CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views

Name Description
Finders Lists finder names and their attributes for easier query generation and data retrieval.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Defines and retrieves contexts for descriptive flexfields, enabling data customization and classification.
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Manages character values for specific flexfield character identifiers.
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues Provides details about character values used in flexfields for standardized data storage.
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues Tracks numeric identifiers and associated values for use in flexfields.
Ideas Tracks product or process improvement suggestions, including new product or process proposals.
IdeasAttachments Manages attachments linked to ideas for supporting documentation.
IdeasIdeaComment Tracks comments associated with ideas to facilitate discussion and feedback.
IdeasIdeaTeam Manages team members authorized to collaborate on specific ideas.
IdeasIdeaVote Records votes on ideas, tracking user sentiment as Like or Dislike.
ItemCatalogs Manages catalog hierarchies and associated categories for product organization.
ItemCatalogsattachments Manages files or documents attached to item catalogs, providing additional information or references.
ItemCatalogsattachmentsattachmentDFF Handles contextual descriptive fields for attachments associated with item catalogs, enabling customized data entry.
ItemCatalogscategoryHierarchies Defines and manages hierarchical structures for organizing item catalog categories for better navigation and classification.
ItemCatalogscategoryHierarchiescategoryHierarchies Manages the hierarchical relationships between item catalog categories, ensuring logical structuring and grouping.
ItemCatalogsDFF Handles descriptive flexfields specific to item catalogs, allowing for tailored data capture and representation.
ItemCatalogsfunctionalAreaAssignments Manages mappings between catalogs and functional areas, ensuring proper assignment and access control.
ItemCatalogstranslatableAttributes Supports the management of translatable attributes within item catalogs to accommodate multi-language requirements.
ItemCategories Manages item categories, which define the classification and organization of items within catalogs.
ItemCategoriesattachments Handles attachments for item categories, enabling additional references or documentation to be linked to specific categories.
ItemCategoriesattachmentsattachmentDFF Manages descriptive flexfields for category-specific attachments to support customized metadata.
ItemCategoriesDFF Handles contextual descriptive fields for item categories, enabling additional data storage and categorization.
ItemCategoriestranslatableAttributes Manages translatable attributes of item categories to support global operations and localization.
ItemCategoryAssignments Defines and manages the association between items and their assigned categories for proper classification.
ItemsV2 Manages details of items such as parts, materials, and products, including attributes that uniquely define them.
ItemsV2ItemAttachment Handles the management of item-specific attachments, linking documents or files to individual items.
ItemsV2ItemAttachmentAttachedDocumentsDFF Manages the descriptive fields for attachments associated with items, enabling detailed metadata capture.
ItemsV2ItemCategory Manages the relationship between items and their assigned categories within the catalog.
ItemsV2ItemDFF Manages contextual descriptive flexfields specific to items, allowing for tailored attribute definitions.
ItemsV2ItemEffCategory Handles extensible fields for items, enabling the capture of additional characteristics such as color or size.
ItemsV2ItemGlobalDFF Manages global descriptive flexfields for items, standardizing attributes across the system.
ItemsV2ItemRevision Tracks and manages revision details for items, ensuring accurate record-keeping of changes over time.
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionDFF Handles descriptive flexfields specific to item revisions for contextual customization.
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionEffCategory Manages extensible flexfields for item revisions, capturing custom attributes related to changes.
ItemsV2ItemRevisionItemRevisionTranslation Handles translatable attributes for item revisions to support global operations and localized descriptions.
ItemsV2ItemRevisionRevisionAttachment Manages attachments related to specific item revisions, providing additional documentation or reference.
ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociation Manages associations between items and their suppliers, defining supplier-specific attributes for each item.
ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociationItemSupplierEffCategory Handles extensible flexfields for item-supplier associations, enabling custom attribute management.
ItemsV2ItemTranslation Manages translatable fields for items, ensuring attributes such as descriptions are accessible in multiple languages.
ItemTemplates Manages item templates, which provide predefined sets of attributes for quicker item creation and standardization.
ItemTemplatesitemDFFs Handles contextual descriptive flexfields in item templates, allowing for tailored data input.
ItemTemplatesitemEFFs Manages extensible flexfields in item templates for capturing additional customizable attributes.
ItemTemplatesitemGlobalDFFs Handles global descriptive flexfields within item templates, ensuring consistency across the system.
ItemTemplatesitemRevisions Tracks and manages revision details within item templates for accurate version control.
ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsDFFs Handles descriptive flexfields for item revisions in templates, enabling contextual customization.
ItemTemplatesitemRevisionsEFFs Manages extensible flexfields for item revisions in templates to capture additional revision-specific attributes.
ItemTemplatesitemTranslations Handles translatable attributes in item templates to support multi-language item definitions.
StandardLookupsLOV Queries the standard lookup codes and translated meanings, supporting reference data sharing.
TradingPartnerItemRelationships Manages relationships between internal items and trading partner items for better collaboration.
TradingPartnerItemRelationshipsDFF Handles descriptive flexfields for trading partner item relationships to manage custom attributes.
TradingPartnerItemRelationshipstranslatableAttributes Manages translatable attributes for trading partner item relationships to support global operations.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175