JDBC Driver for Teradata

Build 24.0.9111


Specify the value for GOVERN, ON or OFF.






When set to ON (the default), permits Teradata Active System Management (TASM) to delay a JDBC FastLoad/FastExport operation. When TASM is enabled in the Teradata Database, FastLoad/FastExport operations are controlled by TASM, which may delay or reject a FastLoad/FastExport operation according to the TASM rules. If TASM is disabled, a FastLoad/FastExport operation will not be delayed, although it may still be rejected if it exceeds the maximum permitted number of concurrent FastLoad/FastExport operations. The limit is configured in the Teradata Database.

When set to OFF, prevents TASM from delaying a JDBC FastLoad/FastExport operation. Beginning with Teradata Database 14.10 and Teradata JDBC Driver, a JDBC FastLoad/FastExport operation will be rejected with error code 3151 when TASM is enabled for workload definitions or throttle rules. In prior versions of the Teradata JDBC Driver and Teradata Database, a JDBC FastLoad/FastExport operation will be rejected, but never delayed, if the FastLoad/FastExport operation exceeds a TASM limit or system limit, and a SQLException will be returned with error code 2633. This behavior will occur when TASM is disabled, and this behavior will occur when TASM is enabled and throttle rules are in use. However, GOVERN OFF may not have the desired effect when TASM is enabled and workload definitions are in use.

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Build 24.0.9111