The Lines for Inventory Movement Requests resource manages lines for movement requests.
Name | Type | Description |
InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId [KEY] | Long | InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
HeaderId | Long | HeaderId of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
LineId [KEY] | Long | LineId of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
LineNumber | Long | LineNumber of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
InventoryItemId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item. |
ItemNumber | String | Name of the inventory item. |
ItemDescription | String | ItemDescription of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ItemRevision | String | Value that indicates the revision of the inventory item. |
TransactionTypeId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the type of transaction. |
TransactionType | String | Name of the transaction type. |
RequiredDate | Datetime | Date when the movement request line is required. |
RequesterName | String | Name of the person who requested the movement. |
RequesterId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the person who requested the movement. |
Reason | String | Name of the movement request reason. |
ReasonId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the movement request reason. |
Order | String | Order of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
Reference | String | Reference to the movement request. |
RequestedQuantity | Decimal | Quantity requested for the item. |
QuantityDelivered | Decimal | QuantityDelivered of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
UOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure of the line quantity. |
UOMName | String | Name of the unit of measure of the line quantity. |
SecondaryRequestedQuantity | Decimal | Quantity requested for the item in the secondary unit of measure. |
SecondaryQuantityDelivered | Decimal | SecondaryQuantityDelivered of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | SecondaryUOMCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
SecondaryUOMName | String | SecondaryUOMName of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
StatusDate | Date | StatusDate of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
StatusCode | Int | Value that uniquely identifies the line status for the movement request. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_TXN_REQUEST_STATUS. |
Status | String | Value that indicates the status for the movement request line. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
SourceSubinventory | String | Abbreviation that identifies the source subinventory. |
SourceLocatorId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the source stock locator. |
SourceLocator | String | Description of the source stock locator. |
ReferenceTypeCode | Int | ReferenceTypeCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ReferenceSourceType | String | ReferenceSourceType of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
DestinationSubinventory | String | Abbreviation that identifies the destination subinventory. |
DestinationLocatorId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the destination stock locator. |
DestinationLocator | String | Description of the destination stock locator. |
DestinationAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the destination account. |
DestinationAccount | String | Number that indicates the destination account for the movement request. |
ShipToLocationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the destination location. |
ShipToLocation | String | ShipToLocation of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
LotNumber | String | Number that identifies the lot for the inventory item. This attribute is used when the warehouse places the item under lot control. |
Grade | String | Grade of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ToSerialNumber | String | Ending serial number in a range of serial numbers that tracks items that are in inventory. The application uses this attribute when the warehouse places the item under serial control. |
TransactionSourceId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source. |
TransactionSourceLineId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source line. |
ExternalSystemGroupId | Long | ExternalSystemGroupId of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
WorkCenterCode | String | WorkCenterCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
FromSerialNumber | String | Starting serial number in a range of serial numbers that tracks items that are in inventory. The application uses this attribute when the warehouse places the item under serial control. |
PrimaryUOMQuantity | Decimal | PrimaryUOMQuantity of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ExternalSystemAllocatedQuantity | Decimal | ExternalSystemAllocatedQuantity of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ExternalSystemCancelledQuantity | Decimal | ExternalSystemCancelledQuantity of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ExternalSystemRequestedQuantityInPUOM | Decimal | ExternalSystemRequestedQuantityInPUOM of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
ExternalSystemRequestedQuantity | Decimal | ExternalSystemRequestedQuantity of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
IntegrationStatus | String | IntegrationStatus of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindItemNumber | String | BindItemNumber of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindLineStatus | String | BindLineStatus of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindMovementRequestNumber | String | BindMovementRequestNumber of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindMovementRequestType | String | BindMovementRequestType of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindOrganizationCode | String | BindOrganizationCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
BindUserName | String | BindUserName of InventoryMovementRequestslines |
Finder | String | Finder of InventoryMovementRequestslines |