CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Records the status history of work orders for audit and tracking purposes.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking this status history entry to a specific work order. This identifier is used for tracking work order transitions over time.
WoStatusHistoryId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order status history record. This identifier is used for auditing status changes.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization responsible for the work order. This identifier supports multi-organization tracking.
WorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order associated with this status change. This identifier helps track work order lifecycle.
StatusChangeDate Datetime The timestamp indicating when the work order status change occurred. This timestamp is essential for auditing and historical analysis.
FromStatusId Long The unique identifier of the previous status before the transition. This identifier enables tracking of status movement.
FromStatusCode String The code representing the previous status of the work order. This code supports workflow automation.
FromSystemStatusCode String A system-generated code representing the previous system status. This code is used for backend process tracking.
FromStatusName String A human-readable name of the previous work order status. This name enhances readability of status history.
ToStatusId Long The unique identifier of the new status after the transition. This identifier helps track changes in the work order lifecycle.
ToStatusCode String The code representing the new status of the work order. This code is used in status automation workflows.
ToSystemStatusCode String A system-generated code representing the new system status. This code supports ERP integrations.
ToStatusName String A human-readable name of the new work order status. This name improves clarity in tracking work order progress.
Reason String A description of why the status change occurred. This description provides context for approvals, delays, or workflow changes.
User String The user who initiated the work order status change. This field helps in tracking accountability and audit trails.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether the work order is part of a back-to-back supply process. This flag ensures supply chain efficiency.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the work order involves contract manufacturing. This flag helps track outsourced production.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining before the work order due date at the time of status change. This metric supports scheduling adjustments.
Finder String A searchable reference for locating this status history record within the system.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the work order was firm planned during this status change, preventing schedule modifications.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this status history entry. This identifier links status to inventory.
ItemNumber String The item number related to the work order status change. This number is used in material planning and tracking.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The timestamp of the last update to this work order status history record. This timestamp ensures data consistency.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material associated with the work order during the status transition.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The planned completion date at the time of status change. This metric helps track delays or accelerations.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned start date at the time of status change. This metric supports scheduling and capacity planning.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier linking this status change to a specific serialized product. This identifier supports serialization tracking.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource involved in the work order at the time of status change.
SerialNumber String The serial number assigned to the product or material associated with this work order during the status transition.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this status change to an external source document header (for example, 'purchase order' or 'transfer order').
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternative reference identifier for the source document header. This identifier ensures compatibility with external systems.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this status change to a specific line item in the source document.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternative reference identifier for the source line. This identifier is used for external system integrations.
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the external system from which this status history data originates. This identifier supports ERP and SCM integration.
Tolerance Int The permissible variation before triggering an exception in work order execution. This metric supports quality control.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with this work order status change. This number links it to broader project management tracking.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area involved during the status change. This identifier helps track production areas.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center processing this work order during the status transition.
WorkOrderNumber String A human-readable work order number for easy identification during status changes.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The status identifier representing the current state of the work order post-transition.
WoTaskNumber String The task number associated with this work order status change. This number helps track specific tasks affected by the status update.

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Build 24.0.9175