JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Inbound Shipments resource manages the receiving inbound shipments. It allows the user to query and display the shipment header, lines, lot, serial, attachments, and packing unit information. It includes the descriptive flexfield information for the shipment header and lines. It also allows update of certain shipment header and line attributes.


Name Type Description
ShipmentHeaderId [KEY] Long ShipmentHeaderId of InboundShipments
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of InboundShipments
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of InboundShipments
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of InboundShipments
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of InboundShipments
ReceiptSourceCode String ReceiptSourceCode of InboundShipments
ASNType String ASNType of InboundShipments
ShipFromOrganizationId Long ShipFromOrganizationId of InboundShipments
ShipFromOrganizationCode String ShipFromOrganizationCode of InboundShipments
ShipmentNumber String ShipmentNumber of InboundShipments
ReceiptNumber String ReceiptNumber of InboundShipments
BillOfLading String BillOfLading of InboundShipments
PackingSlip String PackingSlip of InboundShipments
PackagingCode String PackagingCode of InboundShipments
SpecialHandlingCode String SpecialHandlingCode of InboundShipments
ShippedDate Datetime ShippedDate of InboundShipments
FreightCarrierId Long FreightCarrierId of InboundShipments
Carrier String Carrier of InboundShipments
ExpectedReceiptDate Datetime ExpectedReceiptDate of InboundShipments
NumberOfContainers Long NumberOfContainers of InboundShipments
WaybillAirbillNumber String WaybillAirbillNumber of InboundShipments
GrossWeight Decimal GrossWeight of InboundShipments
GrossWeightUOMCode String GrossWeightUOMCode of InboundShipments
GrossWeightUOM String GrossWeightUOM of InboundShipments
NetWeight Decimal NetWeight of InboundShipments
NetWeightUOMCode String NetWeightUOMCode of InboundShipments
NetWeightUOM String NetWeightUOM of InboundShipments
TarWeight Decimal TarWeight of InboundShipments
TarWeightUOMCode String TarWeightUOMCode of InboundShipments
TarWeightUOM String TarWeightUOM of InboundShipments
FreightTermsCode String FreightTermsCode of InboundShipments
FreightTerms String FreightTerms of InboundShipments
ShipToOrganizationId Long ShipToOrganizationId of InboundShipments
ShipToOrganizationCode String ShipToOrganizationCode of InboundShipments
IntegratedSystemCode String IntegratedSystemCode of InboundShipments
Comments String Comments of InboundShipments
VendorId Long VendorId of InboundShipments
SupplierName String SupplierName of InboundShipments
SupplierNumber String SupplierNumber of InboundShipments
VendorSiteId Long VendorSiteId of InboundShipments
SupplierSiteCode String SupplierSiteCode of InboundShipments
InvoiceNumber String InvoiceNumber of InboundShipments
InvoiceAmount Decimal InvoiceAmount of InboundShipments
InvoiceDate Datetime InvoiceDate of InboundShipments
FreightAmount Decimal FreightAmount of InboundShipments
TaxAmount Decimal TaxAmount of InboundShipments
PaymentTermsId Long PaymentTermsId of InboundShipments
PaymentTerms String PaymentTerms of InboundShipments
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode of InboundShipments
HeaderInterfaceId Long HeaderInterfaceId of InboundShipments
BindExpectedReceiptDate Datetime BindExpectedReceiptDate of InboundShipments
BindOrganizationCode String BindOrganizationCode of InboundShipments
BindOrganizationId Long BindOrganizationId of InboundShipments
BindPOHeaderId Long BindPOHeaderId of InboundShipments
BindPONumber String BindPONumber of InboundShipments
BindShipmentHeaderId Long BindShipmentHeaderId of InboundShipments
BindShipmentNumber String BindShipmentNumber of InboundShipments
BindSupplier String BindSupplier of InboundShipments
BindTONumber String BindTONumber of InboundShipments
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long BindTransferOrderHeaderId of InboundShipments
BindVendorId Long BindVendorId of InboundShipments
Finder String Finder of InboundShipments

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Build 24.0.9111