CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views

Name Description
DispatchListWorkOrderOperations The Work Order Dispatch Lists resource manages the work order operations for the dispatch list. The application must work on these operations for a work area and for one or more work centers. It displays counts and optional operations for work orders that are in Released status or Completed status.
DispatchListWorkOrderOperationsWorkOrderOperationProductSerial The Product Serials for Work Order Operations resource manages the serials for the work order operation according to dispatch status.
Finders Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues FlexFndPvsCharacterValues
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues
OperationStartStops The Work Order Operation Start Stops resource manages the start time and stop time of one work order operation. If a serial controls the operation, then this resource stores the start time and stop time of the work order operation for the assembly serial.
ProcessWorkOrders The Process Work Orders resource manages details about what, how to, how many, and when to manufacture a primary product. This resource is used in an inventory organization that's identified as a process manufacturing plant. Each process work order describes the primary output item, by-products, operations, resources, input items, quantities, dates, and descriptive flexfields.
ProcessWorkOrdersOperation The Operations resource manages the operations that the application performs to process the work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderAttachment The Work Order Attachments resource manages the attachments for a work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderDFF The Flexfields for Process Work Orders resource manages the descriptive flexfields that the process work order references.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderMaterial The Work Order Materials resource manages materials that the operations use to process the work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderMaterialMaterialAttachment The Material Attachments resource manages the attachments for input material.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderMaterialMaterialDFF The Flexfields for Materials resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the input materials that the work order operation processes.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderMaterialMaterialExceptionCount The Exception Counts resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred for input materials during the operation.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderMaterialSubstituteMaterial The Substitute Materials resource gets the substitute materials that the work order operation uses.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderOutput The Work Order Outputs resource manages the outputs of all operations of a process work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderOutputOutputAttachment The Output Attachments resource manages the attachments for an output of a work order operation.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderOutputOutputDFF The Flexfields for Operation Outputs resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the output materials that the work order operation processes.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderReservation The Work Order Reservations resource manages the demand documents that the application uses to reserve the output quantity for the work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResource The Work Order Resources resource manages resources that the operations use to process the work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResourceResourceAttachment The Resource Attachments resource manages the attachments for a resource.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResourceResourceDFF The Flexfields for Resources resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the resources that the work order operations use.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResourceResourceExceptionCount The Exceptions for Operation Resources resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred for a resource during the operation.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResourceResourceInstance The Resource Instances resource manages the instances of a work order operation. Each instance supports an equipment resource or labor resource.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderResourceResourceInstanceResourceInstanceDFF The Flexfields for Resource Instances resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the resource instance.
ProcessWorkOrdersProcessWorkOrderStatusHistory The Status History resource gets the status history for the work order.
ProcessWorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF The Flexfields for Project Details resource manages the project costing attributes for a work order. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ProductionResources The Production Resources resource manages production resources that a manufacturing plant uses. A production resource can include labor, equipment, and tools that you allocate to a work center. You can categorize a production resource as Labor or Equipment.
ProductionResourcesEquipmentInstance The Equipment Instances resource manages instances of an equipment resource.
ProductionResourcesEquipmentInstanceEquipmentInstanceDFF The Flexfields for Equipment Instances resource manages descriptive flexfields that the equipment instances uses.
ProductionResourcesLaborInstance The Labor Instances resource manages instances of a labor resource.
ProductionResourcesLaborInstanceLaborInstanceDFF The Flexfields for Labor Instances resource manages descriptive flexfields that the labor instances uses.
ProductionResourcesResourceDFF The Flexfields for Resources resource manages descriptive flexfields that the production resource uses.
StandardLookupsLOV The standard lookups list of values resource is used to query the list of values of standard lookups, which list the available codes and translated meanings. Standard lookups are defined in the standard lookups view and store lookup codes that support reference data sharing.
WorkAreas The Work Areas resource manages the names of the work areas that a manufacturing plant contains. A work area is a physical area in a manufacturing plant where the plant performs production.
WorkAreasWorkAreaDFF The Flexfields for Work Areas resource manages the names of the descriptive flexfields that a work area references.
WorkCenters The Work Centers resource manages work centers that the work area contains. A work center is a production unit that consists of people or equipment who possess similar capabilities. Each work center is part of a work area. You can use it to plan capacity requirements and to schedule detailed work.
WorkCentersWorkCenterDFF The Flexfields for Work Centers resource manages the descriptive flexfields that the work center references.
WorkCentersWorkCenterResource The Work Center Resources resource manages work center resources that the work center uses.
WorkCentersWorkCenterResourceWorkCenterResourceShift The Shifts for Work Center Resources manages the shifts for each work center resource. The application automatically creates each shift when you assign a production resource to a work center.
