactionTaxLines
TrxId Long TrxId of TransactionTaxLines
TrxLineId Long TrxLineId of TransactionTaxLines
TrxLineNumber Long TrxLineNumber of TransactionTaxLines
TaxLineNumber Int TaxLineNumber of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRateName String TaxRateName of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRateId Long TaxRateId of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRateCode String TaxRateCode of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRate Decimal TaxRate of TransactionTaxLines
TaxAmount Decimal TaxAmount of TransactionTaxLines
TaxableAmount Decimal TaxableAmount of TransactionTaxLines
UnroundedTaxAmount Decimal UnroundedTaxAmount of TransactionTaxLines
UnroundedTaxableAmount Decimal UnroundedTaxableAmount of TransactionTaxLines
Cancelled String Cancelled of TransactionTaxLines
TaxAmountIncluded String TaxAmountIncluded of TransactionTaxLines
SelfAssessed String SelfAssessed of TransactionTaxLines
TaxOnlyLine String TaxOnlyLine of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRegimeCode String TaxRegimeCode of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRegimeId Long TaxRegimeId of TransactionTaxLines
Tax String Tax of TransactionTaxLines
TaxId Long TaxId of TransactionTaxLines
TaxJurisdictionCode String TaxJurisdictionCode of TransactionTaxLines
TaxJurisdictionId Long TaxJurisdictionId of TransactionTaxLines
TaxStatusCode String TaxStatusCode of TransactionTaxLines
TaxStatusId Long TaxStatusId of TransactionTaxLines
WhtTaxClassificationCode String WhtTaxClassificationCode of TransactionTaxLines
ExemptCertificateNumber String ExemptCertificateNumber of TransactionTaxLines
TaxPointBasis String TaxPointBasis of TransactionTaxLines
TaxPointDate Date TaxPointDate of TransactionTaxLines
PlaceOfSupplyTypeCode String PlaceOfSupplyTypeCode of TransactionTaxLines
TrxLevelType String TrxLevelType of TransactionTaxLines
InternalOrganizationId Long InternalOrganizationId of TransactionTaxLines
ApplicationId Long ApplicationId of TransactionTaxLines
EntityCode String EntityCode of TransactionTaxLines
EventClassCode String EventClassCode of TransactionTaxLines
WhtGroupId Long WhtGroupId of TransactionTaxLines
TrxNumber String TrxNumber of TransactionTaxLines
TaxJurisdictionName String TaxJurisdictionName of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRegimeName String TaxRegimeName of TransactionTaxLines
TaxStatusName String TaxStatusName of TransactionTaxLines
SummaryTaxLineId Long SummaryTaxLineId of TransactionTaxLines
LineAmount Decimal LineAmount of TransactionTaxLines
TaxDetermineDate Date TaxDetermineDate of TransactionTaxLines
TaxDate Date TaxDate of TransactionTaxLines
TaxRateType String TaxRateType of TransactionTaxLines
ContentOwnerId Long ContentOwnerId of TransactionTaxLines
Finder String Finder of TransactionTaxLines

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Build 24.0.9111