JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111




CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM ビュー

Name Description
ActiveLocators The Active Locators resource manages inventory locators that the warehouse can use to fulfill the item and meet transaction type requirements.
ActiveSubinventories The Active Subinventories resource manages subinventories that the warehouse can use to fulfill the item and meet the transaction type requirements.
AsnLinesForReceiving The ASN Lines for Receiving resource manages the lines of the advanced shipment notice that are available to receive.
AsnsForReceiving The ASNs for Receiving resource manages the advanced shipment notices that are available to receive.
CostAdjustments Adjustment of the cost for an individual item receipt or the item's perpetual average cost. A cost adjustment can be perpetual, receipt, or layer. To achieve better performance while creating a perpetual average item cost adjustment, you need to create and enable the profile option CST_ADJ_REST_IGNORE_QTY_ONHAND in the cost management application. With this profile option, the REST process ignores on-hand calculations while creating adjustments.
CostAdjustmentsAdjustmentDetail Adjustment cost at cost-element level for a receipt or an item.
CycleCountDefinitions The Cycle Count Definitions resource manages the cycle count definitions.
CycleCountDefinitionscountCategories The Categories resource manages the item categories that the warehouse can use in the cycle count.
CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems The Category Items resource manages the category items that the warehouse can use in the cycle count.
CycleCountDefinitionscountClasses The Classes resource manages the count classes that the warehouse can use in the cycle count.
CycleCountDefinitionscountItems The Items resource manages the items that the warehouse can use in the cycle count.
CycleCountDefinitionscountSubinventories The Subinventories resource manages the subinventories that the warehouse can use with the cycle count.
CycleCountDefinitionsDFF The Flexfields for Cycle Count Definitions resource manages the details about cycle counts.
CycleCountSequenceDetails The Cycle Count Sequence Details resource manages details for the cycle count sequences.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsDFF The Flexfields for Cycle Count Sequence Details manages details of the descriptive flexfields that reference the cycle count sequence.
CycleCountSequenceDetailshistory The History resource manages details for the history of cycle count sequences.
CycleCountSequenceDetailshistoryhistorySerials The History Serials resource manages details for the history serials of cycle count sequences.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsinventoryAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Tracking Attributes resource manages details of the descriptive flexfields that reference the cycle count sequence.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsserials The Serials resource manages details for the serials of cycle count sequences.
Finders Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues FlexFndPvsCharacterValues
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues
InboundShipments The Inbound Shipments resource manages the receiving inbound shipments. It allows the user to query and display the shipment header, lines, lot, serial, attachments, and packing unit information. It includes the descriptive flexfield information for the shipment header and lines. It also allows update of certain shipment header and line attributes.
InboundShipmentsshipmentHeaderDFFs The Flexfields for Shipment Headers resource gets the descriptive flexfields for the information corresponding to the inbound shipment header. It includes global segments, context, and context sensitive segments.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLines The Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipment lines for a specific shipment header.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesattachments The Attachments resource gets the details about the documents that the user attached to the shipment line.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesinventoryStripingDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Striping Attributes resource manages the inventory striping attributes that the descriptive flexfield references associated with a inbound shipment line. Inventory striping (inventory tracking) attributes are a set of named attributes (project, task, and country of origin) as well as user-configurable attributes, which when specified as part of the receipt or receiving transaction, are used to track the inventory on hand.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLineslots The Lots resource gets the lot information for a specific inbound shipment line.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLineslotslotSerials The Serials for Lots resource displays the serial numbers shipped for a specific lot. Applies when both the lot and the serial control the shipped item.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinespackingUnits The Packing Units resource gets the packing unit hierarchy for a specific inbound shipment line. Each row in the result displays the packing unit and the parent packing unit.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesserials The Serials resource gets the serial numbers shipped for a specific inbound shipment line. Applies when only the serial controls the shipped item and is not lot controlled.
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesshipmentLineDFFs The Flexfields for Shipment Lines resource gets the descriptive flexfields for the information corresponding to the inbound shipment line. It includes global segments, context, and context sensitive segments.
InspectionStatuses The Inspection Statuses resource manages the inspection status values.
InterfacedPickTransactions The Interfaced Pick Transactions resource helps you receive data from Warehouse Management System (WMS) or third-party logistics (3PL) system after pick confirmation is completed at WMS or 3PL systems.You can create, update, and delete interfaced pick transactions, and capture one or all interfaced pick transactions.
InterfacedPickTransactionsDFF The Flexfields for interfaed Pick Transactions resource manages the descriptive flexfields defined for an interfaed pick transaction.
InterfacedPickTransactionslots The Lots resource manages the lots of an interfaced pick transaction.
InterfacedPickTransactionslotslotSerials The Lot Serials resource manages the serials for a lot of an interfaed pick transaction when an item is both lot and serial-controlled.
InterfacedPickTransactionsserials The Serials resource manages the serials of an interfaed pick transaction for a serial-controlled item.
