JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Supply Requests resource manages the supply requests received from an external application or an Oracle Cloud application to create a supply that will fulfill a specific demand. When the supply requests are processed, the supply creation is initiated in Oracle Cloud supply execution applications.


Name Type Description
InterfaceBatchNumber String Number that identifies the batch of supply requests that are sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud to create supplies. The batch consists of one or more supply requests.
InterfaceSourceCode String Code that uniquely identifies the supply requesting applications. Values include DOO, YPS, INV, or EXT. The default value is set to EXT if no value is sent in the request.
SupplyRequestStatus String Status of the supply request that indicates whether the supply request has been processed successfully or has resulted in an error. Valid values include SUCCESS, ERROR.
SupplyOrderReferenceId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] String Number that identifies the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SupplyOrderSource String Source application that requested the supply to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SupplyRequestDate Datetime Date when the supply was requested.
SupplyOrderStatus String SupplyOrderStatus of SupplyRequests
SupplyOrderNumber String SupplyOrderNumber of SupplyRequests
TrustedSource Int Value that indicates whether the supply-requesting application is a trusted source of Oracle Cloud applications. Contains one of the following values. 1: indicates a trusted source. 0: default value when a non-Oracle Cloud application sends the supply request.
ProcessRequestFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the supply request is processed automatically and a supply order is created in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud. If N, then the supply request needs to be manually processed by running the Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface scheduled process. The default value is N.
TransferCostAmount Decimal Amount for the transfer cost on a transfer order line.
TransferCostCurrencyCode String Code that identifies the currency for the transfer cost amount.
TransferCostTypeName String Name of the shipping cost type. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Shipping Cost Types task.
AllowPartialRequestFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then supply request lines that don't have errors are processed successfully and error messages are returned for supply request lines that have errors. If N, then supply requests are processed only if all the supply request lines pass validations and no errors are reported. The default value is N.
BindDestOrganizationCode String BindDestOrganizationCode of SupplyRequests
BindDocumentNumber String BindDocumentNumber of SupplyRequests
BindItemNumber String BindItemNumber of SupplyRequests
BindNeedByDate Datetime BindNeedByDate of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyOrderNumber String BindSupplyOrderNumber of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber String BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyOrderSource String BindSupplyOrderSource of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyRequestDate Datetime BindSupplyRequestDate of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyStatus String BindSupplyStatus of SupplyRequests
BindSupplyType String BindSupplyType of SupplyRequests
Finder String Finder of SupplyRequests

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Build 24.0.9111