WorkCentersWorkCenterSubinventory The Subinventories for Work Centers resource manages the subinventories that each work center uses. You can use only one subinventory as the supply subinventory for each work center.
WorkDefinitionNames The Work Definition Names resource manages the work definition names. A work definition name is used to define the different methods of making a given product.
WorkDefinitionNamestranslations The Translations resource gets the work definition name and descriptions in different languages.
WorkOrders The Discrete Work Orders resource manages details about what, how to, how many, and when to manufacture an item. This resource is used in an inventory organization that's identified as a discrete manufacturing plant. Each work order describes the item, work definition, operations, resources, components, quantities, dates, work order types, serials, and descriptive flexfields.
WorkOrdersMetrics The Work Order Metrics resource manages the work order metrics for the plant.
WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF The Flexfields for Project Details resource manages the descriptive flexfields that contain details about the project costing attributes for a work order. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
WorkOrderStatuses The Work Order Statuses resource manages the work order statuses.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderActiveOperation The Active Operations for Work Orders resource manages each active operation. An active operation is an operation that contains a quantity that's greater than zero.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderAssemblyComponent The Work Order Assemblies resource manages the assembly that the application issued as a component to the work order for rework.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderAssemblyComponentWorkOrderAssemblyComponentLot The Lots for Assemblies resource manages the lot that the application issued for the assembly that the rework work order uses.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderAssemblyComponentWorkOrderAssemblyComponentSerial The Serials for Assemblies resource manages serial that the application issued for the assembly that the rework work order uses.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderAttachment The Attachments for Work Orders resource manages documents that the user attached to the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderDFF The Flexfields for Work Order resource manages the descriptive flexfields that the work order references.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderExceptionCount The Work Order Exceptions resource gets the count of exceptions for the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderLotNumber The Work Order Lots resource manages the product lots for the work order item. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderMaterial The Work Order Materials resource manages materials that the operations use to process the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderMaterialWorkOrderMaterialExceptionCount The Exceptions for Materials resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred for materials during the operation.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderMaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialAttachment The Attachments for Materials resource manages documents that the user attached to the materials that the work order operation processes.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderMaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialDFF The Flexfields for Operation Materials resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the materials that the work order operation processes.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperation The Work Order Operations resource manages the operations that the application performs to process the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationAttachment The Attachments for Operations resource manages documents that the user attached to the operation that the work order performs.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationDFF The Flexfields for Operations resource manages descriptive flexfields that each work order operation references.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationExceptionCount The Exceptions for Operations resource gets the count of exceptions for the operation.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial The Materials for Operations resource manages materials that the work order operation processes, including material requirements.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterialWorkOrderMaterialExceptionCount The Exceptions for Operation Materials resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred for material during the operation.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialAttachment The Attachments for Materials resource manages documents that the user attached to the materials that the work order operation processes.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialDFF The Flexfields for Operation Materials resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the materials that the work order operation processes.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource The Resources for Operations resource manages resources that the work order operation processes, including resource requirements.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceAttachment The Attachments for Resources resource manages details about the documents that the user attached to the resources that the work order operations use.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceDFF The Flexfields for Resources resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the resources that the work order operations use.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceInstance The Work Order Operation Resource Instances resource manages the instances of a work order operation. Each instance supports an equipment resource or labor resource.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResourceWorkOrderResourceExceptionCount The Exceptions for Operation Resources resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred during the operation.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationSerialNumber The Serials for Operations resource manages the work order operation for the serial.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderReservation The Work Order Reservations resource manages the demand documents that the application uses to reserve the output quantity for the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResource The Work Order Resources resource manages resources that the operations use to process the work order.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceAttachment The Attachments for Resources resource manages details about the documents that the user attached to the resources that the work order operations use.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceDFF The Flexfields for Resources resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the resources that the work order operations use.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceInstance The Work Order Operation Resource Instances resource manages the instances of a work order operation. Each instance supports an equipment resource or labor resource.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResourceWorkOrderOperationResourceInstanceWOOperationResourceInstanceDFF The Flexfields for Work Order Operation Resource Instance resource manages descriptive flexfields that contain details about the resource instance.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderResourceWorkOrderResourceExceptionCount The Exceptions for Resources resource gets the count of exceptions that occurred for resources during the operation.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderSerialNumber The Work Order Serials resource manages serial numbers that identify the assemblies that the work order references.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderStatus The Work Order Statuses resource manages the work order status.
WorkOrdersWorkOrderStatusHistory The Status History resource gets the status history for the work order.

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Build 24.0.9111