InterfacedPickTransactionstrackingAttributesDFF The Tracking Attributes resource manages the inventory tracking attribute associated with the interfaed pick transaction. This resource is associated with a feature that requires an opt in.
InTransitReceiptLots The In-transit Receipt Lots resource manages the lot numbers for items while receiving shipment lines are in transit.
InTransitReceiptSerials The In-transit Receipt Serials resource manages the serial numbers that reference items when receiving shipment lines that are in transit.
InTransitShipmentLines The In-transit Shipment Lines resource manages the shipment lines that are in transit and that are available to receive.
InTransitShipments The In-transit Shipments resource manages the shipments that are in transit and that are available to receive.
InventoryAccountAliases The Inventory Account Aliases resource manages the aliases for the active inventory account. An account alias is an alternate name for the account number that the general ledger references. You can use it to more easily identify an account when performing a transaction.
InventoryCompletedTransactions The Completed Transactions in Inventory resource allows the warehouse manager to view inventory transactions that the application successfully processed.
InventoryCompletedTransactionsdFFs The Flexfields resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the transaction.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslots The Lots in Completed Transactions resource gets lot details for inventory transactions when the item is under lot control. The details include lot, parent lot, quantity, grade, expiration action, maturity date, and so on.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies lot attributes. Use this resource only when the item is under lot control.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerials The Serials in Lots in Completed Transactions resource gets serial details for inventory transactions when the item is under both lot and serial control. The details include serial number, and so on.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies serial attributes. Use this resource only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies serials. Use this resource only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lots resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies lots. Use this resource only when the item is under lot control.
InventoryCompletedTransactionsprojectCostDFFs The Flexfields for Project Costing resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify the project costing attributes.
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserials The Serials in Completed Transactions resource gets serial details for inventory transactions when the item is under serial control. The details include serial number, and so on.
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies serial attributes. Use this resource only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modifies serials. Use this resource only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryConsumptionAdvices The Inventory Consumption Advices resource gets the existing consumption advice details for a supplier, or a legal entity.
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLines The Consumption Advice Lines resource gets the line level details like item, organization, and purchase order details for a consumption advice.
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceLots The Consumption Advice Lots resource gets the lot-level details like lot number and transaction quantity for items in the consumption advice line.
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceLotsconsumptionAdviceLotsAndSerials The Consumption Advice Lots And Serials resource gets the lot-serial details for items in the consumption advice line.
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceSerials The Consumption Advice Serials resource gets the serial numbers for items in the consumption advice line.
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceTransactions The Consumption Advice Transactions resource gets the transaction details like transaction quantity and transaction type at the line level.
InventoryItemLots The Inventory Item Lots resource manages lot numbers for items in an organization.
InventoryItemLotslotAttributeDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfield information for lot attributes.
InventoryItemLotslotStandardDFF The Flexfields for Lots resource manages the descriptive flexfield information for maintaining lot numbers.
InventoryItemSerialNumbers The Inventory Item Serial Numbers resource manages the current serial numbers for items in organizations.
InventoryItemSerialNumbersinventoryAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfield information for inventory attributes associated with the serial numbers. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
InventoryItemSerialNumbersserialAttributeDFF The Flexfields for Serial Number Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfield information for serial number attributes.
InventoryItemSerialNumbersserialStandardDFF The Flexfields for Serial Numbers resource manages the descriptive flexfield information for serial numbers.
InventoryMovementRequests The Inventory Movement Requests resource manages movement requests. A movement request is a transaction of the type Requisition, Replenishment, Pick Wave, and Shop Floor.
InventoryMovementRequestsDFF The Flexfields resource stores the descriptive flexfields associated with movement requests.
InventoryMovementRequestslines The Lines for Inventory Movement Requests resource manages lines for movement requests.
InventoryMovementRequestslinesDFF The Flexfields for Lines resource stores the descriptive flexfields associated with lines for movement requests.
InventoryMovementRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Striping Attributes resource manages the details of the inventory striping attributes that the descriptive flexfield references associated with a movement request line. Inventory striping (inventory tracking) attributes are a set of named attributes (project and task) as well as user-configurable attributes, which when specified as part of the movement request line, are used to track the inventory on hand. Movement request lines are not supported for the country of origin attribute.
InventoryMovementRequestslinesprojectDFF The Flexfields for Projects resource stores the project flexfields associated with lines for movement requests.
InventoryOnhandBalances The Inventory On-Hand Balances resource gets the summary of the on-hand quantities at different levels, such as Organization, Subinventory, and Locator.
InventoryOnhandBalancesinventoryTrackingAttributes The Inventory Tracking Attributes resource gets the details of the primary on-hand quantity, consigned quantity for specific inventory project, inventory task, and country of origin. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslots The Lots resource gets the lot numbers associated with an inventory balance record for a lot-controlled item.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotsinventoryTrackingAttributes The Inventory Tracking Attributes for Lots resource gets the details of the primary on-hand quantity, consigned quantity for specific inventory project, inventory task, and country of origin. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify lot attributes. This resource is used only when the item is under lot control.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerials The Lot Serials resource gets the serial numbers associated with an inventory balance record for a lot-serial controlled item.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Serial Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify lot serial attributes. This resource is used only when the item is under both lot and serial control.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Serials resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify lot serials. This resource is used only when the item is under both lot and serial control.
