Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The payables invoices descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API to process some of the filters having queryable=true in metadata. The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [Cdata].[Financials].[InvoicesinvoiceDff] WHERE InvoiceId = 10003


Create an InvoicesinvoiceDff.

You need to provide InvoicesUniqId, instead of InvoicesInvoiceId, to insert the invoiceDff.

INSERT into [Cdata].[Financials].[InvoicesinvoiceDff](InvoicesUniqId,[__FLEX_Context_DisplayValue],[__FLEX_Context]) values (45,'My Group 2','My Group 2')


The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses InvoicesUniqId instead of InvoicesInvoiceId and InvoiceUniqId instead of InvoiceId as a path parameter in the URL to update the record.

If you want to update a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Financials].[InvoicesinvoiceDff]  set MyDescription='asdw' where InvoiceUniqId=45 and InvoicesUniqId=45;

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use InvoiceId instead of InvoiceUniqId and InvoicesInvoiceId instead of InvoicesUniqId. You can update the record in the following way:

Update [Cdata].[Financials].[InvoicesinvoiceDff]  set MyDescription='asdw' where InvoicesInvoiceId=45 and MyDescription='aaaa'

Note : Update on aggregates are not allowed by API, use the child tables to add/update/delete aggregates.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
InvoicesInvoiceId [KEY] Long True

InvoicesInvoiceId of InvoicesinvoiceDff

InvoicesUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value for insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of invoicesInvoiceId.

InvoiceId [KEY] Long False

The unique identifier for the invoice to which the descriptive flexfield is associated.

InvoiceUniqId [KEY] String True

Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of InvoiceId

MyDescription String False

MyDescription of InvoicesinvoiceDff

MyDate Date False

MyDate of InvoicesinvoiceDff

DsComments String False

DsComments of InvoicesinvoiceDff

_FLEX_Context String False

The descriptive flexfield context name for the invoice.

_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String False

The descriptive flexfield context display value for the invoice.

Finder String True


CUReferenceNumber Int False

Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.

EffectiveDate Date True

This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111