Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The receivables invoice notes resource is used to capture, find, and delete the comments, information, or instructions on an invoice.


Name Type Description
ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId [KEY] Long ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
NoteId [KEY] Long NoteId of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
SourceObjectCode String The code indicating the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata. Possible values are Activities, Opportunities, and Sales Business Plan.
SourceObjectId String The unique identifier of the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata. Examples are Activities and Opportunities.
PartyName String PartyName of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
NoteTxt String The text of the note on the invoice.
NoteTypeCode String The code for categorization of the note type. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup NoteSourceTypeVA.
VisibilityCode String The visibility level of the note, such as Private, Internal, or External. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup NoteVisibilityLookupVA.
CreatorPartyId Long The unique identifier of the party who created the note.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
PartyId Long PartyId of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
CorpCurrencyCode String The corporate currency code of the note associated with the contact.
CurcyConvRateType String The currency conversion rate type associated with the note.
CurrencyCode String The currency code associated with the note.
ContactRelationshipId Long The unique identifier of the relationship populated when the note is associated with a contact.
ParentNoteId Long The unique identifier of the parent note.
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
LastUpdateLogin String LastUpdateLogin of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
EmailAddress String EmailAddress of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
FormattedPhoneNumber String FormattedPhoneNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
UpdateFlag Bool UpdateFlag of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
DeleteFlag Bool DeleteFlag of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
NoteNumber String The alternate unique identifier of the note. A user key that's system generated or from an external system.
NoteTitle String The title of the note entered by the user.
AccountingDate Date AccountingDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
AllowCompletion String AllowCompletion of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
BillingDate Date BillingDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
BillToCustomerName String BillToCustomerName of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
BillToCustomerNumber String BillToCustomerNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
BillToSite String BillToSite of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
BusinessUnit String BusinessUnit of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
CrossReference String CrossReference of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
CustomerTransactionId Long CustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
DocumentNumber Long DocumentNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
DueDate Date DueDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
Finder String Finder of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
FirstPartyTaxRegistration String FirstPartyTaxRegistration of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
InvoiceCurrencyCode String InvoiceCurrencyCode of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
InvoiceStatus String InvoiceStatus of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
LegalEntityIdentifier String LegalEntityIdentifier of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
PaymentTerms String PaymentTerms of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
PurchaseOrder String PurchaseOrder of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
ShipToCustomerName String ShipToCustomerName of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
ShipToSite String ShipToSite of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
ThirdPartyTaxRegistration String ThirdPartyTaxRegistration of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
TransactionDate Date TransactionDate of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
TransactionNumber String TransactionNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
TransactionSource String TransactionSource of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes
TransactionType String TransactionType of ReceivablesInvoicesnotes

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Build 24.0.9111