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lots resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify lots. This resource is used only when the item is under lot control.
InventoryOnhandBalancesserials The Serials resource gets the serial numbers associated with an inventory balance record for a serial-controlled item.
InventoryOnhandBalancesserialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify serial attributes. This resource is used only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryOnhandBalancesserialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the descriptive flexfields that modify serials. This resource is used only when the item is under serial control.
InventoryOwningPartySites The Inventory Owning Party Sites resource manages details about the owning party site.
InventoryReplenishRequests The Replenish Inventory Requests resource manages the replenish request group.
InventoryReplenishRequestsreplenishRequestLines The Request Lines resource manages the replenish request lines.
InventoryReplenishRequestsreplenishRequestLinesreplenishRequestLineDFFs The Flexfields resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the replenish request.
InventoryReservations The Inventory Reservations resource manages reservation details for an item, such as inventory location details, supply document details, or demand document details in the primary and secondary units of measure.
InventoryReservationsserials The Serials resource manages serial numbers for reservations that reserve the on-hand supply. You can use it to create, read, update, or delete serials for a reservation.
InventoryStagedTransactions The Inventory Staged Transactions resource helps you manage staged inventory transactions. You can create, update, and delete staged transactions, and capture one or all staged transactions. This REST resource supports Online, Background, and Concurrent transaction modes.
InventoryStagedTransactionscosts The Costs resource manages the costs associated with the inventory staged transaction.
InventoryStagedTransactionsdFFs The Flexfields for Inventory Staged Transactions resource manages the descriptive flexfields defined for the transaction.
InventoryStagedTransactionslots The Lots resource manages the lots of a staged inventory transaction.
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the lot attributes descriptive flexfields for a lot controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerials The Lot Serials resource manages the serials for a lot of a staged inventory transaction when an item is both lot and serial controlled.
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the serial attributes descriptive flexfields for a serial controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the serial descriptive flexfields for a serial controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lots resource manages the lot descriptive flexfields for a lot controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionsprojectCostingDFFs The Project Cost Details resource manages the project cost elements associated with the inventory staged transaction.
InventoryStagedTransactionsserials The Serials resource manages the serials of a staged inventory transaction for a serial controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionsserialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the serial attributes descriptive flexfields for a serial controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionsserialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the serial descriptive flexfields for a serial controlled item.
InventoryStagedTransactionstrackingAttributesDFF The Tracking Attributes resource manages the inventory tracking attribute associated with the inventory staged transaction. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
InventoryTransactionAccounts The Inventory Transaction Accounts resource manages the account numbers from the general ledger that costs the inventory transactions.
InventoryTransactionReasons The Inventory Transaction Reasons resource manages the inventory transaction reasons that are currently active. A transaction reason allows you to classify or explain the reason for a transaction. You can use them with different types of item transactions.
InventoryTransactionTypes The Inventory Transaction Types resource manages the inventory transaction types that are active. A transaction type is a combination of a transaction source type and a transaction action. You can use it to classify a transaction for reporting and querying purposes.
InvoiceMatchingReceiptQuantityTransactions The Invoice Matching Receipt Quantity Transactions resource retrieves matching quantities for accounts payable invoice lines based on single or multiple transaction IDs.
IssueLots The Issue Lots resource manages the lot numbers to use when performing an issue or subinventory transfer for an inventory organization, item, subinventory, locator, or lot combination.
IssueSerials The Issue Serials resource manages the serial numbers that are available and that you can use to perform an issue or subinventory transfer for an inventory organization, item, subinventory, locator, or lot combination.
ItemCosts The cost of an inventory item specific to a cost organization and cost book for items that use the perpetual average cost method. To achieve better performance, use the appropriate finders with the filter parameters cost organization, cost book, and item. In addition, for further improvement in performance, you need to create and enable the profile option CST_ADJ_REST_IGNORE_QTY_ONHAND in the cost management application. With this profile option, the REST process ignores on-hand calculations and returns the cost.
ItemCostscostDetails The perpetual average cost at cost-element level for an inventory item in a cost organization and cost book.
LinesToCorrect The Lines to Correct resource manages the received lines that are available for correction.
LinesToCorrectmanufacturerParts The Manufacturer Parts resource manages the manufacturer parts associated with a receipt line.
LinesToInspect The Lines to Inspect resource manages the received lines that require inspection.
LinesToInspectmanufacturerParts The Manufacturer Parts resource manages the manufacturer parts associated with a receipt line.
LinesToReceive The Lines to Receive resource retrieves expected shipment lines that can be received. These lines can be of different types: purchase order, transfer order, return material authorization, or inventory.
