CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Flexfields for Project Details resource manages the descriptive flexfields that contain details about the project costing attributes for a work order. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long WorkOrdersWorkOrderId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WorkOrderId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the work order. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the work order. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
_FLEX_Context String __FLEX_Context of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Descriptive flexfield context display value for work order project details. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
BackToBackFlag String BackToBackFlag of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
ContractMfgFlag String ContractMfgFlag of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
DueDays Int DueDays of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
Finder String Finder of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
FirmPlannedFlag String FirmPlannedFlag of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
InventoryItemId Long InventoryItemId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
ItemNumber String ItemNumber of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
MaterialItemId Long MaterialItemId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
OrganizationId Long OrganizationId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime PlannedCompletionDate of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
PlannedStartDate Datetime PlannedStartDate of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
ProductSerialId Long ProductSerialId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
ResourceId Long ResourceId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SerialNumber String SerialNumber of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long SourceHeaderReferenceId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SourceHeaderRefId Long SourceHeaderRefId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SourceLineReferenceId Long SourceLineReferenceId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SourceLineRefId Long SourceLineRefId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
SourceSystemId Long SourceSystemId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
Tolerance Int Tolerance of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WoProjectNumber String WoProjectNumber of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WorkAreaId Long WorkAreaId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WorkCenterId Long WorkCenterId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WorkOrderNumber String WorkOrderNumber of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WorkOrderStatusId Long WorkOrderStatusId of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF
WoTaskNumber String WoTaskNumber of WorkOrdersProjectDetailsDFF

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Build 24.0.9111