Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views
Name | Description |
Finders | Lists finder names and their attributes for easier query generation and data retrieval. |
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts | Defines and retrieves contexts for descriptive flexfields, enabling data customization and classification. |
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues | Manages character values for specific flexfield character identifiers. |
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues | Provides details about character values used in flexfields for standardized data storage. |
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues | Tracks numeric identifiers and associated values for use in flexfields. |
Ideas | Tracks product or process improvement suggestions, including new product or process proposals. |
IdeasAttachments | Manages attachments linked to ideas for supporting documentation. |
IdeasIdeaComment | Tracks comments associated with ideas to facilitate discussion and feedback. |
IdeasIdeaTeam | Manages team members authorized to collaborate on specific ideas. |
IdeasIdeaVote | Records votes on ideas, tracking user sentiment as Like or Dislike. |
ItemCatalogs | Manages catalog hierarchies and associated categories for product organization. |
ItemCatalogsattachments | Manages files or documents attached to item catalogs, providing additional information or references. |
ItemCatalogsattachmentsattachmentDFF | Handles contextual descriptive fields for attachments associated with item catalogs, enabling customized data entry. |
ItemCatalogscategoryHierarchies | Defines and manages hierarchical structures for organizing item catalog categories for better navigation and classification. |
ItemCatalogscategoryHierarchiescategoryHierarchies | Manages the hierarchical relationships between item catalog categories, ensuring logical structuring and grouping. |
ItemCatalogsDFF | Handles descriptive flexfields specific to item catalogs, allowing for tailored data capture and representation. |
ItemCatalogsfunctionalAreaAssignments | Manages mappings between catalogs and functional areas, ensuring proper assignment and access control. |
ItemCatalogstranslatableAttributes | Supports the management of translatable attributes within item catalogs to accommodate multi-language requirements. |
ItemCategories | Manages item categories, which define the classification and organization of items within catalogs. |
ItemCategoriesattachments | Handles attachments for item categories, enabling additional references or documentation to be linked to specific categories. |
ItemCategoriesattachmentsattachmentDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields for category-specific attachments to support customized metadata. |
ItemCategoriesDFF | Handles contextual descriptive fields for item categories, enabling additional data storage and categorization. |
ItemCategoriestranslatableAttributes | Manages translatable attributes of item categories to support global operations and localization. |
ItemCategoryAssignments | Defines and manages the association between items and their assigned categories for proper classification. |
ItemsV2 | Manages details of items such as parts, materials, and products, including attributes that uniquely define them. |
ItemsV2ItemAttachment | Handles the management of item-specific attachments, linking documents or files to individual items. |
ItemsV2ItemAttachmentAttachedDocumentsDFF | Manages the descriptive fields for attachments associated with items, enabling detailed metadata capture. |
ItemsV2ItemCategory | Manages the relationship between items and their assigned categories within the catalog. |
ItemsV2ItemDFF | Manages contextual descriptive flexfields specific to items, allowing for tailored attribute definitions. |
ItemsV2ItemEffCategory | Handles extensible fields for items, enabling the capture of additional characteristics such as color or size. |
ItemsV2ItemGlobalDFF | Manages global descriptive flexfields for items, standardizing attributes across the system. |
ItemsV2ItemRevision | Tracks and manages revision details for items, ensuring accurate record-keeping of changes over time. |
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionDFF | Handles descriptive flexfields specific to item revisions for contextual customization. |
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionEffCategory | Manages extensible flexfields for item revisions, capturing custom attributes related to changes. |
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionTranslation | Handles translatable attributes for item revisions to support global operations and localized descriptions. |
ItemsV2ItemRevisionRevisionAttachment | Manages attachments related to specific item revisions, providing additional documentation or reference. |
ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociation | Manages associations between items and their suppliers, defining supplier-specific attributes for each item. |
ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociationItemSupplierEffCategory | Handles extensible flexfields for item-supplier associations, enabling custom attribute management. |
ItemsV2ItemTranslation | Manages translatable fields for items, ensuring attributes such as descriptions are accessible in multiple languages. |
ItemTemplates | Manages item templates, which provide predefined sets of attributes for quicker item creation and standardization. |
ItemTemplatesitemDFFs | Handles contextual descriptive flexfields in item templates, allowing for tailored data input. |
ItemTemplatesitemEFFs | Manages extensible flexfields in item templates for capturing additional customizable attributes. |
ItemTemplatesitemGlobalDFFs | Handles global descriptive flexfields within item templates, ensuring consistency across the system. |
ItemTemplatesitemRevisions | Tracks and manages revision details within item templates for accurate version control. |
ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsDFFs | Handles descriptive flexfields for item revisions in templates, enabling contextual customization. |
ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsEFFs | Manages extensible flexfields for item revisions in templates to capture additional revision-specific attributes. |
ItemTemplatesitemTranslations | Handles translatable attributes in item templates to support multi-language item definitions. |
StandardLookupsLOV | Queries the standard lookup codes and translated meanings, supporting reference data sharing. |
TradingPartnerItemRelationships | Manages relationships between internal items and trading partner items for better collaboration. |
TradingPartnerItemRelationshipsDFF | Handles descriptive flexfields for trading partner item relationships to manage custom attributes. |
TradingPartnerItemRelationshipstranslatableAttributes | Manages translatable attributes for trading partner item relationships to support global operations. |