JDBC Driver for Teradata

Build 24.0.9111


Specifies the type of protocol to be used with the Teradata Database for SQL statements.






Options are: TYPE=DEFAULT directs the Teradata JDBC Driver to use the standard protocol for all SQL statements TYPE=FASTLOAD directs the Teradata JDBC Driver to use the FastLoad protocol for FastLoad-capable SQL INSERT statements and the standard protocol for all other SQL statements TYPE=FASTLOADCSV directs the Teradata JDBC Driver to use the FastLoad protocol for FastLoadCSV-capable SQL INSERT statements. Other SQL statements are not supported by this type of connection. This feature is available beginning with Teradata JDBC Driver TYPE=FASTEXPORT directs the Teradata JDBC Driver to use the FastExport protocol for FastExport-capable SQL SELECT statements and the standard protocol for all other SQL statements TYPE=RAW constructs a Raw Connection that is equivalent to CLI's Buffer Mode, in which the application takes responsibility for composing messages sent to the Teradata Database and parsing messages received from the Teradata Database.

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Build 24.0.9111