CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks active operations in work orders, ensuring visibility into ongoing processes.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking the active operation record to the associated work order. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of operations within the context of a specific work order.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization managing the work order operation. This identifier supports multi-organization setups, ensuring operations are correctly associated with their respective organizations.
WorkOrderId Long The primary key that uniquely identifies the work order. This primary key links the operation to its parent work order, providing traceability and alignment within the production process.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number assigned to the work order. This number serves as a reference for identifying and tracking the work order in the system.
WorkOrderOperationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the specific operation within the work order. This identifier ensures precise tracking and management of individual operations.
OperationSequenceNumber Decimal Specifies the sequence number of the operation within the work order. This number determines the order in which operations are executed, supporting workflow and process planning.
OperationName String The name of the operation. This name provides a descriptive reference for identifying and managing the operation in reports and interfaces.
OperationDescription String A detailed description of the operation, explaining its purpose and role within the production process. This description helps users understand the operation's function.
OperationType String Specifies the type of operation (for example, 'Manufacturing,' 'Assembly,' or 'Inspection'). This categorization supports operational planning and resource allocation.
OperationTypeDescription String A detailed explanation of the operation type. This explanation provides additional context for understanding the purpose of the operation.
StandardOperationId Long The unique identifier for the standard operation associated with this operation. This identifier ensures consistency and reusability of predefined operations.
StandardOperationCode String The code for the standard operation. This code simplifies referencing and using standard operations across work orders.
StandardOperationName String The name of the standard operation. This name provides a user-friendly reference for standardized processes.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area where the operation is executed. This identifier helps in segmenting and managing operations by specific production zones.
WorkAreaCode String The code representing the work area. This code simplifies identifying and referencing the work area in configurations and reports.
WorkAreaName String The name of the work area associated with the operation. This name provides a user-friendly label for the production area.
WorkAreaDescription String Detailed description of the work area, explaining its purpose and capabilities. This description helps users understand the operational context.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center where the operation is performed. This identifier ensures proper resource allocation and monitoring at the work center level.
WorkCenterCode String The code representing the work center. This code helps in identifying and referencing work centers in production planning and reporting.
WorkCenterName String The name of the work center associated with the operation. This name provides a descriptive reference for the work center.
WorkCenterDescription String A detailed description of the work center, explaining its role and capabilities in the production process.
OSPItemId Long The unique identifier for the outside processing (OSP) item associated with the operation. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of outsourced items used in the operation.
OSPItemNumber String The item number for the OSP item. This number provides a reference for identifying outsourced materials or components.
OSPItemDescription String A detailed description of the OSP item, explaining its purpose or specifications. This description helps users understand the role of the outsourced item in the operation.
SupplierId Long The unique identifier for the supplier providing the OSP item or service. This identifier ensures proper supplier tracking and integration.
SupplierName String The name of the supplier associated with the OSP operation. This name provides a user-friendly reference for identifying suppliers.
SupplierSiteId Long The unique identifier for the supplier site providing the OSP service or item. This identifier ensures that the correct supplier site is linked to the operation.
SupplierSiteCode String The code for the supplier site. This code simplifies identifying and referencing supplier locations in the system.
SupplierSiteDescription String A detailed description of the supplier site. This description provides additional context about the location providing the OSP service or item.
FixedLeadTime Decimal The fixed lead time required to complete the operation. This metric is a constant value representing setup or preparation time, regardless of operation size.
VariableLeadTime Decimal The variable lead time required to complete the operation. This metric depends on the quantity of items being processed.
LeadTimeUOM String The unit of measure for the lead time, such as hours or days. This metric ensures consistency in interpreting lead times.
LeadTimeUnitOfMeasure String A detailed description of the unit of measure for lead time. This description provides clarity on how lead times are calculated and interpreted.
CountPointOperationFlag Bool Indicates whether this operation is a count point operation. If the value is 'true', the system records production progress at this operation. This supports tracking and reporting on production milestones.
AutoTransactFlag Bool Indicates whether the operation is automatically transacted during execution. If the value is 'true', the system automatically handles transactions for this operation without manual intervention.
ResequenceFlag Bool Specifies whether the operation can be resequenced in the work order. This field supports dynamic adjustments to operation sequences based on production needs.
ExecutionSequence Decimal The sequence in which the operation is executed. This sequence helps maintain the correct order of operations within the work order.
PORequestedQuantity Decimal The quantity requested for the purchase order associated with the operation. This metric ensures that the required materials or services are requested accurately.
