Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The interim payables documents resource is used to view, create, and modify an interim payables document for validation and payment processing.


Name Type Description
InvoiceExternalSupplierSiteIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the invoice external supplier.
ObjectVersionNumber Int ObjectVersionNumber of InterimDocumentsPayables
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceFive String Document unique reference five of the calling application.
InvoiceExternalPayeePartyIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the invoice external payee party.
PayeePartyIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the payee party.
OrganizationIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the organization.
InvoicingLegalEntityIdentifier String Unique identifier of the invoicing legal entity.
RelationshipIdentifier Long The unique identifier of the relationship between payee and supplier that sends the invoice.
RemittanceMessageThree String Remittance message three of the interim payables document.
BankAssignedReferenceCode String The bank assigned reference code.
PaymentFunction String Code that indicates the function or purpose of the payment. Valid values are present in the IBY_PAYMENT_FUNCTIONS lookup. Values include SUPPLIER_PAYMENT, CUSTOMER_REFUNDS, and so on.
PaymentAmount Decimal The amount of the payment.
PaymentProfileIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the payment profile.
DeliveryChannelCode String Code that indicates the delivery channel.
InvoiceExternalPayeeIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the invoice external payee.
ExclusivePaymentFlag Bool Indicates whether a payment is exclusive.
ExternalBankAccountIdentifier Long Unique identifier of an external bank account.
AnticipatedValueDate Date The anticipated value date.
DocumentDescription String Description of the document.
DiscountDate Date The computed date of the discount.
PaymentFormatCode String Code that indicates the payment format.
InterestRate Decimal The rate of interest.
InvoiceExternalPayeePartySiteIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the invoice external payee party site.
InvoicingOrganizationType String Indicates the type of the invoicing organization.
PaymentDueDate Date Date when payment is due.
DocumentDate Date Date when the document was created.
PaymentCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the payment currency.
PaymentProcessTransactionTypeCode String Code that indicates the payment process transaction code.
PaymentReasonCode String Code that indicates the reason for payment.
LegalEntityIdentifier Decimal Unique identifier of the legal entity.
AmountWithheld Decimal The amount withheld in a transaction.
PaymentCurrencyDiscountTaken Decimal The discount taken in the payment currency.
DoumentSequenceIdentifer Decimal Indicates the type of the document.
CallingApplicationDocumentReferenceNumberOne String Reference number one of the calling application document.
RemitToLocationIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the remit-to location.
PayeePartySiteIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the payee party site.
AllowRemovingDocumentFlag Bool Indicates whether document removal is allowed.
DocumentType String Value of the document sequence.
RemittanceMessageOne String Remittance message one of the interim payables document.
SupplierSiteIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the supplier site.
InternalBankAccountIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the internal bank account.
DocumentAmount Decimal The amount specified in the document.
OrganizationType String Indicates the type of the organization.
DocumentCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the document currency.
PaymentGroupingNumber Long The payment grouping number.
BankChargeAmount Decimal Calculated bank charges amount.
DocumentCurrencyPaymentAmount Decimal The amount to be paid in document currency.
PaymentDate Date Date when payment was made.
DocumentCurrencyTaxAmount Decimal The tax amount in the document currency.
DocumentSequenceValue Decimal Unique identifier of the document sequence.
PaymentReasonComments String Comments regarding the payment reason.
CallingApplicationIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the calling application.
PaymentMethodCode String Code that indicates the payment method.
PaymentCurrencyBankCharges Long The bank charges in the payment currency.
CallingApplicationDocumentReferenceNumber Long Reference number of the calling application document.
DocumentCurrencyChargeAmount Decimal The charge amount in the document currency.
SettlementPriority String Indicates the priority for executing a payment.
ProcessType String Indicates the type of process.
InvoicingOrganizationIdentifier Long Unique identifier of the invoicing organization.
BankChargeBearer String Bearer of the bank charge.
RemittanceMessageTwo String Remittance message two of the interim payables document.
DocumentCategoryCode String Code that indicates the document category.
UniqueRemittanceIdentifierCheckDigit String The check digit that validates the unique remittance identifier.
UniqueRemittanceIdentifier String Unique identifier of the remittance provided by the payee.
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceFour String Document unique reference four of the calling application.
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceThree String Document unique reference three of the calling application.
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceTwo String Document unique reference two of the calling application.
GlobalAttributeOne String Attribute one of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeTen String Attribute ten of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeEleven String Attribute eleven of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeTwelve String Attribute twelve of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeThirteen String Attribute thirteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeFourteen String Attribute fourteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeFifteen String Attribute fifteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeSixteen String Attribute sixteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeSeventeen String Attribute seventeen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeEighteen String Attribute eighteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeTwo String Attribute two of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeTwenty String Attribute twenty of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeThree String Attribute three of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeFour String Attribute four of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeFive String Attribute five of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeSix String Attribute six of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeSeven String Attribute seven of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeEight String Attribute eight of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNine String Attribute nine of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeCategory String Category that the global attribute belongs to.
GlobalAttributeDateOne Date Document one of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeDateTwo Date Document two of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeDateThree Date Document three of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeDateFour Date Document four of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeDateFive Date Document five of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNumberOne Decimal Numeric attribute one of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNumberTwo Decimal Numeric attribute two of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNumberThree Decimal Numeric attribute three of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNumberFour Decimal Numeric attribute four of the global descriptive flexfield.
GlobalAttributeNumberFive Decimal Numeric attribute five of the global descriptive flexfield.
AttributeOne String Attribute one of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTen String Attribute ten of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeEleven String Attribute eleven of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTwelve String Attribute twelve of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeThirteen String Attribute thirteen of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeFourteen String Attribute fourteen of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeFifteen String Attribute fifteen of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTwo String Attribute two of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeThree String Attribute three of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeFour String Attribute four of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeFive String Attribute five of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeSix String Attribute six of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeSeven String Attribute seven of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeEight String Attribute eight of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNine String Attribute nine of the user descriptive flexfield.
AttributeCategory String Category that the attribute belongs to.
ValidationErrorMessage String ValidationErrorMessage of InterimDocumentsPayables
ValidationSuccessIndicator String ValidationSuccessIndicator of InterimDocumentsPayables
PurchaseOrderNumber String The purchase order number.
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceOne String Document unique reference one of the calling application.
DocumentPayableId [KEY] Long Finds the document payable data that matches the primary key criteria specified.
GlobalAttributeNinteen String Attribute nineteen of the global descriptive flexfield.
PayGroupCode String Code that indicates the category that suppliers or invoices belong to. Valid values are Employees, Merchandise, Non-Merchandise, Government, Domestic, and International.
Finder String Finder of InterimDocumentsPayables

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Build 24.0.9111