Logs and History

Version 22.0.8483

Logs and History

Version 22.0.8483

The Sync application maintains a job history table containing the results of every job that has been executed in the past. In addition to the Job History, the execution details of a job are logged to multiple files. The logs can be configured to various levels of verbosity as described below and can be helpful in tracking connectivity errors or troubleshooting other problems in job execution.

Enable Logging

On the Logging & History tab, set the Logfile Verbosity property determines the amount of information included in logs for the job. The following options are available:

Verbosity Level Information Logged
None Logs are not recorded for this job.
Error The query, the number of rows returned by the query, the start and end of execution, and any errors.
Info Everything at the Error log level, plus the timing of HTTP requests and responses, and information and warnings on the replication process. This is the default verbosity for jobs.
Transfer Everything at the Info log level, plus the headers and transfer data of HTTP requests and responses.
Verbose Everything at the Transfer log level, plus log replication details and communication with the destination that may be helpful in troubleshooting problems.

Setting the Verbosity to Transfer or Verbose will expose the raw data being transferred between the source applications and the destination database. Although connection properties (such as passwords) are masked, you should review logs of this level for sensitive information before sharing them outside of your organization.

Viewing Job History

After each Job run attempt, Sync will add an entry into the Job History table with the results of the run. Select the Logging tab to view previous history of the Job. Expanding the row will show the results of each separate task that ran.

Downloading Job Logs

A job run can produce 3 separate logfiles:

  1. Source: Logs any communication with the Source Connector including connection issues, metadata retrieval and errors related to raw data retrieval.
  2. Destination: Logs any communication with the Destination Connector including connection issues, metadata retrieval and errors related to bulk data loading.
  3. Replicate Engine: Logs operations handled by the Engine include communication with the CDATA_SYNC_STATUS table and the generated queries sent to the Source and Destination.

After clicking on the log file name next to the run in the Job History table, you can choose which logfile to download and review. Alternatively, select All to download all logfiles associated with the Job run.