Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The cash advance resource is used to manage all employee cash advances, which includes creation, update, deletion, and selection.


Name Type Description
AdjustedAmount Decimal Amount specified by an auditor during an audit.
AdvanceStatus String Status of the cash advance. References lookup type EXM_CASH_ADVANCE_STATUS.
Amount Decimal Amount of a cash advance.
AssignmentId Long Value that uniquely identifies the assignment of the person requesting a cash advance.
BusinessUnit String Business unit associated with the cash advance.
CashAdvanceId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a cash advance.
CashAdvanceNumber String Number used to identify a cash advance.
CashAdvanceType String Type of cash advance. The default value for CashAdvanceType is TRAVEL. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EXM_CASH_ADVANCE_TYPE.
CreatedBy String User who created the row.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the row was created.
Currency String Currency of the cash advance.
CurrencyCode String Code that indicates the currency of the cash advance.
EmployeeNumber String Employee number of the person requesting the cash advance.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate used for payment to the employee.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin String Session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the row.
Location String Location of the upcoming trip.
PaymentAmount Decimal Cash advance amount paid to the employee.
PaymentCurrency String Currency of the payment to the employee.
PaymentCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the payment currency of a cash advance.
PaymentMethodCode String Code that indicates the payment method of a cash advance.
PersonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person requesting the cash advance.
PersonName String Name of the person requesting the cash advance.
Purpose String Purpose of the cash advance.
SettlementDate Date Date when the cash advance should be applied to an expense report.
StatusCode String Code that indicates the status of the cash advance.
SubmittedDate Date Date when the cash advance was submitted.
TripEndDate Date Date when the trip ends for which a cash advance was requested.
TripId Long Value that uniquely identifies a trip.
TripStartDate Date Date when the trip starts for which a cash advance was requested.
UnappliedAmount Decimal Outstanding cash advance balance that remains to be applied to expense reports.
Description String Description of the cash advance.
SequoiaAdvanceStatus String The status of the sequoia advance associated with the cash advance.
SequoiaStatusCode String Code that indicates the sequoia status associated with the cash advance.
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111