LinesToReceivemanufacturerParts The Manufacturer Parts resource manages the manufacturer parts associated with a receipt line.
LinesToReturn The Lines to Return resource manages the received lines that are available to return.
LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts The Manufacturer Parts resource manages the manufacturer parts associated with a receipt line.
LocatorCombinationsLOV The Locator Combinations List of Values resource provides details related to locators created for subinventories.
OnhandQuantityDetails The On-hand Quantity Details resource manages details about the on-hand quantity in the primary UOM or secondary UOM. You can query for various quantities, such as on-hand, receiving, inbound, reserved, or consigned.
OnhandQuantityDetailsConsignedQuantityDetails The Consigned Quantity Details resource uses information about the item and inventory location that you provide to get details about the consigned quantities in the primary UOM or secondary UOM.
OnhandQuantityDetailsInboundQuantityDetails The Inbound Quantity Details resource uses information about the item and inventory location that you provide to get details about the inbound quantities in the primary UOM or secondary UOM.
OpenPickLines The Open Pick Lines resource manages details about open picks, such as pick slip number, quantities, locator information, and inventory control details, such as lot numbers and serial numbers.
OpenPickLinesDFFs The Flexfields for Pick Lines resource manages descriptive flexfields for the pick slip line.
OpenPickLinesinventoryAttributesDFFs The Flexfields for Inventory Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for inventory attributes. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
OpenPickLinesitemLots The Lot Details resource manages lot details for the item picked.
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerials The Serial Details for Lots resource manages details about the serial when the lot controls the picked item. Use this resource when the lot controls the item.
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serials That Control Items and Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for serial attributes. Use it when a serial controls the item or the lot.
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials That Control Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for serials. Use it when a serial controls the lot.
OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for the lot attribute.
OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for the lot.
OpenPickLinesitemSerials The Serial Details resource manages details about the serial that controls the picked item. Use this resource when the serial controls the item.
OpenPickLinesitemSerialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for the serial attribute. Use it when a serial controls the item.
OpenPickLinesitemSerialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages descriptive flexfields for the serial. Use it when a serial controls the item.
OpenPickLinesprojectCostDFFs The Flexfields for Project Costs resource manages descriptive flexfields for project cost.
PackingUnits The Packing Units resource manages the operations on packing units.
PackingUnitsattachments The Attachments resource manages the attachments associated with the packing unit resource.
PackingUnitscontents The Contents resource manages the operations on packing unit contents.
PackingUnitscontentsserials The Serials resource manages the operations on serials.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits The Nested Packing Units resources manages the operations on nested packing units.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsattachments The Attachments resource manages the attachments associated with the packing unit resource.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitscontents The Contents resource manages the operations on packing unit contents.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitscontentsserials The Serials resource manages the operations on serials.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits The Nested Packing Units resources manages the operations on nested packing units.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnotes The Notes resource gets comments, information, or instructions for packing units.
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitspackingUnitDFFs The Flexfields for Packing Units resource manages the descriptive flexfields for packing units.
PackingUnitsnotes The Notes resource gets comments, information, or instructions for packing units.
PackingUnitspackingUnitDFFs The Flexfields for Packing Units resource manages the descriptive flexfields for packing units.
PickSlipDetails The Pick Slips resource manages the transaction details about confirming the pick, such as pick slip information, quantities, locator information, and inventory control details, such as lot numbers and serial numbers.
PickSlipDetailspickLines The Pick Lines resource manages picking details that describe the line to confirm.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesdffs The Flexfields for Pick Slip Lines resource manages descriptive flexfields for the pick slip line.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesinventoryAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for inventory attributes. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLots The Lot Details resource manages lot details for the item picked.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerials The Serial Details in the Lot resource manages details about the serial when the lot controls the picked item. Use this resource when the lot controls the item.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serials That Control Items and Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for serial attributes. Use it when a serial controls the item or the lot.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials That Control Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for serials. Use it when a serial controls the lot.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for the lot attribute.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Lots resource manages descriptive flexfields for the lot.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerials The Serial Details resource manages details about the serial that controls the picked item. Use this resource when the serial controls the item.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerialsserialAttributeDFFs The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages descriptive flexfields for the serial attribute. Use it when a serial controls the item.
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerialsserialStandardDFFs The Flexfields for Serials resource manages descriptive flexfields for the serial. Use it when a serial controls the item.
PickSlipDetailspickLinespjcDFFs The Flexfields for Project Costs resource manages descriptive flexfields for project cost.
PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving The Purchase Order Lines for Receiving resource manages the purchase orders lines that are available to receive.
PurchaseOrderReceiptSerials The Purchase Order Receipt Serials resource manages the serial numbers that are available to use for receipts.
PurchaseOrderSchedulesForReceiving The Purchase Order Schedules for Receiving resource manages the purchase order schedules that are available to receive.
PurchaseOrdersForReceiving The Purchase Orders for Receiving resource manages the purchase orders that are available to receive.
