JDBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Shipment Line Transaction Requests resource manages shipment lines. You can search for shipment line transaction requests by transaction identifier, shipment line, organization, order number, and many more such attributes. You can get the shipment line transaction request information, which includes the details about the related shipment lines and processing errors, if any. You can create and update the shipment line transaction requests in the interface tables. For example, Oracle Order Management Cloud can send shipment requests for sales order lines using this resource. Another example is, a transportation management application can send requests to create, update, and delete transportation planning information for the shipment lines.


Name Type Description
TransactionId [KEY] Long TransactionId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
ActionCode String Value that uniquely identifies the action to be run for this transaction request. Valid values are CREATE, UPDATE, CANCEL, StagingCreate, StagingUpdate, StagingCancel, TPUpdate, TPDelete, Lock, ValidateAndLock, and ReleaseLock.
TransactionStatusCode String TransactionStatusCode of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
TransactionStatus String TransactionStatus of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
DocumentNumber String Number that identifies the document for the shipment line transaction request.
SourceSystemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source application.
SourceSystem String Name of the source application.
OrderTypeCode String Abbreviation the identifies the type of source document. The default value is SALES_ORDER. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup ORA_WSH_ORDER_LINE_TYPE.
Order String Number that identifies the sales order in the order capture application.
SourceOrder String Number that identifies the source order header.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the logistics service provider customer.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer String Name of the logistics service provider customer who sent the order lines in this transaction request..
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the logistics service provider customer who sent the order lines in this transaction request.
ShipToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
ShipToCustomer String Name of the party who will receive the sales order line that ships.
ShipToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the ship-to party of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
ShipToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to party site of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
ShipToPartySiteNumber String Number that identifies the ship-to party site of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
ShipToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the contact at the ship-to location.
ShipToContact String Person to contact at the ship-to customer site.
ShipToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the ship-to customer for all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
SoldToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to party of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the party who purchased the sales order lines in this transaction request.
SoldToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the sold-to party.
SoldToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to contact for all the shipment line in this transaction request.
SoldToContact String Person to contact at the sold-to customer site.
SoldToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the sold-to customer for all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
BillToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
BillToCustomer String Name of the party to bill for all the sales order lines in this transaction request.
BillToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the person to be contacted for the billing details.
BillToPartySiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to party site of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
BillToPartySiteNumber String Number that identifies the bill-to party site.
BillToContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to contact of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
BillToContact String Person to contact at the bill-to customer site.
BillToContactNumber String Number that identifies the person to contact at the bill-to customer for all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the ship-from organization.
OrganizationName String Name of the inventory organization.
ShipFromLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the ship-from location for all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
CarrierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the carrier for all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
Carrier String Name of the carrier that transports the shipment containing all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
CarrierNumber String Number that identifies the carrier.
ModeOfTransportCode String Abbreviation that identifies the mode of transport for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT.
ServiceLevelCode String Abbreviation that identifies the service level for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS.
FOBCode String Abbreviation that identifies ownership of the items that are in transit. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup FOB.
FreightTermsCode String Abbreviation that identifies the agreement that describes whether the buyer or seller pays the shipping cost of the sales order and when is the payment due. A list of acceptable values is defined in the lookup WSH_FREIGHT_CHARGE_TERMS.
Currency String Abbreviation that identifies the currency of all the shipment lines in this transaction request.
ConversionTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the type of currency conversion to be used if order is in a different currency than the currency of shipping costs.
ConversionDate Datetime Date when the currency conversion occurred.
ConversionRate Decimal Rate of the currency conversion.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
BaseItem String BaseItem of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
BaseItemId Long BaseItemId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
EndAssemblyItem String EndAssemblyItem of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
Finder String Finder of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
FromRequestedDate Datetime FromRequestedDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
FromScheduledShipDate Datetime FromScheduledShipDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
InitialDestinationId Long InitialDestinationId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
Item String Item of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
ItemId Long ItemId of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
ToRequestedDate Datetime ToRequestedDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
ToScheduledShipDate Datetime ToScheduledShipDate of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests
TransportationShipment String TransportationShipment of ShipmentLineTransactionRequests

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Build 24.0.9111