The In-transit Shipments resource manages the shipments that are in transit and that are available to receive.
Name | Type | Description |
Shipment | String | Shipment of InTransitShipments |
ShipmentHeaderId [KEY] | Long | ShipmentHeaderId of InTransitShipments |
SourceOrganizationId | Long | SourceOrganizationId of InTransitShipments |
SourceOrganizationCode | String | SourceOrganizationCode of InTransitShipments |
SourceOrganizationName | String | SourceOrganizationName of InTransitShipments |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of InTransitShipments |
OrganizationCode | String | OrganizationCode of InTransitShipments |
ReceiptSource | String | ReceiptSource of InTransitShipments |
BindOrganizationCode | String | BindOrganizationCode of InTransitShipments |
BindOrganizationId | String | BindOrganizationId of InTransitShipments |
BindReceiptSource | String | BindReceiptSource of InTransitShipments |
BindShipment | String | BindShipment of InTransitShipments |
BindSourceOrganizationCode | String | BindSourceOrganizationCode of InTransitShipments |
BindSourceOrganizationName | String | BindSourceOrganizationName of InTransitShipments |
Finder | String | Finder of InTransitShipments |