ReceiptCosts The Receipt Costs resource allows you to search for the receipt and layer transactions that are eligible for adjustment.
ReceiptCostsReceiptCostDetails The Receipt Cost Details resource allows you to view the cost elements and unit costs of the received items.
ReceiptLots The Receipt Lots resource manages the lot numbers that you can use with receipts.
ReceivingCountriesOfOrigin The Receiving Countries of Origin resource manages the countries.
ReceivingParameters The Receiving Parameters resource manages the receiving parameters for the organization.
ReceivingReceiptExpectedShipmentLines The Receiving Receipt Expeced Shipment Lines resource retrieves expected shipment lines that can be received. These lines can be of different types: purchase order, advanced shipment notice, transfer order, return material authorization, or inventory.
ReceivingReceiptRequests The Receiving Receipt Requests resource manages receipts or advance shipment notice (ASN) request headers that are used to communicate with Oracle Fusion applications and process requests. The receipts can be created for all receiving documents, such as purchase orders, return material authorizations (RMAs), transfer orders, and in-transit shipments. Use this resource to interface an ASN or advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) against one or more purchase orders. If there are errors in processing, you can search for the error records and the source application can either make the necessary corrections and resubmit or delete the requests that have resulted in errors.
ReceivingReceiptRequestsattachments The Attachments for Receipt Header Requests resource manages attachments when creating a receipt header request.
ReceivingReceiptRequestsDFF The Flexfields for Receipt Header Request resource manages the details of the receipt header request that the descriptive flexfield references.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslines The Lines resource manages one more receipt line requests or advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests for a header request. A header request comprises of one or more lines. The header groups the lines by a supplier, inventory organization, or a customer. This resource contains information important to creating a receipt or an ASN; for example, item , quantity, order references, receiving organization, location, subinventory, locator, and so on.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNLineAttachments The Attachments for ASN Lines resource manages attachments when creating an advance shipment notice (ASN) line request.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNLineDFF The Flexfields for ASN Line Requests resource manages the details of the advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests that the descriptive flexfield references.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits The Packing Units for the ASNs resource manages details about the packing units which are associated with the advance shipment notice (ASN) or advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) lines.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Striping Attributes resource manages the details of the inventory striping attributes that the descriptive flexfield references associated with a transaction. Inventory striping (inventory tracking) attributes are a set of named attributes (project, task, and country of origin) as well as user-configurable attributes, which when specified as part of the receipt or receiving transaction, are used to track the inventory on hand.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLots The Lots for Lot Items resource manages the lot number information for a line whose item is lot controlled and not serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLotslotAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the details of the lot attributes that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is lot controlled and not serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLotslotNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Lot Numbers resource manages the details of the lot numbers that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is lot controlled and not serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLots The Lots for Lot and Serial Items resource manages the lot number information for a line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the details of the lot attributes that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Lot Numbers resource manages the details of the lot numbers that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerials The Serials for Lot and Serial Items resource manages the serial number information associated with a specific lot for a line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesprocessingErrors The Processing Errors resource gets the details for each error that was encountered while processing a request for advance shipment notice (ASN) creation or receipt creation.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerials The Serials for Serial Items resource manages the serial number information for a line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the details of the serial attributes that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Serials resource manages the details of the serials that the descriptive flexfield references and is associated with a line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinestransactionAttachments The Attachments for Transactions resource manages attachments when creating a receipt line request.
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinestransactionDFF The Flexfields for Receive Transaction Requests resource manages the details of the receive transaction request that the descriptive flexfield references.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequests The Requests for Receiving Transactions resource is used to communicate requests to inspect, put away, correct, and return received goods and services with Oracle Fusion applications and process these requests. These transactions are created after creating a receipt to move the material and for acknowledging services. If there are errors in processing, you can search for the error records. After the search, the source application can either make the necessary corrections and resubmit the request or delete the requests that have resulted in errors.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsattachments The Attachments resource manages attachments when creating a post receipt transaction. The attachments uploaded as part of this correspond to the entity name Receiving Transactions.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsDFF The Flexfields for Receipt Transactions resource manages the information associated with receipt transactions.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsinventoryStripingDFF The Flexfields for Inventory Striping Attributes resource manages the inventory striping attributes that the descriptive flexfield references associated with a transaction. Inventory striping (inventory tracking) attributes are a set of named attributes (project, task, and country of origin) as well as user-configurable attributes, which when specified as part of the receipt or receiving transaction, are used to track the inventory on hand.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLots The Lots for Lot Items resource manages the lot information for a transaction line whose item is lot controlled and not serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLotslotAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the details of the lot attributes and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLotslotNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Lot Numbers resource manages lot numbers and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLots The Lots for Lot and Serial Items resource manages the lot information for a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages the details of the lot attributes and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Lot Numbers resource manages lot numbers and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerials The Serials for Lot and Serial Items resource manages the serial number information associated with a specific lot for a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the details of serial attributes and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Serial Numbers resource manages the details of serial numbers and is associated to a transaction line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsprocessingErrors The Processing Errors resource gets the details for each error that was encountered while processing a request for post receipt transactions.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerials The Serials for Serial Items resource manages the serial number information for a transaction line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages the details of serial attributes and is associated to a transaction line whose item is both lot and serial controlled.
