Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The receivables credit memos resource is used to get and find a receivables credit memo.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerTransactionId [KEY] Long False

The unique identifier of the credit memo.

CustomerTransactionUniqId [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the credit memo. Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of CustomerTransactionId

TransactionNumber String False

The number that identifies the credit memo.

TransactionDate Date False

The date when the credit memo was created.

CreatedBy String True

The user who created the record.

CreationDate Datetime True

The date and time when the record was created.

LastUpdatedBy String True

The user who last updated the record.

LastUpdateDate Datetime True

The date and time when the record was last updated.

CreditMemoCurrency String False

The code that identifies the entered currency of the credit memo.

BusinessUnit String False

The business unit under which the credit memo is created. A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or more business functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy.

TransactionType String False

The transaction type assigned to the credit memo.

TransactionSource String False

The transaction source assigned to the credit memo.

AccountingDate Date False

The accounting date assigned to the credit memo.

LegalEntityIdentifier String False

The unique identifier of the legal entity under which the credit memo is created. A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by legislation.

CreditReason String False

The reason the credit memo was created or applied to a transaction.

BillToCustomerNumber String False

The account number of the bill-to customer assigned to the credit memo.

BillToSite String False

The number that identifies the bill-to customer site assigned to the credit memo.

BillToCustomerName String False

The name of the bill-to customer assigned to the credit memo.

EnteredAmount Decimal True

The original credit memo amount in the entered currency.

DocumentNumber Long False

The document sequence number assigned to the credit memo.

CrossReference String False

The reference field default value from the transaction source assigned to the credit memo. The reference field default value is the source document used to identify transactions created using the transaction source.

CustomerReference String False

The document that provides additional information about the credit memo.

CustomerReferenceDate Date False

The date when the customer requested the credit memo.

BillingDate Date False

The balance forward bill date, if the credit memo belongs to a balance forward bill.

PurchaseOrder String False

The purchase order number assigned to the credit memo.

SpecialInstructions String False

The special instructions that accompany the credit memo.

CreditMemoComments String False

The user comments that accompany the credit memo.

DefaultTaxationCountry String False

The country where the credit memo transaction takes place for tax purposes.

FreightShipDate Date False

The date when the items on the credit memo were shipped.

Carrier String False

The name of the shipping vendor.

FreightShippingReference String False

The waybill reference on the credit memo.

FreightFOB String False

The location where ownership of goods or services is transferred from seller to buyer.

ConversionRateType String False

The grouping of conversion rates between currencies, used to automatically populate a specific rate to the credit memo transaction or transaction line according to business requirements. Valid values are Spot, Corporate, User, and Fixed.

ConversionRate Decimal False

The rate used to convert a foreign currency credit memo transaction amount to the ledger currency.

ConversionRateDate Date False

The date used to derive a currency conversion rate.

FirstPartyRegistrationNumber String False

The tax registration number of the deploying company.

ThirdPartyRegistrationNumber String False

The tax registration number of the bill-to customer.

ShipToCustomerName String False

The name of the customer who receives the goods or services billed.

ShipToCustomerNumber String False

The account number of the ship-to customer assigned to the credit memo.

ShipToCustomerSite String False

The number that identifies the ship-to customer site assigned to the credit memo.

FreightCreditAmount String False

The freight amount credited by the credit memo.

PrimarySalesperson String False

The number that identifies the primary salesperson on the credit memo.

Intercompany String False

The option used to identify the credit memo as an intercompany transaction.

TransactionBalanceDue Decimal True

The balance due on the credit memo.

DeliveryMethod String True

The method used to print and deliver credit memo transactions. Valid values are E-Mail, Paper, and XML.

PrintStatus String True

The status that indicates whether a transaction was printed.

PrintDate Date True

Date when the credit memo was printed.

GenerateBill String False

The option that indicates whether to print the credit memo.

DocumentFiscalClassifcation String True

The classification for tax purposes of credit memo transactions that require special documentation to accompany the transaction, as designated by a tax authority.

PayingCustomerName String False

The name of the customer who paid for the goods or services on the credit memo.

PayingCustomerSite String False

The number that identifies the paying customer site assigned to the credit memo.

PayingCustomerAccount String False

The account number of the paying customer assigned to the credit memo.

BillToContact String False

The contact details of the bill-to customer.

ShipToContact String False

The contact details of the ship-to customer.

SoldToPartyNumber String False

The unique number to identify the sold-to customer on the credit memo.

PurchaseOrderDate Date False

The date of the purchase order.

CreditMemoStatus String False

The value that indicates the level of completion of the credit memo. Valid values are Complete, Incomplete, and Frozen.

InternalNotes String False

The user-defined internal notes that accompany the credit memo.

PurchaseOrderRevision String False

The revision number for the purchase order.

StructuredPaymentReference String False

An industry standard reference on Receivables transactions composed of letters, check digits, and transaction information, used to identify the transaction and its payments to the customer and bank.

AllowCompletion String False

Indicates whether the transaction is reviewed and can be allowed to complete. Valid value to allow completion is Y.

ControlCompletionReason String False

Reason that determines transaction completion.

RecipientEmail String False

Email address of the customer contact who receives printed transactions.

receivablesCreditMemoTransactionDFF String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

notes String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

receivablesCreditMemoDistributions String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

receivablesCreditMemoDFF String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

receivablesCreditMemoGdf String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

receivablesCreditMemoLines String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

BindAccountingDate Date True


BindAllowCompletion String True


BindBillToCustomer String True


BindBillToCustomerNumber String True


BindBillToSite String True


BindBusinessUnit String True


BindCreditMemoCurrency String True


BindCreditMemoStatus String True


BindCrossReference String True


BindDeliveryMethod String True


BindDocumentNumber Long True


BindIntercompany String True


BindPrimarySalesperson String True


BindPrintStatus String True


BindPurchaseOrder String True


BindShipToCustomerName String True


BindShipToSite String True


BindTransactionDate Date True


BindTransactionNumber String True


BindTransactionSource String True


BindTransactionType String True


Finder String True


Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111