CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks product serials for work order operations based on dispatch status.


Name Type Description
DispatchListWorkOrderOperationsDispatchState [KEY] String The dispatch state of the work order operation in the context of product serials.
DispatchListWorkOrderOperationsOperationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the operation in the DispatchListWorkOrderOperations view associated with product serials.
WorkOrderProductSerialId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the product serial associated with the work order operation.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the product or item associated with the work order operation.
SerialStatus String The current status of the product serial, such as 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'Scrapped'.
SerialStatusDescription String A detailed description of the status of the product serial.
OperationId Long The unique identifier for the specific operation linked to the product serial.
OperationSequenceNumber Decimal The sequence number of the operation, indicating its order in the workflow associated with the product serial.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order associated with the operation and product serial.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization associated with the work order operation and product serial.
SerialStartStopStatusCode Long The code indicating the start or stop status of the product serial within the operation, such as '1' for Start or '0' for Stop.
SerialStartStopStatus String The textual representation of the start or stop status for the product serial, such as 'Started' or 'Stopped'.
DispatchState String The current dispatch state of the product serial in the work order operation.
Finder String A reference or search string used to locate specific details related to the product serial and its operation.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization associated with the work order operation and product serial.
ProjectNumber String The number assigned to the project associated with the work order operation and product serial.
TaskNumber String The number assigned to the specific task within the project associated with the work order operation and product serial.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175