POApprovedQuantity Decimal The quantity approved for the purchase order linked to the operation. This metric ensures alignment between requested and approved quantities.
OverReceiptQuantity Decimal The quantity received beyond the approved purchase order quantity. This metric helps identify and manage over-receipts in the production process.
InProcessQuantity Decimal The quantity of items currently in process for this operation. This metric provides real-time visibility into ongoing production activities.
ReceivedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items received for this operation. This metric tracks material flow into the operation and supports inventory reconciliation.
ShippedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items shipped for this operation. This metric ensures accurate tracking of outbound material flow or completed products.
ReadyQuantity Decimal The quantity of items ready for processing in this operation. This metric supports readiness assessments and resource allocation.
CompletedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items completed for this operation. This metric helps measure progress and supports operational reporting.
ScrappedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items scrapped during this operation. This metric supports quality control and waste analysis.
RejectedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items rejected during this operation. This metric tracks quality issues and provides data for root cause analysis.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure for the quantities associated with this operation (for example, 'Pieces', 'Kilograms', or 'Hours'). This metric ensures consistency in reporting and calculations.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The scheduled start date for the operation. This data supports production planning and ensures timely execution.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The scheduled completion date for the operation. This date helps ensure operations are finished on time to meet work order deadlines.
ActualStartDate Datetime The actual date when the operation began. This date provides visibility into execution timing and any deviations from the plan.
ActualCompletionDate Datetime The actual date when the operation was completed. This date helps track delays and supports historical performance analysis.
DelayStatus Int Indicates the status of any delays associated with this operation. This field helps identify and address bottlenecks or issues causing delays.
MaterialsCount Int The total count of materials associated with this operation. This metric helps track and manage material requirements.
ResourcesCount Int The total count of resources assigned to this operation. This metric supports resource allocation and capacity planning.
SerialTrackingFlag Bool Specifies whether serial tracking is enabled for this operation. If the value is 'true', the operation requires tracking of individual serial numbers for items.
ShippingDocumentsFlag Bool Indicates whether shipping documents are required for this operation. This field supports compliance and logistics tracking.
CreatedBy String The username or identifier of the person who created this operation record. This identifier ensures accountability and traceability.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when this operation record was created. These metrics support audit trails and historical analysis.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when this operation record was last updated. These metrics ensure traceability and reflects recent changes.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or identifier of the person who last updated this operation record. This identifier ensures accountability for changes.
AdditionalMaterialAtManualIssue String Indicates whether additional materials are issued manually for this operation. This field supports flexibility in material handling.
OperationCompletionWithOpenExceptions String Specifies whether the operation can be completed even if there are unresolved exceptions. This field provides flexibility for managing ongoing issues.
OperationCompletionWithUnderIssue String Indicates whether the operation can be completed even if materials are under-issued. This field ensures progress isn't halted by minor material shortages.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether the operation is part of a back-to-back process. This field is used for managing operations directly linked to specific orders or demands.
ContractMfgFlag String Specifies whether the operation is part of contract manufacturing. This field helps track outsourced operations within the work order.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until this operation is due for completion. This metric helps prioritize tasks based on urgency.
Finder String A utility field enabling advanced search and filtering capabilities for operations. This field supports efficient navigation and management of large datasets.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the operation is firm planned. If the value is 'true', the operation is locked and not subject to changes from automated planning processes.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this operation. This identifier ensures accurate linkage between operations and materials.
ItemNumber String The item number associated with this operation. This number provides a reference for identifying materials or products being processed.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material item required for this operation. This identifier ensures materials are correctly tied to their respective operations.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the product serial number associated with this operation. This identifier supports traceability for serialized items.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource assigned to this operation. This identifier supports resource tracking and allocation.
SerialNumber String The serial number associated with the items processed in this operation. This serial number supports detailed tracking for serialized products.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source header associated with this operation. This identifier links the operation to its originating transaction or document.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternative identifier for the source header, supporting flexible integration with external systems.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source line associated with this operation. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of specific line items.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternative identifier for the source line reference. This identifier supports flexible tracking and integration with external systems.
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the source system that created this operation record. This identifier ensures traceability across integrated systems.
Tolerance Int The allowed deviation (in days) for the operation's completion date. This metric defines acceptable thresholds for delays.
WoProjectNumber String The unique project number associated with this operation. This number ties operations to specific projects for tracking and reporting.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The unique identifier for the status of the work order associated with this operation. This identifier ensures that operations are aligned with the overall work order status.
WoTaskNumber String The unique task number associated with this operation. This number provides detailed tracking of tasks within the work order.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175