The Shipments resource manages shipments. You can search for shipments by organization, order type, shipment status, order number, source order number, and many more such attributes. You can get the shipment information, which includes details about the related packing units, shipment lines, shipping costs, lots, and serial numbers. This shipment information also serves as shipment advice that can be used for an actual shipment to integrate with source applications, transportation management applications, and trade compliance management applications.
Name | Type | Description |
Shipment | String | Shipment of Shipments |
DeliveryId [KEY] | Long | DeliveryId of Shipments |
ShipmentDescription | String | ShipmentDescription of Shipments |
InitialPickupDate | Date | InitialPickupDate of Shipments |
InitialPickupDateTime | Datetime | InitialPickupDateTime of Shipments |
BillOfLading | String | BillOfLading of Shipments |
GrossWeight | Decimal | GrossWeight of Shipments |
NetWeight | Decimal | NetWeight of Shipments |
TareWeight | Decimal | TareWeight of Shipments |
WeightUOMCode | String | WeightUOMCode of Shipments |
WeightUOM | String | WeightUOM of Shipments |
EquipmentTypeId | Long | EquipmentTypeId of Shipments |
EquipmentType | String | EquipmentType of Shipments |
Equipment | String | Equipment of Shipments |
SealNumber | String | SealNumber of Shipments |
Volume | Decimal | Volume of Shipments |
VolumeUOMCode | String | VolumeUOMCode of Shipments |
VolumeUOM | String | VolumeUOM of Shipments |
CarrierId | Long | CarrierId of Shipments |
Carrier | String | Carrier of Shipments |
CarrierNumber | String | CarrierNumber of Shipments |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | ModeOfTransportCode of Shipments |
ModeOfTransport | String | ModeOfTransport of Shipments |
ServiceLevelCode | String | ServiceLevelCode of Shipments |
ServiceLevel | String | ServiceLevel of Shipments |
ShippingMethodCode | String | ShippingMethodCode of Shipments |
ShippingMethod | String | ShippingMethod of Shipments |
Waybill | String | Waybill of Shipments |
PackingSlipNumber | String | PackingSlipNumber of Shipments |
ActualShipDate | Date | ActualShipDate of Shipments |
ActualShipDateTime | Datetime | ActualShipDateTime of Shipments |
UltimateDropoffDate | Date | UltimateDropoffDate of Shipments |
UltimateDropoffDateTime | Datetime | UltimateDropoffDateTime of Shipments |
FreightTermsCode | String | FreightTermsCode of Shipments |
FreightTerms | String | FreightTerms of Shipments |
FOBCode | String | FOBCode of Shipments |
FOB | String | FOB of Shipments |
FOBSiteId | Long | FOBSiteId of Shipments |
FOBSiteNumber | String | FOBSiteNumber of Shipments |
FOBLocationId | Long | FOBLocationId of Shipments |
FOBAddress1 | String | FOBAddress1 of Shipments |
FOBAddress2 | String | FOBAddress2 of Shipments |
FOBAddress3 | String | FOBAddress3 of Shipments |
FOBAddress4 | String | FOBAddress4 of Shipments |
FOBCity | String | FOBCity of Shipments |
FOBCounty | String | FOBCounty of Shipments |
FOBPostalCode | String | FOBPostalCode of Shipments |
FOBRegion | String | FOBRegion of Shipments |
FOBState | String | FOBState of Shipments |
FOBCountry | String | FOBCountry of Shipments |
DockCode | String | DockCode of Shipments |
CODAmount | Decimal | CODAmount of Shipments |
CODPaidBy | String | CODPaidBy of Shipments |
CODCurrencyCode | String | CODCurrencyCode of Shipments |
CODRemitTo | String | CODRemitTo of Shipments |
ASNDateSent | Date | ASNDateSent of Shipments |
ASNDateTimeSent | Datetime | ASNDateTimeSent of Shipments |
ConfirmedDate | Date | ConfirmedDate of Shipments |
ConfirmedDateTime | Datetime | ConfirmedDateTime of Shipments |
ConfirmedBy | String | ConfirmedBy of Shipments |
LoadingSequenceRule | Decimal | LoadingSequenceRule of Shipments |
LoadingOrderRuleCode | String | LoadingOrderRuleCode of Shipments |
LoadingOrderRule | String | LoadingOrderRule of Shipments |
ProblemContactReference | String | ProblemContactReference of Shipments |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of Shipments |
OrganizationCode | String | OrganizationCode of Shipments |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of Shipments |
RcvShipmentNumber | String | RcvShipmentNumber of Shipments |
RcvShipmentHeaderId | Long | RcvShipmentHeaderId of Shipments |
ShipmentStatusCode | String | ShipmentStatusCode of Shipments |
ShipmentStatus | String | ShipmentStatus of Shipments |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of Shipments |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of Shipments |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of Shipments |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of Shipments |
SourceSystemId | Long | SourceSystemId of Shipments |
SourceSystem | String | SourceSystem of Shipments |
ShipFromLocationId | Long | ShipFromLocationId of Shipments |
ShipFromAddress1 | String | ShipFromAddress1 of Shipments |
