Tracks resources required for work order operations, such as labor and equipment, ensuring resource planning.
Name | Type | Description |
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this resource. This identifier ensures that the resource allocation is correctly linked to the relevant work order. |
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation associated with this resource. This identifier connects resources to specific operation steps within the work order. |
OrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization or business unit responsible for this resource. This identifier supports multi-organization resource allocation and tracking. |
ResourceSequenceNumber | Decimal | The sequence number that determines the order or grouping of resources required to complete the operation. Resources with the same sequence number are scheduled to work simultaneously. |
WorkOrderOperationResourceId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the resource assigned to this work order operation. This identifier ensures proper tracking of resource usage within operations. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the resource (for example, 'machine', 'tool', or 'personnel'). This identifier serves as the primary key for resource management. |
ResourceCode | String | A short code or abbreviation used to identify the resource. This code provides a quick reference for tracking and reports. |
ResourceDescription | String | A detailed description of the resource, outlining its purpose, capabilities, or role in the operation. |
ResourceName | String | The name of the resource used in this work order operation. This name helps in identifying the resource for operational and reporting purposes. |
ResourceType | String | The type of resource (for example, 'labor', 'equipment', or 'machine'). This categorization supports resource planning and capacity management. |
WorkAreaId | Long | The unique identifier for the work area where the resource is used. This identifier links resources to specific production zones. |
WorkAreaName | String | The name of the work area where the resource is assigned. This helps in tracking resource usage by location. |
WorkAreaCode | String | A short code identifying the work area, facilitating quick reference and reporting. |
WorkAreaDescription | String | A detailed description of the work area where the resource is used. This description provides context for resource allocation. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center responsible for the operation. This identifier ensures resources are tied to the correct production unit. |
WorkCenterName | String | The name of the work center where the operation is performed. This name helps track resource utilization by work center. |
WorkCenterCode | String | A short code identifying the work center. This code supports quick reference in operational workflows. |
WorkCenterDescription | String | A detailed description of the work center, outlining its role and capabilities in the production process. |
WorkOrderId | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this resource. This identifier links resource allocation to the overarching production job. |
WorkOrderOperationId | Long | The unique identifier for the specific work order operation. This identifier ensures resource usage is mapped to the correct operation step. |
OperationSequenceNumber | Decimal | The sequence number of the operation within the work order. This number determines the order in which operations and their resources are executed. |
OperationName | String | The name of the operation to which this resource is assigned. This name helps in identifying the operation in resource planning and reports. |
StandardOperationId | Long | The unique identifier for the standard operation associated with this work order operation. This identifier ensures consistency in resource planning across similar operations. |
StandardOperationCode | String | A short code representing the standard operation. This code simplifies reference and integration with predefined workflows. |
PrincipalFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this resource is the principal resource for the operation. If the value is 'true', this resource is critical and leads other resources in the operation sequence. |
UsageRate | Decimal | The predefined rate of resource usage required to perform the operation (for example, the number of hours a machine is needed per unit of production). |
BasisType | String | Specifies whether the resource quantity is fixed (for example, 'usage per lot produced') or variable (for example, 'usage per item produced'). Accepted values are defined in the lookup type EGP_BOM_BASIS_TYPE. |
RequiredUsage | Decimal | The calculated resource usage required to complete the work order operation. This metric is based on the usage rate and production quantity. |
InverseRequiredUsage | Decimal | The inverse of the usage rate, used when the resource usage rate is expressed as a fraction. This metric provides an integer value for easier calculations. |
UOMCode | String | The unit of measure (UOM) code for the resource usage (for example, 'HRS' for hours or 'EA' for each). |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The full description of the unit of measure for resource usage. This description ensures clarity in tracking and reporting. |
ChargeType | String | Indicates when resource transactions are generated (for example, 'automatically at completion'). Accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_CHARGE_TYPE. |
AssignedUnits | Decimal | The total number of resource units required to perform the operation (for example, the number of machines or workers assigned). |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | The planned start date and time for engaging the resource. These metrics ensure the resource is available at the correct time for the operation. |
