Connection Management API

Version 22.0.8483

Connection Management API

Connection Management

List all Connections

Returns a list of all Connections within the Sync application.


Query Parameters

Name Description
Name The name of the connection to retrieve.

Create a Connection

Create a new Connection in the Sync application.


Body Parameters

Name Description
Name (required) The name of the connection to create.
ProviderName The name of the connector to make the connection to. I.E. CData Salesforce.
ConnectionString The connection string for the data connection.
  "Name": "MyNewConnection", 
  "ProviderName": "CData Salesforce",
  "ConnectionString": "user=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;SecurityToken=MyToken"

Modify a Connection

Modifies an Existing Connection. You are unable to modify a Connection that is currently being used in a running Job.


Query Parameters

Name Description
Name (required) The name of the connection to modify.

Body Parameters

Name Description
ConnectionString The connection string for the data connection.
  "ConnectionString": "user=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;SecurityToken=MyNewToken"

Delete a Connection

Remove a Connection from the Sync application. You are unable to delete a Connection that is currently in use in a Job.


Query Parameters

Name Description
Name Name of the Connection to Delete.

Test a Connection

Test a previously created connection. Response will contain Success or Error Message


Body Parameters

Name Description
ConnectionName Name of the Connection to Test.
  "ConnectionName": "MyConnection"

List Tables

Retrieve a list of available Tables for a Connection.


Body Parameters

Name Description
ConnectionName Name of the Connection to retieve Tables from.
TableOrView The types (tables or views) that should be listed. Values: TABLES,VIEWS,ALL
Schema Restrict tables to only this schema.
IncludeSchema Whether to include schema with the Table name in the form [Schema].[Table]
IncludeCatalog Whether to include catalog with the Table name in the form [Catalog].[Schema].[Table]
  "ConnectionName": "MyConnection",
  "TableOrView": "ALL",
  "IncludeSchema": "True"

List Columns

Retrieve a list of available Columns for a Table.


Body Parameters

Name Description
ConnectionName Name of the Connection to retieve Tables from.
Table Name of the Table to retieve Columns from.
  "ConnectionName": "MyConnection",
  "Table": "Accounts"