Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The ledgers list of values resource is used to view information on defined ledgers including primary, secondary, reporting currencies and average balancing enabled ledgers.


Name Type Description
AccountedPeriodType String AccountedPeriodType of LedgersLOV
ChartOfAccountsId Long ChartOfAccountsId of LedgersLOV
Description String Description of LedgersLOV
EnableBudgetaryControlFlag Bool EnableBudgetaryControlFlag of LedgersLOV
LedgerCategoryCode String LedgerCategoryCode of LedgersLOV
LedgerId [KEY] Long LedgerId of LedgersLOV
Name String Name of LedgersLOV
LedgerTypeCode String LedgerTypeCode of LedgersLOV
PeriodSetName String PeriodSetName of LedgersLOV
SequencingModeCode String SequencingModeCode of LedgersLOV
ApDocumentSequencingOptionFlag Bool ApDocumentSequencingOptionFlag of LedgersLOV
ArDocumentSequencingOptionFlag Bool ArDocumentSequencingOptionFlag of LedgersLOV
EnfSequenceDateCorrelationCode String EnfSequenceDateCorrelationCode of LedgersLOV
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode of LedgersLOV
BindAccessSetId Long BindAccessSetId of LedgersLOV
BindDefaultPeriodName String BindDefaultPeriodName of LedgersLOV
Finder String Finder of LedgersLOV
SearchTerm String SearchTerm of LedgersLOV

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Build 24.0.9111