Manages individual instances of labor resources, facilitating labor allocation and tracking.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductionResourcesResourceId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier linking this labor instance to its associated production resource, ensuring that labor resources are tracked as part of the overall resource pool within the production system. This identifier supports resource-use analysis and production-efficiency improvements. |
LaborInstanceId [KEY] | Long | The primary key uniquely identifying the labor resource instance. This system-generated key ensures that each labor instance is distinctly identifiable, enabling tracking of individual workers or roles within production processes. |
LaborIdentifier | String | The concise abbreviation or code assigned to the labor resource instance. This code is used in operational systems for quick identification and cross-referencing in work assignments and schedules. |
LaborInstanceName | String | The full name or description of the labor resource instance, providing a clear label that helps identify specific labor resources (for example, 'John Doe - Welder' or 'Contractor - Assembler'). |
PartyId | Long | The foreign key that links this labor instance to the Party table in Oracle Trading Community Architecture. This connection allows integration with external entities such as employees, contractors, or service providers, facilitating unified data management. |
RegistryId | String | The identifier for the registry in Oracle Trading Community Architecture that associates this labor instance with its corresponding entity. This identifier enables centralized management of personnel data across the organization. |
PersonName | String | The full name of the individual associated with this labor instance, allowing easy identification of the person responsible for specific tasks or operations. |
PersonType | String | The classification of the person linked to this labor instance (for example, 'Employee,' 'Contractor,' or 'Temporary Worker'). This categorization supports workforce segmentation and enables accurate reporting on labor usage. |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory organization responsible for managing this labor instance. This identifier ensures that labor resources are properly segmented by organizational unit and integrated with other resources. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the production resource associated with this labor instance. This identifier ties the labor instance to its parent resource, enabling resource hierarchy management and production planning. |
ResourceCode | String | The abbreviation or code assigned to the resource associated with this labor instance. This code simplifies resource identification across production schedules and operational reports. |
PrimaryWorkCenterId | Long | The system-generated unique identifier for the primary work center where this labor instance is assigned by default. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of labor resource allocation to specific work centers. |
PrimaryWorkCenterCode | String | The short code or abbreviation representing the primary work center associated with this labor instance. This code is often used in production schedules and dashboards to indicate labor resource location. |
InactiveDate | Date | The date when this labor instance is marked as inactive, indicating that the individual or role is no longer available for production tasks. This metric supports workforce lifecycle management and ensures accurate resource planning. |
AssetItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the asset item linked to this labor instance, supporting scenarios where labor is tied to specific equipment or tools in production operations. |
AssetItemNumber | String | The code or number assigned to the asset item associated with this labor instance. This code is often used to link labor to the physical tools or equipment they operate. |
AssetNumber | String | The unique number assigned to the asset associated with this labor instance, enabling precise tracking of assets used by specific personnel. |
ChangedDate | Date | The date when the details of this labor instance were last updated. This metric ensures that records are up-to-date and allows for auditing changes made to labor resource data. |
EquipmentIdentifier | String | The short code or abbreviation representing the equipment resource linked to this labor instance. This code supports integration between labor and the tools or machinery they operate. |
EquipmentInstanceId | Long | The unique identifier for the specific instance of equipment associated with this labor instance, enabling hybrid tracking of human and machine resources within production workflows. |
Finder | String | A utility field used for advanced search or filtering capabilities within the system to locate specific labor instances based on various criteria. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the person associated with this labor instance. This name enables detailed identification and differentiation of individual workers or contractors. |
LastName | String | The last name of the person linked to this labor instance. This name provides additional clarity and completeness in identifying personnel. |
MiddleName | String | The middle name of the person associated with this labor instance. This name ensures full and unique identification in cases of common first and last names. |
ResourceType | String | Specifies the type of resource represented by this labor instance (for example, 'Labor,' 'Supervisor,' or 'Technician'). This categorization helps in managing and planning labor resources effectively. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center where this labor instance is used. This identifier supports accurate allocation of labor resources and ensures that personnel are aligned with operational requirements. |