CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages the sequence of operations required to process a work order, outlining steps for efficient execution.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order associated with this operation. This identifier links the operation to the parent work order for accurate tracking and execution.
OrganizationId Long The identifier for the organization or business unit responsible for this work order operation. This identifier helps distinguish operations across multiple facilities.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order. This identifier serves as the primary key for tracking the work order across manufacturing and supply chain processes.
WorkOrderNumber String The work order number, a user-friendly identifier used for referencing the specific work order in reports and operational workflows.
WorkOrderOperationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order operation. This identifier ensures each operation is tracked distinctly within a work order.
OperationSequenceNumber Decimal The sequence number determining the order in which operations are performed within a work order. This number is essential for maintaining proper workflow execution.
OperationName String The name of the operation being performed as part of the work order. This name provides clear identification of each step in the manufacturing process.
OperationDescription String A detailed description of the operation, specifying what it involves and its role within the work order.
OperationType String Indicates the type of operation. Values include IN_HOUSE (meaning the operation is performed within the organization) and SUPPLIER (meaning it is outsourced to a supplier).
OperationTypeDescription String A descriptive explanation of the operation type, helping users understand whether the operation is performed internally or externally.
StandardOperationId Long The unique identifier for the standard operation referenced by the work order. This identifier allows for standardization and repeatability in manufacturing processes.
StandardOperationCode String A short code representing the standard operation, simplifying reference and integration with other systems.
StandardOperationName String The name of the standard operation associated with the work order, providing a clear reference to predefined processes.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area where this operation takes place, such as a specific production floor or assembly line.
WorkAreaCode String The abbreviation or short code for the work area, facilitating quick identification.
WorkAreaName String The descriptive name of the work area where the operation is performed, useful for reporting and resource allocation.
WorkAreaDescription String A detailed description of the work area, specifying its function and role in the manufacturing process.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center where this operation is executed. Work centers typically group resources like machines and labor.
WorkCenterCode String A short code representing the work center. This code is useful for quick identification and reporting.
WorkCenterName String The name of the work center responsible for performing this operation. This name ensures clarity in resource management.
WorkCenterDescription String A detailed description of the work center, outlining its capabilities and role within the production process.
OSPItemId Long The unique identifier for the outside processing (OSP) item, which represents a material or service required from an external supplier.
OSPItemNumber String The item number assigned to the outside processing (OSP) item. This number provides a unique reference for procurement and tracking.
OSPItemDescription String A detailed description of the outside processing (OSP) item, specifying its purpose and requirements.
SupplierId Long The unique identifier for the supplier providing outside processing (OSP) services. This identifier ensures traceability in outsourced operations.
SupplierName String The name of the supplier performing the outside processing operation. This name facilitates vendor management and procurement processes.
SupplierSiteId Long The unique identifier for the specific site or location of the supplier where the outside processing occurs.
SupplierSiteCode String A short code representing the supplier site. This code is used for quick reference in supplier management.
SupplierSiteDescription String A description of the supplier site, outlining its capabilities and role in providing outside processing services.
FixedLeadTime Decimal The fixed time required to complete this outside processing operation, regardless of the quantity processed. This metric helps in scheduling and lead time calculations.
VariableLeadTime Decimal The variable time required per unit of the OSP item to complete the operation. This metric supports dynamic scheduling based on order quantities.
LeadTimeUOM String The unit of measure used for the lead time, such as hours or days. This metric ensures consistency in scheduling calculations.
LeadTimeUnitOfMeasure String A descriptive representation of the unit of measure used for lead time, helping users understand time calculations in planning.
CountPointOperationFlag Bool Indicates whether the operation is a count point operation. If the value is 'true', the operation requires manual completion reporting. The last operation in a work order should always be a count point operation.
AutoTransactFlag Bool Indicates whether the operation is automatically reported. If the value is 'true', resource usage and material consumption are automatically recorded based on predefined setup rules. Count point and auto transact operations cannot both be true simultaneously.
ResequenceFlag Bool Indicates whether the work order includes resequenced operations. If the value is 'true', operations have been resequenced to optimize workflow or accommodate changes in production. If the value is 'false', the operations follow the originally planned sequence. This feature requires opt-in.
ExecutionSequence Decimal The execution sequence number for this operation. This number determines the order in which it is performed relative to other operations in the work order.
PORequestedQuantity Decimal The quantity of materials or items requested in the purchase order for this operation. This metric reflects the initial demand for externally procured items.
POApprovedQuantity Decimal The quantity of materials or items approved for purchase in relation to this operation. This metric helps track procurement approvals for outside processing (OSP) operations.
OverReceiptQuantity Decimal The quantity of items received beyond the initially requested or approved quantity. This metric tracks excess materials received and ensures accurate reconciliation.
InProcessQuantity Decimal The quantity of items currently being processed in this operation. This metric helps track ongoing production and identify potential bottlenecks.
ReceivedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of materials received for this operation, whether from inventory or external suppliers. This metric ensures accurate material tracking.
ShippedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items shipped as part of the work order operation. This metric is relevant for outside processing operations or when finished goods are sent to another location.
ReadyQuantity Decimal The number of units available and ready for the next stage of production or for shipment, indicating operational progress.
CompletedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of items successfully completed in this operation. This field helps monitor production output.
ScrappedQuantity Decimal The number of units scrapped due to defects, damage, or other quality issues. This metric is crucial for identifying waste and inefficiencies.
RejectedQuantity Decimal The number of units rejected due to failing quality inspections or specifications. Rejected quantities might require rework or additional processing.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure (UOM) used for quantities in this operation (for example, 'EA' for each or 'KG' for kilograms). This metric ensures consistency in reporting and tracking.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned start date and time for this operation. These metrics are set by the scheduling application and must align with the overall work order timeline.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The planned completion date and time for this operation. This metric is scheduled to ensure the operation finishes within the overall work order duration.
ActualStartDate Datetime The actual date and time when this operation began. These metrics allow comparison with the planned start date to identify scheduling deviations.
ActualCompletionDate Datetime The actual date and time when this operation was completed. These metrics helps measure production efficiency and adherence to schedules.
DelayStatus Int Indicates the delay status of the operation, with predefined status codes representing different levels of delay severity.
MaterialsCount Int The total number of materials associated with this operation. This metric helps assess material requirements and allocation efficiency.
ResourcesCount Int The total number of resources (for example, 'machines', 'tools', 'labor') assigned to this operation, aiding in capacity planning and resource utilization tracking.
SerialTrackingFlag Bool Indicates whether serialized tracking is enabled for this operation. If this value is 'true', each item processed must have a unique serial number for traceability.
ShippingDocumentsFlag Bool Indicates whether shipping documents are required for this outside processing (OSP) operation. If this value is 'true', documents such as packing slips or shipping labels are generated automatically.
CreatedBy String The username or identifier of the individual who created this work order operation, providing traceability for record creation.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when this work order operation was created, ensuring accurate historical tracking.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when this work order operation was last updated, supporting change tracking and audit requirements.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or identifier of the individual who last modified this work order operation, ensuring accountability.
AdditionalMaterialAtManualIssue String Defines whether a production operator can issue more than the required quantity when manually reporting material issues. Options include unrestricted issuance, restricted issuance, or prevention of over-issue.
OperationCompletionWithOpenExceptions String Defines whether an operation can be completed if open exceptions exist. Options include unrestricted completion, completion with warnings, or prevention of completion until exceptions are resolved.
OperationCompletionWithUnderIssue String Defines whether an operation can be completed when less than the required quantity of material has been issued. Options include unrestricted completion, completion with warnings, or prevention of completion.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether this work order operation is linked to a back-to-back order, ensuring direct fulfillment alignment between demand and supply.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether this work order operation involves contract manufacturing, helping track outsourced production activities.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until this operation is due for completion. This metric aids in scheduling and on-time delivery management.
Finder String A search key or identifier used to quickly locate specific work order operations within the system. This identifier improves data retrieval efficiency.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the work order operation is firm-planned, meaning it is confirmed and locked from further scheduling adjustments. A firm-planned operation is not subject to rescheduling or auto-adjustments.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this work order operation. This identifier links materials used in the operation to inventory records for accurate tracking and stock control.
ItemNumber String The specific item number assigned to the material used in the operation. This number serves as a unique reference across procurement, inventory, and production systems.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material assigned to this work order operation. This identifier ensures traceability of material consumption during manufacturing.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this work order operation. This identifier ensures end-to-end traceability for serialized inventory in production and supply chain management.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource (for example, 'machine', 'tool', or 'labor') assigned to this work order operation. This identifier helps in resource planning and efficiency tracking.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the item processed in this operation. This serial number is crucial for traceability, particularly for regulated or high-value products.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this operation to the source document's header (for example, a sales order or a master production schedule, ensuring traceability from planning to execution.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternate reference identifier for the source header, often used for integration with legacy systems or external applications.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this operation to a specific line item in the source document (for example, a sales order line). This ensures material and operational alignment with customer demand.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternate reference identifier for the source line, ensuring compatibility with external systems and integrations.
SourceSystemId Long The identifier for the external system from which this work order operation data originates. This ensures proper tracking and synchronization in multi-system environments.
Tolerance Int The allowable tolerance for material deviations or process variances in this work order operation. This metric ensures compliance with quality and production standards without unnecessary rework.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with this work order operation. This number links the operation to a broader project, supporting cost allocation and project progress tracking.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The identifier for the current status of the work order, such as 'Planned,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed.' This identifier supports real-time production tracking and reporting.
WoTaskNumber String The specific task number assigned to this work order operation. This number represents a distinct step or sub-process within the overall production process. This helps track task-level execution.

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Build 24.0.9175