PlannedCompletionDate | Datetime | The planned completion date and time for resource engagement. These metrics ensure resources are scheduled for the duration of the operation. |
ResourceActivityCode | String | The abbreviation that identifies the resource activity associated with this work order operation. This abbreviation helps in categorizing and tracking specific resource activities. |
ScheduledIndicator | String | Specifies whether the resource is scheduled for the operation. Accepted values are 'Yes' or 'No.' If 'Yes,' the system computes the start and completion dates. If 'No,' the start and completion dates are the same. The default is 'Yes.' |
PhantomFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this resource is a phantom resource. Phantom resources are temporary and used only for intermediate operations or tracking. |
ActualResourceUsage | Decimal | The actual quantity of resource usage recorded during the operation. This metric helps track discrepancies between planned and actual resource utilization. |
CreatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the individual who created this work order operation resource record. This identifier supports accountability and traceability. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when this work order operation resource record was created. These metrics help in auditing and tracking resource records. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when this work order operation resource record was last updated. These metrics support version tracking and ensures data integrity. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the individual who last updated this work order operation resource record. This identifier ensures accountability for modifications. |
ProfileId | Long | The unique identifier for the job profile associated with this resource. Job profiles define the skill set or job role required for this resource. |
ProfileCode | String | The abbreviation that identifies the job profile associated with this resource. Job profiles ensure that resources with the correct skills are assigned to operations. |
EquipmentProfileId | Long | The unique identifier for the equipment profile associated with this resource. Equipment profiles define specific configurations or setups for machines used in operations. |
EquipmentProfileCode | String | The abbreviation that identifies the equipment profile associated with this resource. This abbreviation helps ensure the correct equipment configuration is applied to the operation. |
BackToBackFlag | String | Indicates whether this resource is part of a back-to-back order process, where the resource is directly tied to fulfilling specific demand. |
ContractMfgFlag | String | Indicates whether the resource is utilized in a contract manufacturing process. This flag helps track resource usage in outsourced production workflows. |
DueDays | Int | The number of days remaining until the planned completion of the operation involving this resource. This metric supports scheduling and resource readiness tracking. |
Finder | String | A search key or identifier used to quickly locate specific work-order operation resource records in the system. |
FirmPlannedFlag | String | Indicates whether the resource requirement is firm-planned, meaning it is locked and not subject to rescheduling or adjustments. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the operation. This identifier ensures proper tracking of resources tied to material usage. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique item number associated with the resource or material. This number provides traceability in inventory and production processes. |
MaterialItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the material assigned to this resource. This identifier helps link resource usage to material consumption. |
ProductSerialId | Long | The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this resource. This identifier ensures traceability for serialized inventory. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number of the material or product associated with this resource. This supports tracking and compliance for serialized items. |
SourceHeaderReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this resource to the source document's header, such as a purchase order or project plan. This identifier supports resource traceability. |
SourceHeaderRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source header. This identifier is used for integration with external systems or legacy applications. |
SourceLineReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this resource to a specific line item in the source document, such as a purchase order line. |
SourceLineRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source line. This identifier ensures compatibility with external systems or historical tracking. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The identifier for the external system from which this work order operation resource data originates. This identifier ensures data synchronization across platforms. |
Tolerance | Int | The allowable tolerance for resource usage variations in the operation. This metric helps maintain operational flexibility while adhering to production standards. |
WoProjectNumber | String | The project number associated with the work order operation resource. This number links the resource to broader project tracking and reporting. |
WorkOrderNumber | String | The user-friendly work-order number associated with this resource. This number ensures traceability and simplifies reporting workflows. |
WorkOrderStatusId | Long | The current status identifier for the work order (for example., 'Planned,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed'). This identifier helps monitor resource utilization against the work order status. |
WoTaskNumber | String | The specific task number within the work order operation to which this resource is assigned. This number enables detailed tracking at the task level. |