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF The Flexfields for Serial Numbers resource manages the details of serial numbers and is associated to a transaction line whose item is serial controlled and not lot controlled.
ReturnLots The Return Lots resource manages the lot numbers that are available for returning items.
ReturnSerials The Return Serials resource manages the serial numbers that are available and that you can use to return items.
ReturnSerialsForLots The Return Serials for Lots resource manages the serial numbers that are available and that you can use to return the items that a lot references.
RmaLinesForReceiving The RMA Lines for Receiving resource manages the lines of the return material authorization that are available for receiving.
RmaReceiptSerials The RMA Receipt Serials resource manages the serial numbers that are eligible to be received on a return material authorization. When the Enforce Serial Number receiving parameter is disabled, use this resource to know the eligible serial numbers that were shipped as part of the original sales order.
RmaRestrictedLots The RMA Restricted Lots resource manages the lot numbers that are available to receive a return material authorization. When the Enforce Lot Number receiving parameter is enabled, then use this resource to know the eligible lot numbers. The customer specifies these lots on the return material authorization.
RmaRestrictedSerials The RMA Restricted Serials resource manages the serial numbers that are available to receive a return material authorization. When the Enforce Serial Number receiving parameter is enabled, then use this resource to know the eligible serial numbers. The customer specifies these serial numbers on the return material authorization.
RmasForReceiving The RMAs for Receiving resource manages the return material authorizations that are available for receiving.
ShipmentLines The Shipment Lines resource manages shipment lines. You can search for shipment lines by attributes such as organization, order type, line status, order number, and source order number. You can get the shipment line information, which includes details about the related reservations. This shipment line information can be used to submit shipment lines for trade compliance verification.
ShipmentLinesattachments The Attachments for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment line attachments.
ShipmentLinescosts The Costs for Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipping costs for an item.
ShipmentLinescostsDFF The Flexfields for Shipping Costs resource manages details about shipping costs.
ShipmentLineslineDFF The Flexfields for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment lines.
ShipmentLineslotAttributeDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages details about lot attributes.
ShipmentLineslotStandardDFF The Flexfields for Lots resource manages details about lots.
ShipmentLinesnotes The Notes for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment line notes.
ShipmentLinesreservations The Reservations for Shipment Lines resource manages details about the reservations for a shipment line when the supply is not the on-hand quantity.
ShipmentLinesserials The Serials for Shipment Lines resource manages details about serial numbers for items in shipment lines.
ShipmentLinesserialsattributeDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages details about serial attributes for serial numbers.
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbers The Serial Numbers resource manages details about individual serial numbers.
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbersattributeDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages details about serial attributes for serial numbers.
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbersstandardDFF The Flexfields for Serials resource manages details about serial numbers.
ShipmentLinesserialsstandardDFF The Flexfields for Serials resource manages details about serial numbers.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequests The Shipment Line Transaction Requests resource manages shipment lines. You can search for shipment line transaction requests by transaction identifier, shipment line, organization, order number, and many more such attributes. You can get the shipment line transaction request information, which includes the details about the related shipment lines and processing errors, if any. You can create and update the shipment line transaction requests in the interface tables. For example, Oracle Order Management Cloud can send shipment requests for sales order lines using this resource. Another example is, a transportation management application can send requests to create, update, and delete transportation planning information for the shipment lines.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestserrors The Errors resource manages errors encountered while processing a transaction request from the interface to the base tables.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines The Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment lines.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesattachments The Attachments resource manages details about shipment line attachments.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesDFF The Flexfields for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment lines.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLineserrors The Errors resource manages errors encountered while processing an order from the interface to the base tables.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesholds The Holds resource manages details about shipment line holds.
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesnotes The Notes resource manages details about shipment line notes, such as packing instructions and shipping instructions.
Shipments The Shipments resource manages shipments. You can search for shipments by organization, order type, shipment status, order number, source order number, and many more such attributes. You can get the shipment information, which includes details about the related packing units, shipment lines, shipping costs, lots, and serial numbers. This shipment information also serves as shipment advice that can be used for an actual shipment to integrate with source applications, transportation management applications, and trade compliance management applications.
Shipmentsattachments The Attachments for Shipments resource manages details about shipment attachments.
