Adjustment of the cost for an individual item receipt or the item's perpetual average cost. A cost adjustment can be perpetual, receipt, or layer. To achieve better performance while creating a perpetual average item cost adjustment, you need to create and enable the profile option CST_ADJ_REST_IGNORE_QTY_ONHAND in the cost management application. With this profile option, the REST process ignores on-hand calculations while creating adjustments.
Name | Type | Description |
AdjustmentHeaderId [KEY] | Long | AdjustmentHeaderId of CostAdjustments |
AdjustmentNumber | String | AdjustmentNumber of CostAdjustments |
AdjustmentTypeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the adjustment type. Values include P-Perpetual, R-Receipt, or L-Layer. |
AdjustmentDate | Datetime | Date when the cost adjustment was made. |
AdjustmentStatusCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the adjustment status. Values include P-Pending, S-Submitted, or C-Voided. |
ReasonCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the reason for the cost adjustment transaction. |
TransactionId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the transaction in costing. |
CostOrganizationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization. |
CostBookId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the cost book. |
ItemId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the item. |
InventoryOrganizationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization. |
ReceiptQuantity | Decimal | Quantity of the item received. |
QuantityOnhand | Decimal | Remaining quantity of the item. |
TotalUnitCost | Decimal | Total cost of the received item. |
TotalNewCost | Decimal | Total new cost of the received item. |
ValuationUnitId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit. |
CostDate | Datetime | Date of the costing transaction for the adjustment. |
ReceiptNumber | String | Number that identifies the receipt of the transaction for the adjustment. |
CurrencyCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the currency. |
CostOrganizationName | String | Name of the cost organization for the adjustment. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Cost Organizations task. |
CostBook | String | Name of the cost book for the adjustment. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Cost Books task. |
InventoryOrganizationName | String | Name of the inventory organization for the adjustment. |
Item | String | Name of the inventory item for the adjustment. |
ValuationUnit | String | Valuation unit for the adjustment. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Valuation Units task. |
AdjustmentType | String | Type of adjustment. Values include Perpetual, Receipt, or Layer. |
AdjustmentStatus | String | Status of the adjustment. Values include Pending, Submitted, or Voided. |
Reason | String | Reason for the cost adjustment transaction. |
UOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure. |
UOMName | String | Name of the unit of measure. |
BindAdjustmentDate | Datetime | BindAdjustmentDate of CostAdjustments |
BindAdjustmentNumber | String | BindAdjustmentNumber of CostAdjustments |
BindAdjustmentStatus | String | BindAdjustmentStatus of CostAdjustments |
BindAdjustmentType | String | BindAdjustmentType of CostAdjustments |
BindCostBook | String | BindCostBook of CostAdjustments |
BindCostOrgName | String | BindCostOrgName of CostAdjustments |
BindItem | String | BindItem of CostAdjustments |
BindReason | String | BindReason of CostAdjustments |
BindReceiptNumber | String | BindReceiptNumber of CostAdjustments |
BindValuationUnit | String | BindValuationUnit of CostAdjustments |
Finder | String | Finder of CostAdjustments |