
Version 22.0.8473


Version 22.0.8473

Describe the specified Excel worksheet.


  • sheet:The name of the Excel worksheet.


  • version:The version of Excel you are using. The allowed values are ‘AUTO, 95, 97-2003, 2007’.デフォルト値はAUTO です。
  • file:The path to the Excel workbook.
  • handle:The handle for the Excel file.
  • headerlocation:Location of the column headers.デフォルト値はNONE です。
  • headernames:Comma-delimited list of column or row headers that you want to use (for example, firstName, lastName).
  • recalculate:If true, recalculate the formulas and save the results before returning values.デフォルト値はTRUE です。
  • Ignorecalcerror:If ignorecalcerror is set to True any errors that occur due to formula calculation will be ignored.この場合、式の結果は信頼できない可能性がありますが、他のデータは正確です。デフォルト値はfalse です。
  • logfile:The log file used to log any errors that occurred during the calculation.
  • typedetectionscheme:The scheme to detect the data type.
  • rowScandepth:The row scan depth.

Output Attributes

  • *:Dependent on the content of the sheet and the range specified.
  • meta:row:The index of the row in the Excel document.