CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Offers API endpoints for accessing and managing descriptive flexfield contexts.


Name Type Description
ApplicationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the application associated with the descriptive flexfield context.
DescriptiveFlexfieldCode [KEY] String The code representing the descriptive flexfield for which the context is defined.
ContextCode [KEY] String The unique code identifying the specific context of the descriptive flexfield.
Name String The name of the context within the descriptive flexfield, providing a user-friendly identifier.
Description String A detailed description of the context within the descriptive flexfield.
EnabledFlag String Indicates whether the context is enabled ('Y') or disabled ('N').
Bind_ApplicationId Long The application ID used as a bind variable for the descriptive flexfield context.
Bind_DescriptiveFlexfieldCode String The descriptive flexfield code used as a bind variable for the context.
Finder String A reference or search string used to locate specific details related to the descriptive flexfield context.

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Build 24.0.9175