ShipFromAddress2 | String | ShipFromAddress2 of Shipments |
ShipFromAddress3 | String | ShipFromAddress3 of Shipments |
ShipFromAddress4 | String | ShipFromAddress4 of Shipments |
ShipFromCity | String | ShipFromCity of Shipments |
ShipFromCounty | String | ShipFromCounty of Shipments |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | ShipFromPostalCode of Shipments |
ShipFromRegion | String | ShipFromRegion of Shipments |
ShipFromState | String | ShipFromState of Shipments |
ShipFromCountry | String | ShipFromCountry of Shipments |
ShipToLocationId | Long | ShipToLocationId of Shipments |
ShipToAddress1 | String | ShipToAddress1 of Shipments |
ShipToAddress2 | String | ShipToAddress2 of Shipments |
ShipToAddress3 | String | ShipToAddress3 of Shipments |
ShipToAddress4 | String | ShipToAddress4 of Shipments |
ShipToCity | String | ShipToCity of Shipments |
ShipToCounty | String | ShipToCounty of Shipments |
ShipToPostalCode | String | ShipToPostalCode of Shipments |
ShipToRegion | String | ShipToRegion of Shipments |
ShipToState | String | ShipToState of Shipments |
ShipToCountry | String | ShipToCountry of Shipments |
TransportationReasonCode | String | TransportationReasonCode of Shipments |
TransportationReason | String | TransportationReason of Shipments |
PortOfLoading | String | PortOfLoading of Shipments |
PortOfDischarge | String | PortOfDischarge of Shipments |
NumberOfOuterPackingUnits | Decimal | NumberOfOuterPackingUnits of Shipments |
EarliestPickupDate | Datetime | EarliestPickupDate of Shipments |
LatestPickupDate | Datetime | LatestPickupDate of Shipments |
EarliestDropoffDate | Datetime | EarliestDropoffDate of Shipments |
LatestDropoffDate | Datetime | LatestDropoffDate of Shipments |
ShipToPartyId | Long | ShipToPartyId of Shipments |
ShipToCustomer | String | ShipToCustomer of Shipments |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | ShipToCustomerNumber of Shipments |
ShipToPartySiteId | Long | ShipToPartySiteId of Shipments |
ShipToPartySiteNumber | String | ShipToPartySiteNumber of Shipments |
SoldToPartyId | Long | SoldToPartyId of Shipments |
SoldToCustomer | String | SoldToCustomer of Shipments |
SoldToCustomerNumber | String | SoldToCustomerNumber of Shipments |
Supplier | String | Supplier of Shipments |
SupplierPartyNumber | String | SupplierPartyNumber of Shipments |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId | Long | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId of Shipments |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer | String | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer of Shipments |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber | String | LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber of Shipments |
TransportationShipment | String | TransportationShipment of Shipments |
DistributedOrganizationFlag | Bool | DistributedOrganizationFlag of Shipments |
CommercialInvoice | String | CommercialInvoice of Shipments |
PlannedFlag | Bool | PlannedFlag of Shipments |
AutomaticallyPackFlag | Bool | AutomaticallyPackFlag of Shipments |
EnableAutoshipFlag | Bool | EnableAutoshipFlag of Shipments |
TransportationShipmentFromEvent | String | TransportationShipmentFromEvent of Shipments |
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent | String | TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent of Shipments |
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent | String | TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent of Shipments |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | ExternalSystemTransactionReference of Shipments |
BaseItem | String | BaseItem of Shipments |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | EndAssemblyItemNumber of Shipments |
Finder | String | Finder of Shipments |
IntegrationStatus | String | IntegrationStatus of Shipments |
Item | String | Item of Shipments |
LineStatus | String | LineStatus of Shipments |
OrderNumber | String | OrderNumber of Shipments |
OrderType | String | OrderType of Shipments |
OrderTypeCode | String | OrderTypeCode of Shipments |
ParentPackingUnit | String | ParentPackingUnit of Shipments |
PickWave | String | PickWave of Shipments |
QuickShipStatus | String | QuickShipStatus of Shipments |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | RcvShipmentLineId of Shipments |
ShipmentSet | String | ShipmentSet of Shipments |
SourceOrder | String | SourceOrder of Shipments |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | SourceOrderFulfillmentLine of Shipments |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | String | SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId of Shipments |
SourceOrderLine | String | SourceOrderLine of Shipments |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | TradeComplianceStatus of Shipments |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | TransportationPlanningStatus of Shipments |