ShipmentsglobalDFF The Global Flexfields for Shipments resource manages details about shipments.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnits The Outer Packing Units resource manages details about the outer packing units of a shipment.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsattachments The Attachments for Packing Units resource manages details about packing unit attachments.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits The Inner Packing Units resource manages details about the packing unit that's packed in an outer packing unit.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitCosts The Packing Unit Costs resource manages details about the shipping costs for a packing unit.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitPackingInstructions The Packing Instructions for Packing Units resource manages details about how to pack a packing unit.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitsDFF The Flexfields for Packing Units resource manages details about packing units.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitShippingInstructions The Shipping Instructions for Packing Units resource manages details about how to ship a packing unit.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLines The Shipment Lines resource manages details about the packed shipment lines.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesattachments The Attachments for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment line attachments.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslinePackingInstructions The Packing Instructions for Shipment Lines resource manages details about how to pack an item.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslineShippingInstructions The Shipping Instructions for Shipment Lines resource manages details about how to ship items.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslotAttributeDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages details about lot attributes for the shipment lines.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslotStandardDFF The Flexfields for Lots resource manages details about lots for shipment lines.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesproratedCosts The Prorated Costs for Shipment Lines resource manages details about prorated costs for shipment lines.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLineCosts The Shipment Line Costs resource manages details about the shipping costs for an item.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLinesDFF The Flexfields for Shipment Lines resource manages details about shipment lines.
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLineSerials The Serials for Shipment Lines resource manages details about serial numbers for items in shipment lines.
ShipmentsshipmentRoutingInstructions The Shipment Routing Instructions resource manages details about the shipping route to use for the shipment.
ShipmentsshipmentsDFF The Flexfields for Shipments resource manages details about shipments.
ShipmentsshipmentShippingMarks The Shipment Shipping Marks resource manages details that describe how to move the package without delay or confusion to the final destination, and to allow personnel to verify cargo against documents.
ShipmentsshippingCosts The Shipping Costs resource manages details about the shipping costs for the shipment.
ShipmentsshippingCostsshippingCostsDFF The Flexfields for Shipping Costs resource manages details about the shipping costs.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLines The Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesattachments The Attachments for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment line attachments.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslinePackingInstructions The Packing Instructions for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about how to pack an item in an unpacked shipment line.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslineShippingInstructions The Shipping Instructions for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about how to ship items in unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslotAttributeDFF The Flexfields for Lot Attributes resource manages details about lot attributes for the unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslotStandardDFF The Flexfields for Lots resource manages details about lots for unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesproratedCosts The Prorated Costs for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about prorated costs for unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineCosts The Shipment Line Costs for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipping costs for an item in unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineCostsshippingCostsDFF The Flexfields for Shipment Line Costs resource manages details about shipment line costs.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLinesDFF The Flexfields for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerials The Serials for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about serial numbers for items in unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsattributeDFF The Flexfields for Serial Attributes resource manages details about serial attributes for the serial numbers.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsserialNumbers The Serial Numbers resource manages details about individual serial numbers for the shipment lines.
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsstandardDFF The Flexfields for Serials resource manages details about serial numbers.
ShipmentTransactionRequests The Shipment Transaction Requests resource manages shipments. You can search for shipment transaction requests by transaction identifier, shipment, shipment line, organization, order number, actual ship date, and many more such attributes. You can get the shipment transaction request information, which includes the details about related shipments, packing units, shipment lines, shipping costs, lots, serial numbers, and processing errors, if any. You can create and update the shipment transaction requests in the interface tables. For example, you can update shipment attributes like actual ship date, ship method, gross weight, and so on. Another example is, a warehouse management application can send the shipment confirmations using this resource.
ShipmentTransactionRequestserrors The Errors resource manages errors that occur when processing a transaction request.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments The Shipments resource manages details about shipments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsattachments The Attachments for Shipments resource manages details about shipment attachments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscosts The Costs for Shipments resource manages details about the shipping costs for shipments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscostsDFF The Flexfields for Costs resource manages details about shipping costs.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscostserrors The Errors for Costs resource manages errors that occur when processing a shipping cost.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentserrors The Errors for Shipments resource manages errors that occur when processing a shipment.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsglobalDFF The Global Flexfields for Shipments resource manages details about shipments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsnotes The Notes for Shipments resource manages details about shipment notes, such as routing instructions and shipping marks.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnits The Outer Packing Units resource manages details about the outer packing units of a shipment.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsattachments The Attachments for Outer Packing Units resource manages details about outer packing unit attachments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitscosts The Costs for Outer Packing Units resource manages details about the shipping costs for outer packing units.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsDFF The Flexfields for Costs resource manages details about shipping costs.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitserrors The Errors for Outer Packing Units resource manages errors that occur when processing an outer packing unit.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits The Inner Packing Units resource manages details about packing units that are packed within a packing unit.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsnotes The Notes for Outer Packing Units resource manages details about outer packing unit notes, such as packing instructions and shipping instructions.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines The Packed Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipment lines that are packed within a packing unit.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsshipmentDFF The Flexfields for Shipments resource manages details about shipments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLines The Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipment lines that are not packed under a packing unit.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesattachments The Attachments for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment line attachments.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinescosts The Costs for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipping costs for unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesDFF The Flexfields for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLineserrors The Errors for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages errors that occur when processing an unpacked shipment line.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLineslots The Lots for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about lot numbers for items under lot control in unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesnotes The Notes for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about unpacked shipment line notes, such as packing instructions and shipping instructions.
