The payables invoice distributions descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice distribution.
Name | Type | Description |
InvoicesInvoiceId [KEY] | Long | InvoicesInvoiceId of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionDff |
InvoicelinesLineNumber [KEY] | Int | InvoicelinesLineNumber of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionDff |
InvoicedistributionsInvoiceDistributionId [KEY] | Long | InvoicedistributionsInvoiceDistributionId of InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributionsinvoiceDistributionDff |
InvoiceDistributionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the invoice distribution to which the descriptive flexfield is associated. |
_FLEX_Context | String | The descriptive flexfield context name for the invoice distribution. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | The descriptive flexfield context display value for the invoice distribution. |
Finder | String | finder |
InvoiceId | Long | invoiceid |
CUReferenceNumber | Int | Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables. |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |