The Shipment Lines resource manages shipment lines. You can search for shipment lines by attributes such as organization, order type, line status, order number, and source order number. You can get the shipment line information, which includes details about the related reservations. This shipment line information can be used to submit shipment lines for trade compliance verification.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentLine [KEY] | Long | ShipmentLine of ShipmentLines |
OrderTypeCode | String | OrderTypeCode of ShipmentLines |
OrderType | String | OrderType of ShipmentLines |
Order | String | Order of ShipmentLines |
OrderLine | String | OrderLine of ShipmentLines |
OrderSchedule | String | OrderSchedule of ShipmentLines |
InventoryItemId | Long | InventoryItemId of ShipmentLines |
Item | String | Item of ShipmentLines |
ItemDescription | String | ItemDescription of ShipmentLines |
Revision | String | Revision of ShipmentLines |
UnitPrice | Long | UnitPrice of ShipmentLines |
SellingPrice | Long | SellingPrice of ShipmentLines |
RequestedQuantity | Decimal | RequestedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
RequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | RequestedQuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
RequestedQuantityUOM | String | RequestedQuantityUOM of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryRequestedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryRequestedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOM | String | SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOM of ShipmentLines |
FOBCode | String | FOBCode of ShipmentLines |
FOB | String | FOB of ShipmentLines |
FreightTermsCode | String | FreightTermsCode of ShipmentLines |
FreightTerms | String | FreightTerms of ShipmentLines |
ShippingPriorityCode | String | ShippingPriorityCode of ShipmentLines |
ShippingPriority | String | ShippingPriority of ShipmentLines |
PreferredGrade | String | PreferredGrade of ShipmentLines |
PreferredGradeName | String | PreferredGradeName of ShipmentLines |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of ShipmentLines |
CurrencyName | String | CurrencyName of ShipmentLines |
ShipmentSet | String | ShipmentSet of ShipmentLines |
ArrivalSet | String | ArrivalSet of ShipmentLines |
CustomerPONumber | String | CustomerPONumber of ShipmentLines |
CustomerItemId | Long | CustomerItemId of ShipmentLines |
CustomerItem | String | CustomerItem of ShipmentLines |
CustomerItemDescription | String | CustomerItemDescription of ShipmentLines |
RequestedDate | Datetime | RequestedDate of ShipmentLines |
ScheduledShipDate | Datetime | ScheduledShipDate of ShipmentLines |
RequestedDateTypeCode | String | RequestedDateTypeCode of ShipmentLines |
RequestedDateType | String | RequestedDateType of ShipmentLines |
ShipToPartyId | Long | ShipToPartyId of ShipmentLines |
ShipToCustomer | String | ShipToCustomer of ShipmentLines |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | ShipToCustomerNumber of ShipmentLines |
ShipToPartySiteId | Long | ShipToPartySiteId of ShipmentLines |
ShipToPartySiteNumber | String | ShipToPartySiteNumber of ShipmentLines |
ShipToContactId | Long | ShipToContactId of ShipmentLines |
ShipToContact | String | ShipToContact of ShipmentLines |
ShipToContactFirstName | String | ShipToContactFirstName of ShipmentLines |
ShipToContactLastName | String | ShipToContactLastName of ShipmentLines |
ShipToContactPhone | String | ShipToContactPhone of ShipmentLines |
ShipToURL | String | ShipToURL of ShipmentLines |
ShipToFax | String | ShipToFax of ShipmentLines |
ShipToEmail | String | ShipToEmail of ShipmentLines |
ShipToLocationId | Long | ShipToLocationId of ShipmentLines |
ShipToLocationType | String | ShipToLocationType of ShipmentLines |
ShipToAddress1 | String | ShipToAddress1 of ShipmentLines |
ShipToAddress2 | String | ShipToAddress2 of ShipmentLines |
ShipToAddress3 | String | ShipToAddress3 of ShipmentLines |
ShipToAddress4 | String | ShipToAddress4 of ShipmentLines |
ShipToCity | String | ShipToCity of ShipmentLines |
ShipToCounty | String | ShipToCounty of ShipmentLines |
ShipToPostalCode | String | ShipToPostalCode of ShipmentLines |
ShipToRegion | String | ShipToRegion of ShipmentLines |
ShipToState | String | ShipToState of ShipmentLines |
ShipToCountry | String | ShipToCountry of ShipmentLines |
SoldToPartyId | Long | SoldToPartyId of ShipmentLines |
SoldToCustomer | String | SoldToCustomer of ShipmentLines |
SoldToCustomerNumber | String | SoldToCustomerNumber of ShipmentLines |
Supplier | String | Supplier of ShipmentLines |
SupplierPartyNumber | String | SupplierPartyNumber of ShipmentLines |
SoldToContactId | Long | SoldToContactId of ShipmentLines |
SoldToContact | String | SoldToContact of ShipmentLines |
SoldToContactFirstName | String | SoldToContactFirstName of ShipmentLines |
SoldToContactLastName | String | SoldToContactLastName of ShipmentLines |
SoldToContactPhone | String | SoldToContactPhone of ShipmentLines |
SoldToURL | String | SoldToURL of ShipmentLines |
SoldToFax | String | SoldToFax of ShipmentLines |
SoldToEmail | String | SoldToEmail of ShipmentLines |
BillToPartyId | Long | BillToPartyId of ShipmentLines |
BillToCustomer | String | BillToCustomer of ShipmentLines |
BillToCustomerNumber | String | BillToCustomerNumber of ShipmentLines |
BillToPartySiteId | Long | BillToPartySiteId of ShipmentLines |
BillToPartySiteNumber | String | BillToPartySiteNumber of ShipmentLines |
BillToContactId | Long | BillToContactId of ShipmentLines |
BillToContact | String | BillToContact of ShipmentLines |
BillToContactFirstName | String | BillToContactFirstName of ShipmentLines |
BillToContactLastName | String | BillToContactLastName of ShipmentLines |
BillToContactPhone | String | BillToContactPhone of ShipmentLines |
BillToURL | String | BillToURL of ShipmentLines |
BillToFax | String | BillToFax of ShipmentLines |
BillToEmail | String | BillToEmail of ShipmentLines |
BillToLocationId | Long | BillToLocationId of ShipmentLines |
BillToAddress1 | String | BillToAddress1 of ShipmentLines |
BillToAddress2 | String | BillToAddress2 of ShipmentLines |
BillToAddress3 | String | BillToAddress3 of ShipmentLines |
BillToAddress4 | String | BillToAddress4 of ShipmentLines |
BillToCity | String | BillToCity of ShipmentLines |
BillToCounty | String | BillToCounty of ShipmentLines |
BillToPostalCode | String | BillToPostalCode of ShipmentLines |
BillToRegion | String | BillToRegion of ShipmentLines |
BillToState | String | BillToState of ShipmentLines |
BillToCountry | String | BillToCountry of ShipmentLines |
Subinventory | String | Subinventory of ShipmentLines |
LocatorId | Long | LocatorId of ShipmentLines |
Locator | String | Locator of ShipmentLines |
ShippedQuantity | Decimal | ShippedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryShippedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryShippedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
NetWeight | Long | NetWeight of ShipmentLines |
GrossWeight | Long | GrossWeight of ShipmentLines |
TareWeight | Decimal | TareWeight of ShipmentLines |
WeightUOMCode | String | WeightUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
WeightUOM | String | WeightUOM of ShipmentLines |
Volume | Long | Volume of ShipmentLines |
VolumeUOMCode | String | VolumeUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
VolumeUOM | String | VolumeUOM of ShipmentLines |
LoadingSequence | Long | LoadingSequence of ShipmentLines |
LotNumber | String | LotNumber of ShipmentLines |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | EndAssemblyItemNumber of ShipmentLines |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of ShipmentLines |
OrganizationCode | String | OrganizationCode of ShipmentLines |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of ShipmentLines |
ParentPackingUnitId | Long | ParentPackingUnitId of ShipmentLines |
ParentPackingUnit | String | ParentPackingUnit of ShipmentLines |
ShipmentId | Long | ShipmentId of ShipmentLines |
Shipment | String | Shipment of ShipmentLines |
ProjectSalesOrderFlag | Bool | ProjectSalesOrderFlag of ShipmentLines |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | RcvShipmentLineId of ShipmentLines |
LineStatusCode | String | LineStatusCode of ShipmentLines |
LineStatus | String | LineStatus of ShipmentLines |
TrackingNumber | String | TrackingNumber of ShipmentLines |
SealNumber | String | SealNumber of ShipmentLines |
PickWaveId | Long | PickWaveId of ShipmentLines |
PickWave | String | PickWave of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrderId | Long | SourceOrderId of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrder | String | SourceOrder of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrderLineId | Long | SourceOrderLineId of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrderLine | String | SourceOrderLine of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Int | SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId of ShipmentLines |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | SourceOrderFulfillmentLine of ShipmentLines |
TaxationCountryCode | String | TaxationCountryCode of ShipmentLines |
TaxationCountry | String | TaxationCountry of ShipmentLines |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId of ShipmentLines |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber of ShipmentLines |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId of ShipmentLines |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber of ShipmentLines |
LocationOfFinalDischargeId | Long | LocationOfFinalDischargeId of ShipmentLines |
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode | String | LocationOfFinalDischargeCode of ShipmentLines |
LocationOfFinalDischarge | String | LocationOfFinalDischarge of ShipmentLines |
DocumentFiscalClassificationCode | String | DocumentFiscalClassificationCode of ShipmentLines |
DocumentFiscalClassification | String | DocumentFiscalClassification of ShipmentLines |
TransactionBusinessCategoryCode | String | TransactionBusinessCategoryCode of ShipmentLines |
TransactionBusinessCategory | String | TransactionBusinessCategory of ShipmentLines |
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode | String | UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode of ShipmentLines |
UserDefinedFiscalClassification | String | UserDefinedFiscalClassification of ShipmentLines |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | TaxInvoiceNumber of ShipmentLines |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | TaxInvoiceDate of ShipmentLines |
ProductCategoryCode | String | ProductCategoryCode of ShipmentLines |
ProductCategory | String | ProductCategory of ShipmentLines |
IntendedUseClassificationId | Decimal | IntendedUseClassificationId of ShipmentLines |
IntendedUse | String | IntendedUse of ShipmentLines |
ProductTypeCode | String | ProductTypeCode of ShipmentLines |
ProductType | String | ProductType of ShipmentLines |
AssessableValue | Decimal | AssessableValue of ShipmentLines |
TaxClassificationCode | String | TaxClassificationCode of ShipmentLines |
TaxClassification | String | TaxClassification of ShipmentLines |
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber | String | TaxExemptionCertificateNumber of ShipmentLines |
TaxExemptionReasonCode | String | TaxExemptionReasonCode of ShipmentLines |
TaxExemptionReason | String | TaxExemptionReason of ShipmentLines |
ProductFiscalClassificationId | Long | ProductFiscalClassificationId of ShipmentLines |
ProductFiscalClassification | String | ProductFiscalClassification of ShipmentLines |
TransportationPlanningStatusCode | String | TransportationPlanningStatusCode of ShipmentLines |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | TransportationPlanningStatus of ShipmentLines |
TransportationPlanningDate | Datetime | TransportationPlanningDate of ShipmentLines |
TransportationShipment | String | TransportationShipment of ShipmentLines |
TransportationShipmentLine | String | TransportationShipmentLine of ShipmentLines |
InitialDestinationId | Long | InitialDestinationId of ShipmentLines |
InitialDestination | String | InitialDestination of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceStatusCode | String | TradeComplianceStatusCode of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | TradeComplianceStatus of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceDate | Datetime | TradeComplianceDate of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceReason | String | TradeComplianceReason of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceScreeningMethodCode | String | TradeComplianceScreeningMethodCode of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceScreeningMethod | String | TradeComplianceScreeningMethod of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromLocationId | Long | ShipFromLocationId of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromAddress1 | String | ShipFromAddress1 of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromAddress2 | String | ShipFromAddress2 of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromAddress3 | String | ShipFromAddress3 of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromAddress4 | String | ShipFromAddress4 of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromCity | String | ShipFromCity of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromCounty | String | ShipFromCounty of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | ShipFromPostalCode of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromRegion | String | ShipFromRegion of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromState | String | ShipFromState of ShipmentLines |
ShipFromCountry | String | ShipFromCountry of ShipmentLines |
MaximumOvershipmentPercentage | Long | MaximumOvershipmentPercentage of ShipmentLines |
MaximumUndershipmentPercentage | Long | MaximumUndershipmentPercentage of ShipmentLines |
SourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | SourceRequestedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | SourceRequestedQuantityUOM of ShipmentLines |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode of ShipmentLines |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM of ShipmentLines |
DeliveredQuantity | Decimal | DeliveredQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryDeliveredQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryDeliveredQuantity of ShipmentLines |
CancelledQuantity | Decimal | CancelledQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryCancelledQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryCancelledQuantity of ShipmentLines |
BackorderedQuantity | Decimal | BackorderedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryBackorderedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryBackorderedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
PickedQuantity | Decimal | PickedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryPickedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryPickedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
ConvertedQuantity | Decimal | ConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryConvertedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
StagedQuantity | Decimal | StagedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
SecondaryStagedQuantity | Decimal | SecondaryStagedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
PendingQuantity | Decimal | PendingQuantity of ShipmentLines |
PendingQuantityFlag | Bool | PendingQuantityFlag of ShipmentLines |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ShipmentLines |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of ShipmentLines |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ShipmentLines |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentLines |
SplitFromShipmentLine | Long | SplitFromShipmentLine of ShipmentLines |
SourceSubinventory | String | SourceSubinventory of ShipmentLines |
CarrierId | Long | CarrierId of ShipmentLines |
Carrier | String | Carrier of ShipmentLines |
CarrierNumber | String | CarrierNumber of ShipmentLines |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | ModeOfTransportCode of ShipmentLines |
ModeOfTransport | String | ModeOfTransport of ShipmentLines |
ServiceLevelCode | String | ServiceLevelCode of ShipmentLines |
ServiceLevel | String | ServiceLevel of ShipmentLines |
ShippingMethodCode | String | ShippingMethodCode of ShipmentLines |
ShippingMethod | String | ShippingMethod of ShipmentLines |
SourceDocumentTypeId | Long | SourceDocumentTypeId of ShipmentLines |
UnitWeight | Long | UnitWeight of ShipmentLines |
UnitVolume | Long | UnitVolume of ShipmentLines |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId | Long | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId of ShipmentLines |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer | String | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer of ShipmentLines |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber | String | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber of ShipmentLines |
SourceLineUpdateDate | Datetime | SourceLineUpdateDate of ShipmentLines |
SourceSystemId | Long | SourceSystemId of ShipmentLines |
SourceSystem | String | SourceSystem of ShipmentLines |
ShipmentAdviceStatusFlag | Bool | ShipmentAdviceStatusFlag of ShipmentLines |
DoNotShipBeforeDate | Datetime | DoNotShipBeforeDate of ShipmentLines |
DoNotShipAfterDate | Datetime | DoNotShipAfterDate of ShipmentLines |
IntegrationStatusCode | String | IntegrationStatusCode of ShipmentLines |
IntegrationStatus | String | IntegrationStatus of ShipmentLines |
QuickShipStatus | String | QuickShipStatus of ShipmentLines |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId of ShipmentLines |
BusinessUnit | String | BusinessUnit of ShipmentLines |
LegalEntityId | Long | LegalEntityId of ShipmentLines |
LegalEntity | String | LegalEntity of ShipmentLines |
POHeaderId | Long | POHeaderId of ShipmentLines |
PONumber | String | PONumber of ShipmentLines |
POBillToBusinessUnitId | Long | POBillToBusinessUnitId of ShipmentLines |
POBillToBusinessUnit | String | POBillToBusinessUnit of ShipmentLines |
POSoldToLegalEntityId | Long | POSoldToLegalEntityId of ShipmentLines |
POSoldToLegalEntity | String | POSoldToLegalEntity of ShipmentLines |
ConversionTypeCode | String | ConversionTypeCode of ShipmentLines |
ConversionDate | Date | ConversionDate of ShipmentLines |
ConversionRate | Double | ConversionRate of ShipmentLines |
ParentItemId | Long | ParentItemId of ShipmentLines |
ParentItem | String | ParentItem of ShipmentLines |
ParentItemDescription | String | ParentItemDescription of ShipmentLines |
ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId of ShipmentLines |
BaseItemId | Long | BaseItemId of ShipmentLines |
BaseItem | String | BaseItem of ShipmentLines |
BaseItemDescription | String | BaseItemDescription of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeCategory | String | SrcAttributeCategory of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute1 | String | SrcAttribute1 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute2 | String | SrcAttribute2 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute3 | String | SrcAttribute3 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute4 | String | SrcAttribute4 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute5 | String | SrcAttribute5 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute6 | String | SrcAttribute6 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute7 | String | SrcAttribute7 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute8 | String | SrcAttribute8 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute9 | String | SrcAttribute9 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute10 | String | SrcAttribute10 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute11 | String | SrcAttribute11 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute12 | String | SrcAttribute12 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute13 | String | SrcAttribute13 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute14 | String | SrcAttribute14 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute15 | String | SrcAttribute15 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute16 | String | SrcAttribute16 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute17 | String | SrcAttribute17 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute18 | String | SrcAttribute18 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute19 | String | SrcAttribute19 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttribute20 | String | SrcAttribute20 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeDate1 | Date | SrcAttributeDate1 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeDate2 | Date | SrcAttributeDate2 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeDate3 | Date | SrcAttributeDate3 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeDate4 | Date | SrcAttributeDate4 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeDate5 | Date | SrcAttributeDate5 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber1 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber1 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber2 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber2 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber3 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber3 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber4 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber4 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber5 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber5 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber6 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber6 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber7 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber7 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber8 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber8 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber9 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber9 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeNumber10 | Decimal | SrcAttributeNumber10 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeTimestamp1 | Datetime | SrcAttributeTimestamp1 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeTimestamp2 | Datetime | SrcAttributeTimestamp2 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeTimestamp3 | Datetime | SrcAttributeTimestamp3 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeTimestamp4 | Datetime | SrcAttributeTimestamp4 of ShipmentLines |
SrcAttributeTimestamp5 | Datetime | SrcAttributeTimestamp5 of ShipmentLines |
TransportationShipmentFromEvent | String | TransportationShipmentFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
TransportationShipmentLineFromEvent | String | TransportationShipmentLineFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent | String | TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent | String | TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
CurrentBackorderedQuantityFromEvent | Decimal | CurrentBackorderedQuantityFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
OriginalShipmentLineFromEvent | Long | OriginalShipmentLineFromEvent of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingProjectId | Long | ProjectCostingProjectId of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingProjectNumber | String | ProjectCostingProjectNumber of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingProjectName | String | ProjectCostingProjectName of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingTaskId | Long | ProjectCostingTaskId of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingTaskNumber | String | ProjectCostingTaskNumber of ShipmentLines |
ProjectCostingTaskName | String | ProjectCostingTaskName of ShipmentLines |
OverShipTolerancePercentage | Decimal | OverShipTolerancePercentage of ShipmentLines |
UnderShipTolerancePercentage | Decimal | UnderShipTolerancePercentage of ShipmentLines |
ShippingToleranceBehavior | String | ShippingToleranceBehavior of ShipmentLines |
ConvertedRequestedQuantity | Decimal | ConvertedRequestedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
LineNetWeight | Decimal | LineNetWeight of ShipmentLines |
LineGrossWeight | Decimal | LineGrossWeight of ShipmentLines |
SupplierLotNumber | String | SupplierLotNumber of ShipmentLines |
MovementRequestLineId | Long | MovementRequestLineId of ShipmentLines |
AllowItemSubstitutionFlag | Bool | AllowItemSubstitutionFlag of ShipmentLines |
OriginalItemId | Long | OriginalItemId of ShipmentLines |
OriginalItemNumber | String | OriginalItemNumber of ShipmentLines |
OriginalDeliveryDetailId | Long | OriginalDeliveryDetailId of ShipmentLines |
OriginalItemConvertedQuantity | Decimal | OriginalItemConvertedQuantity of ShipmentLines |
DestinationOrganizationCode | String | DestinationOrganizationCode of ShipmentLines |
LineUnitPrice | Decimal | LineUnitPrice of ShipmentLines |
LineUnitVolume | Decimal | LineUnitVolume of ShipmentLines |
LineVolume | Decimal | LineVolume of ShipmentLines |
LineUnitWeight | Decimal | LineUnitWeight of ShipmentLines |
LineSellingPrice | Decimal | LineSellingPrice of ShipmentLines |
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId of ShipmentLines |
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLine of ShipmentLines |
EnforceSingleShipment | String | EnforceSingleShipment of ShipmentLines |
CancelBackorders | String | CancelBackorders of ShipmentLines |
Finder | String | Finder of ShipmentLines |