Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The customer account sites list of values resource is used to view the details of a customer account site.


Name Type Description
CustomerName String CustomerName of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
AccountNumber String AccountNumber of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
AccountDescription String AccountDescription of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
TaxpayerIdentificationNumber String TaxpayerIdentificationNumber of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
TaxRegistrationNumber String TaxRegistrationNumber of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
CustomerAccountId Long CustomerAccountId of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
PartyNumber String PartyNumber of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
SiteName String SiteName of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
PrimarySite String PrimarySite of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
SiteUseId [KEY] Long SiteUseId of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
SetName String SetName of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
Finder String Finder of CustomerAccountSitesLOV
SitePurpose String SitePurpose of CustomerAccountSitesLOV

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Build 24.0.9111