Payment Connector

Version 22.0.8285

Payment Connector

The Payment Connector supports sending electronic payment information to one of several popular Payment Processing Gateways.


Payment Processing Gateways allow for implementing electronic payments within CData Arc. The Payment Connector packages payment data (credit card number, amount, etc) into a secure web request and sends it to one of 5 available Payment Gateways to process the payment:

  • Authorize.NET
  • Stripe
  • Cyber Source
  • Chase Paymentech Orbital
  • Payeezy

Once a Gateway is configured, the settings of the connector can be configured with the values that are used in all transactions sent to the Gateway (e.g. merchant credentials). Values that are specific to a particular transaction (e.g. Credit Card data, payment amount, etc) are passed in to the connector via an input XML file. To ensure the appropriate XML is processed by the connector, it is strongly recommended to use the XML Map Connector as the previous step in the Flow. More information can be found in the Use with the XML Map Connector section.

Connector Configuration

This section contains all of the configurable connector properties.

Settings Tab


Settings related to the core configuration of the connector. Some settings are only available when a particular Gateway is set.

  • Connector Id The static name of the connector. All connector-specific files are held in a folder by the same name within the Data Directory.
  • Connector Description An optional field to provide free-form description of the connector and its role in the flow.
  • コネクタId The static name of the connector. All connector-specific files are held in a folder by the same name within the Data Directory.
  • コネクタの説明 An optional field to provide free-form description of the connector and its role in the flow.
  • Gateway The Payment Processing Gateway to which payment information will be sent. The Gateway is in charge of processing the credit card and performing the secure transaction. The remaining settings in the 設定 section will update depending on the value set here.
  • マーチャントログイン A credential required when the Authorize.NET, Cyber Source, Chase Orbital, or Payeezy Gateway is set.
  • マーチャントパスワード A credential required when the Authorize.NET, Cyber Source, Chase Orbital, or Payeezy Gateway is set.
  • API キー A credential required when the Stripe Gateway is set.
  • 通貨コード A required parameter when the Stripe, Cyber Source, Chase Orbital, or Payeezy Gateway is set.
  • 検証 Whether the connector should perform basic validation on the Credit Card information to prevent basic errors like an invalid Credit Card number or an expiration date that has already elapsed.Note that this validation is generic, and does not make more advanced checks like ensuring that the Credit Card information fits a valid payment profile.
  • テストモード Whether the payment should be processed as a test, meaning no funds are actually transferred during a successful processing.
  • Orbital 接続のユーザー名 A credential required when the Chase Orbital Gateway is set.
  • Orbital 接続のパスワード A credential required when the Chase Orbital Gateway is set.
  • HMAC キー A credential required when the Payeezy Gateway is set.
  • FDMS Key ID A credential required when the Payeezy Gateway is set.


Settings related to the allocation of resources to the connector.

  • Max Workers The maximum number of worker threads that will be consumed from the threadpool to process files on this connector. If set, overrides the default setting from the Profile tab.
  • Max Files The maximum number of files that will be processed by the connector each time worker threads are assigned to the connector. If set, overrides the default setting from the Profile tab.

Other Settings

Settings not included in the previous categories.

  • Gateway URL The connector will automatically determine the target URL based on the configured Gateway, but this setting can be used to override the URL in rare cases where this is necessary.
  • ローカルファイルスキーム A filemask for determining local file names as they are downloaded by the connector. The following macros may be used to reference contextual information:
    %ConnectorId%, %Filename%, %FilenameNoExt%, %Ext%, %ShortDate%, %LongDate%, %RegexFilename:%, %DateFormat:%.
    As an example: %FilenameNoExt%_%ShortDate%%Ext%
  • メッセージをログ Whether the log entry for a processed file will include a copy of the file itself.
  • Sent フォルダに保存 Whether files processed by the connector should be copied to the Sent folder for the connector.
  • 最初の証明書番号 The invoice number to use when processing the first payment; successive payments will increment the invoice number to keep each payment unique. More information on invoice numbers can be found in the Invoice Numbers section.


Settings for specific use cases.

  • Other Settings Allows configuration of hidden connector settings in a semicolon-separated list, like setting1=value1;setting2=value2. Normal connector use cases and functionality should not require use of these settings.

Automation Tab

Automation Settings

Settings related to the automatic processing of files by the connector.

  • 送信 Whether files arriving at the connector will automatically be uploaded.
  • 再試行間隔 The amount of time before a failed upload is retried.
  • Max Attempts The maximum number of times the connector will process the input file. Success is measured based on a successful server acknowledgement. If this is set to 0, the connect will retry the file indefinitely.

Establishing a Connection

The Payment Connector handles the details of establishing a secure connection with the target Gateway. Gateways have a standard HTTPS URL to which payment request data is sent, and the Payment Connector automatically uses the appropriate URL according to the connector settings. For rare cases where the target URL needs to be overwritten, the Gateway URL field in the Advanced tab can be used to specify a custom URL.


Payment Gateways use HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS) to securely receive payment information. The Payment Connector handles the encryption of Credit Card data with SSL/TLS automatically so that the data is not vulnerable while in transit, and only the Payment Gateway can decrypt and process the data. Thus, as soon as any sensitive data has left CData Arc it is already protected by encryption.

While Credit Card data remains within an CData Arc Flow, encryption is not guaranteed. Connectors such as the PGP Connector can be used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data, but since CData Arc holds application data in files on disk, access to the file system on the machine hosting CData Arc may mean access to the payment data. As such, it is recommended to host CData Arc in a secure network to ensure that data inside the CData Arc Flow is not vulnerable to outside attackers.

Use with the XML Map Connector

When an XML Map Connector is connected to a Payment Connector in an Arc Flow, the デスティネーションテンプレート dropdown for the XML Map Connector will automatically update to include a model of the XML required to submit valid payment data (make sure that the connections/changes in the Flow are saved via the blue save icon in the bottom right of the Flows page).

This automatic template detection simplifies the process of turning source data into an input file that the Payment Connector will accept. The XML Map Connector provides a drag-and-drop interface to map data from source XML onto the fields required by the Payment Connector. Flows that involve the Payment Connector will typically include an XML Map Connector as the prior step in the Flow.

Since the XML Map Connector requires that source files are XML, it may be necessary to convert source data into XML as a prior step in the Flow. For example, if the data for the payment comes from an EDI file, then a typical Flow configuration would involve an EDI connector (e.g. an X12 Connector or an EDIFACT Connector) that is linked to an XML Map Connector that is linked to the Payment Connector. The XML Map Connector is used to map between the EDI data and the required payment data.

Invoice Number

Payments processed by a Payment Gateway are typically associated with a particular invoice. The Payment Connector can both read invoice numbers from input files and generate auto-incrementing invoice numbers.

The Payment Connector looks for an invoice number in two places in input files (in order):

  • A message header called x-invoice-number
  • An XML element called InvoiceNumber

If the input file does not have a value specified in this header or this XML element, then the Payment Connector will generate an invoice number. Invoice numbers generated by the connector start at the value specified in the 最初の証明書番号 field in the Advanced tab, and auto-increment for each successive payment.