The connector models the data in Zendesk as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
CData Python Connector for Zendesk Tables
Name | Description |
AccountSettings | Query and update Account Settings in Zendesk. |
ArticleAttachments | Query and Delete Acticle Attachment in Zendesk. |
ArticleComments | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Article Comments in Zendesk. |
ArticleLabels | Create, delete, and query Article Lables in Zendesk. |
Articles | Create, Update, Archive and query Acticles in Zendesk. |
Attributes | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Attributes in Zendesk. An attribute in Zendesk refers to a skill type. Skill types are categories of skills. |
AttributeValues | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Attribute Values in Zendesk. An attribute value in this API refers to a skill. Skills are associated with an agent and determine the agent's suitability to solve a ticket. |
Automations | Create, update, delete, and query Automations in Zendesk. |
Bookmarks | Create, Delete and Query the Bookmarks in Zendesk. |
Brands | Create, delete, update, and query Brands in Zendesk. |
Categories | Create, update, delete, and query Categories in Zendesk. |
ContentSubscriptions | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Content Subscriptions in Zendesk. Users can subscribe to sections, articles, community posts, and community topics. |
ContentTags | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Content Tags in Zendesk. |
CustomAgentRoles | Create, Update, Delete and Query CustomAgentRoles in Zendesk. |
CustomObjects | Create, delete, update, and query Custom Objects in Zendesk. |
CustomTicketStatuses | Create, update, and query custom ticket statuses in zendesk. |
GroupMemberships | Create, delete, and query Group Memberships in Zendesk. |
Groups | Create, update, delete, and query Groups in Zendesk. |
Holidays | Create, update, delete, and query Schedules in Zendesk. |
JiraLinks | View and create links between your Jira and Zendesk instances. |
Macros | Create, update, delete, and query Macros in Zendesk. |
ManagementPermissionGroups | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Management Permission Groups in Zendesk. A management permission group defines which agents can create, update, archive, and publish articles. It consists of a set of privileges, each of which is mapped to a user segment. Agents receive whichever privileges are associated with the user segments they belong to. |
OrganizationFields | Create, update, delete, and query Organization Fields in Zendesk. |
OrganizationMemberships | Create, delete, and query Organization Memberships in Zendesk. |
Organizations | Create, delete, update, and query Organizations in Zendesk. |
OrganizationSubscriptions | Create, delete, and query Organization Subscriptions in Zendesk. |
PostComments | Query, Insert, Update and Delete PostComments in Zendesk. |
Posts | Queries, Inserts, Updates, and Deletes Posts in Zendesk. |
SatisfactionRatings | Create and query Requests in Zendesk. |
Schedules | Create, update, delete and query Schedules in Zendesk. |
Sections | Create, update, delete, and query Sections in Zendesk. |
Sessions | Query and delete Sessions in Zendesk. |
SharingAgreements | Create, update, delete, and query SharingAgreements in Zendesk. |
SideConversations | Create, update and query Side Conversations in Zendesk. |
SlaPolicies | Create, update, delete, and query SlaPolicies in Zendesk. |
SupportAddresses | Create, update, delete, and query Support Addresses in Zendesk. |
SuspendedTickets | Query and delete Suspended Tickets in Zendesk. |
TicketAudits | Query TicketAudits in Zendesk. |
TicketComments | Query TicketComments belonging to a specified ticket in Zendesk. |
TicketEvents | Query TicketEvents in Zendesk. |
TicketFields | Create, update, delete, and query TicketFields in Zendesk. |
TicketForms | Create, update, delete, and query Ticket Forms in Zendesk. |
TicketMetricEvents | Queries TicketMetricEvents in Zendesk. |
TicketMetrics | Query TicketMetrics in Zendesk. |
Tickets | Create, update, delete, and query Tickets. |
TicketSkips | Create and Query the TicketSkips in Zendesk. A skip is a record of when an agent skips over a ticket without responding to the end user. Skips are typically recorded while a play-only agent is in Guided mode. |
Tickets_Collaborators | The Collaborator id of users currently CC'ed on the ticket. |
Tickets_Followers | The ids of agents currently following the ticket |
Tickets_Followups | The ids of the followups created from ticket. |
Tickets_Macros | List of macros to be recorded in the ticket audit. |
Tickets_SatisfactionRatings | The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction. |
Tickets_SharingAgreements | The sharing agreements used for ticket. |
Tickets_Tags | The tags applied to the ticket |
Tickets_Viasources | List ViaSources for the Ticket. |
Topics | Queries, Inserts, Updates, and Deletes Topics in Zendesk. |
Translations | Create, Update, Delete and Query the Translations in Zendesk. |
TriggerCategories | Create, update, delete, and query Trigger Categories in Zendesk. |
Triggers | Create, update, delete, and query Triggers in Zendesk. |
UserFields | Create, update, delete, and query User Fields. |
UserIdentities | Creates, updates, deletes, and queries User Identities. |
Users | Create, update, delete, and query Users in Zendesk. |
UserSegments | Create, Update, Delete and Query the User Segments in Zendesk. A user segment defines who can view the content of a section or topic. |
Views | Create, Update, Delete and Query Views in Zendesk. |
Votes | Create, Delete and Query the Votes in Zendesk. Votes represents positive and negative opinions of users about articles, article comments, posts or post comments. |