JDBC Driver for Teradata

Build 24.0.9111


このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。

CharsetSpecifies the session character set for encoding and decoding character data transferred to and from the Teradata Database. The default value is ASCII.
ClientCharsetSpecifies the Java character set for encoding and decoding character data transferred to and from the Teradata Database.
ColumnNameControls the behavior of the ResultSetMetaData getColumnName and getColumnLabel methods.
ConnectOnOpenこのプロパティは、接続が開かれたときにTeradata に接続するかどうかを指定します。
CopSpecifies whether COP Discovery is performed.
CopLastSpecifies how COP Discovery determines the last COP hostname.
DdstatsSpecify the value for DDSTATS.
DisableAutoCommitInBatchSpecifies whether or not disable the autocommit when executing the batch operation.
EncryptDataSpecify the EncryptData value, ON or OFF.
ErrorQueryCountSpecifies the maximum number of times that JDBC FastLoad will attempt to query FastLoad Error Table 1 after a JDBC FastLoad operation.
ErrorQueryIntervalSpecifies the number of milliseconds that JDBC FastLoad will wait in between attempts to query FastLoad Error Table 1 after a JDBC FastLoad operation.
ErrorTable1SuffixSpecifies the suffix for the name of FastLoad Error Table 1 created by JDBC FastLoad and JDBC FastLoad CSV.
ErrorTable2SuffixSpecifies the suffix for the name of FastLoad Error Table 2 created by JDBC FastLoad and JDBC FastLoad CSV.
ErrorTableDatabaseSpecifies the database name for the FastLoad error tables created by JDBC FastLoad and JDBC FastLoad CSV.
FieldSepSpecifies a field separator for use with JDBC FastLoad CSV only. The default separator is ',' (comma).
FinalizeAutoCloseSpecify the value for FinalizeAutoClose, ON or OFF.
GeturlCredentialsSpecify the value for GeturlCredentials, ON or OFF.
GovernSpecify the value for GOVERN, ON or OFF.
HttpsPortConnects to the database on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) port specified for HTTPS/TLS connections.
LiteralUnderscoreAutomatically escape LIKE-predicate patterns in DatabaseMetaData calls, such as schemPattern and tableNamePattern.
LobSupportSpecify the value for LobSupport, ON or OFF.
LobTempTableSpecifies the name of a table with the following columns: id integer, bval blob, cval clob.
LogDataSpecifies additional data needed by a logon mechanism, such as a secure token, Distinguished Name, or a domain/realm name.
LogonSequenceNumberSpecifies an existing Logon Sequence Number (LSN) to associate this session with.
MaxMessageBodySpecifies the maximum Response Message size in bytes.
MaxRowsクエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。LIMIT 句は、MaxRows で指定された制限値よりも優先されます。
MaybeNullControls the behavior of the ResultSetMetaData.isNullable method.
PartitionSpecifies the Teradata Database partition for the Connection.
PrepSupportSpecifies whether the Teradata Database performs a prepare operation when a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement is created.
QueryPassthroughこのオプションは、クエリをTeradata サーバーにas-is で渡します。
Readonlyこのプロパティを使用して、provider からTeradata へのアクセスを読み取り専用に設定できます。
ReconnectCountEnables Teradata Session Reconnect. Specifies the maximum number of times that the Teradata JDBC Driver will attempt to reconnect the session.
ReconnectIntervalEnables Teradata Session Reconnect. Specifies the number of seconds that the Teradata JDBC Driver will wait in between attempts to reconnect the session.
RedriveEnables Teradata Session Reconnect, and also enables automatic redriving of SQL requests interrupted by database restart.
RunStartupSpecify the value for RunStartup, ON or OFF.
SessionsSpecifies the number of FastLoad or FastExport connections to be created, where 1 <= number of FastLoad or FastExport connections <= number of AMPs.
SipSupportControls whether the Teradata Database and Teradata JDBC Driver use StatementInfo Parcel (SIP) to convey metadata.
SlobReceiveThresholdControls how small LOB values are received from the Teradata Database. Small LOB values are pre-fetched from the Teradata Database before the application explicitly reads data from Blob/Clob objects.
SlobTransmitThresholdControls how small LOB values are transmitted to the Teradata Database.
SpSplSpecifies behavior for creating or replacing Teradata stored procedures.
SslCaSpecifies the file name of a PEM file that contains Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=VERIFY-CA or VERIFY-FULL.
SslCaPathSpecifies a directory of PEM files that contain Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=VERIFY-CA or VERIFY-FULL.
SslModeSpecifies the mode for connections to the database.
SslProtocolSpecifies the TLS protocol for HTTPS/TLS connections.
StrictEncodeSpecifies behavior for encoding character data to transmit to the Teradata Database.
TcpSpecifies one or more TCP socket settings, separated by plus signs ("+").
TModeSpecifies the transaction mode for the connection.
TNanoSpecifies the fractional seconds precision for all java.sql.Time values bound to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement and transmitted to the Teradata Database as TIME or TIME WITH TIME ZONE values.
TrustedSqlSpecify the value for TrustedSql.
TSNanoSpecifies the fractional seconds precision for all java.sql.Timestamp values bound to a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement and transmitted to the Teradata Database as TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values.
TypeSpecifies the type of protocol to be used with the Teradata Database for SQL statements.
UpperCaseIdentifiersThis property reports all identifiers in uppercase. This is the default for Oracle databases and thus allows better integration with Oracle tools such as the Oracle Database Gateway.
UseXViewsSpecifies which Data Dictionary views should be queried to return result sets from DatabaseMetaData methods.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111