Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The party tax profiles resource is used to query and update party tax profiles.


Name Type Description
PartyTypeCode String The party type code of the party tax profile.
PartyName String The party name for which the party tax profile is defined.
PartyNumber String The party number for which the party tax profile is defined.
PartySiteNumber String The party site number for which the party tax profile is defined.
RoundingLevelCode String The rounding level code associated with a party tax profile.
RoundingRuleCode String The rounding rule code associated with a party tax profile.
InclusiveTaxFlag Bool Indicates whether the party tax profile has been configured to allow inclusive tax calculation. The default value is NO.
TaxClassificationCode String The tax classification code associated with a party tax profile.
CustomerFlag Bool Indicates whether this party tax profile is for a customer. Valid values are Y or N.
SiteFlag Bool Indicates whether this party tax profile is for a customer site or supplier site. Valid values are Y or N.
SupplierFlag Bool Indicates whether this party tax profile is for a supplier. Valid values are Y or N.
AllowOffsetTaxFlag Bool Indicates if a party tax profile has been configured to allow withholding tax calculation. The default value is NO.
AllowZeroAmountWhtInvoiceFlag Bool Indicates if a party tax profile has been configured to allow offset tax calculation. The default value is NO.
CountryCode String The country in the party address for which the party tax profile is defined.
EffectiveFromUseLe Date The date when the party tax profile starts being effective.
PartyId Long Unique identifier of the party for which the party tax profile is defined.
ProcessForApplicabilityFlag Bool Indicates whether the party tax profile definition is taken into account during tax applicability determination. The default value is YES.
RegistrationTypeCode String The registration type code associated with a party tax profile.
RepresentativeRegistrationNumber String The registration number associated with a party tax profile.
UseLeAsSubscriberFlag Bool Indicates whether a business unit party tax profile will be configured to use the subscription of the associated legal entity for transaction tax determination purposes. The default value is NO.
WhtDateBasis String The date when the withholding tax basis determination begins.
WhtRoundingLevelCode String The withholding rounding level code associated with a party tax profile.
WhtRoundingRuleCode String The withholding rounding rule code associated with a party tax profile.
WhtUseLeAsSubscriberFlag Bool Indicates whether a business unit party tax profile will be configured to use the subscription of the associated legal entity for transaction tax determination purposes. The default value is NO.
PartyTaxProfileId [KEY] Long The system-generated unique identifier of the party tax profile.
TaxGrossNetFlagCode String Indicates whether the tax and withholding are calculated on the net amount or the gross amount (that is, without deducting the retainage amount from the line amount) for Payables retainage invoices. The default value is Net.
BPartyId Long BPartyId of PartyTaxProfiles
BPartyTypeCode String BPartyTypeCode of PartyTaxProfiles
Finder String Finder of PartyTaxProfiles

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Build 24.0.9111