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesserials The Serials for Unpacked Shipment Lines resource manages details about serial numbers for items under serial control in unpacked shipment lines.
ShippingCosts The Shipping Costs resource manages shipping costs. You can search for shipping costs by shipping cost type, shipment, packing unit, shipment line, and so on. You can get the shipping cost information, which includes the descriptive flexfields. You can create, update, and delete shipping costs at the desired level: shipment, packing unit, or shipment line.
ShippingCostsDFF The Flexfields for Shipping Costs manages additional details about shipping costs.
ShippingExceptions The Shipping Exceptions resource manages shipping exceptions. You can search for shipping exceptions by exception name, severity, status, shipment, shipment line, and packing unit. You can get the shipping exception information, which includes the descriptive flexfields. You can create and update the shipping exceptions at the desired level: shipment, packing unit, or shipment line.
ShippingExceptionsDFF The Flexfields for Shipping Exceptions manages details about shipping exceptions.
StandardLookupsLOV The standard lookups list of values resource is used to query the list of values of standard lookups, which list the available codes and translated meanings. Standard lookups are defined in the standard lookups view and store lookup codes that support reference data sharing.
SupplyRequests The Supply Requests resource manages the supply requests received from an external application or an Oracle Cloud application to create a supply that will fulfill a specific demand. When the supply requests are processed, the supply creation is initiated in Oracle Cloud supply execution applications.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLines The Supply Order Lines resource manages the supply Information used to track the supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesatpSupply The ATP Supplies resource manages supply information specific to on hand.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesatpSupplyerrorMessages The Error Messages resource manage the messages that indicate errors or exceptions encountered during supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupply The Buy Supplies resource manages supply information specific to purchase orders.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplydistributionDetails The Distribution Details resource manages the distribution details, which include project costing attributes for transfer supplies and buy supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplyerrorMessages The Error Messages resource manage the messages that indicate errors or exceptions encountered during supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplysupplyDocuments The Supply Documents resource manages the details of the execution documents that are generated in the course of supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupply The Make Supplies resource manages supply information specific to work orders.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplydistributionDetails The Distribution Details resource manages the distribution details, which include project costing attributes for transfer supplies and buy supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplyerrorMessages The Error Messages resource manage the messages that indicate errors or exceptions encountered during supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplysupplyDocuments The Supply Documents resource manages the details of the execution documents that are generated in the course of supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupply The Transfer Supplies resource manages supply information specific to transfer orders.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplydistributionDetails The Distribution Details resource manages the distribution details, which include project costing attributes for transfer supplies and buy supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplyerrorMessages The Error Messages resource manage the messages that indicate errors or exceptions encountered during supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplysupplyDocuments The Supply Documents resource manages the details of the execution documents that are generated in the course of supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplytransferSupplyDtlDFF The Transfer Order Line Flexfields on Transfer Supplies resource manages the descriptive flexfield segments and its values specific to a transfer order line on transfer supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines The Supply Request Lines resource manages the demand and supply information associated with a supply request.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinesdistributionDetails The Distribution Details resource manages the distribution details, which include project costing attributes for transfer supplies and buy supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinesdistributionDetailsprojectDFF The Project Flexfields on Distribution Details resource manages the descriptive flexfield segments and their values specific to project costing for transfer supplies and buy supplies.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLineserrorMessages The Error Messages resource manage the messages that indicate errors or exceptions encountered during supply creation and fulfillment.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinessupplyRequestLinesXferDFF The Transfer Order Line Flexfields on Supply Request Lines resource manages the descriptive flexfield segments and its values specific to a transfer order line on supply request lines.
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinestransferCostRequestDetails The Transfer Cost Request Details resource manages the transfer cost information to create a transfer supply, which leads to a transfer order creation.
TransferOrderLinesForReceiving The Transfer Order Lines for Receiving resource manages the transfer order lines that are available for receiving.
TransferOrders The Inventory Transfer Orders resource manages transfer orders.
TransferOrdersForReceiving The Transfer Orders for Receiving resource manages the transfer orders that are available for receiving.
TransferOrderstransferOrderHeaderDFFs The Flexfields for Transfer Order Headers resource stores details for order header attributes in the transfer order.
TransferOrderstransferOrderLines The Transfer Order Lines resource manages order lines in the transfer order.
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributions The Transfer Order Distributions resource manages distributions for the transfer order.
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributionstransferOrderDistributionDFFs The Flexfields for Transfer Order Distributions resource stores details for distribution attributes in the transfer order.
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributionstransferOrderDistributionProjectDFFs The Flexfields for Transfer Order Projects resource stores details for project attributes in the transfer order.
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderLineDFFs The Flexfields for Transfer Order Lines resource stores details for order line attributes in the transfer order.

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