JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Lots resource manages the lots of a staged inventory transaction.


Name Type Description
InventoryStagedTransactionsTransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long InventoryStagedTransactionsTransactionInterfaceId of InventoryStagedTransactionslots
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the transaction.
LotNumber [KEY] String Lot number for the item.
TransactionQuantity Decimal Transaction quantity of the item.
PrimaryQuantity Decimal Transaction quantity in the primary unit of measure that the item uses.
LotExpirationDate Date Date and time when the lot expires.
ExpirationActionCode String Abbreviation that identifies the expiration action.
ExpirationActionDate Date Date when the expiration action was performed.
ExpirationActionName String Name of the expiration action.
OriginationDate Date Date when the warehouse created the lot.
OriginationType String Type of origination for the lot.
HoldDate Date Date when the warehouse applied a hold on the lot.
MaturityDate Date Date when the lot matures.
ReasonName String Name of the inventory transaction reason.
ReasonCode String Abbreviation that identifies the inventory transaction reason.
ReasonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the reason.
SourceCode String Abbreviation that identifies the source.
SourceLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source line.
StatusId Long Value that uniquely identifies the status.
StatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status.
GradeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the grade.
SupplierLotNumber String Number that identifies the supplier lot.
TerritoryShortName String Short name of the territory.
LotVolume Decimal Volume of the lot.
VolumeUOMName String Unit of measure for the lot volume.
LotLength Decimal Length of the lot.
LengthUOMName String Unit of measure for the lot length.
LotThickness Decimal Thickness of the lot.
LotWidth Decimal Width of the lot.
WidthUOMName String Unit of measure for the lot width.
VendorName String Name of the vendor for the lot.
SerialTransactionTempId Long Value that uniquely identifies the serial transaction.
ErrorCode String Abbreviation that identifies the error.
ProductCode String Abbreviation that identifies the product.
ProductTransactionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the product transaction.
SecondaryTransactionQuantity Decimal Transaction quantity of an item in its secondary unit of measure.
Finder String Finder of InventoryStagedTransactionslots

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Build 24.0.9111