CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages mappings between catalogs and functional areas, ensuring proper assignment and access control.


Name Type Description
ItemCatalogsCatalogId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the item catalog associated with this functional area assignment. This identifier links the catalog to its respective functional area assignments.
FunctionalAreaId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the functional area that this catalog is assigned to. This identifier ensures proper association between catalogs and specific business functions.
FunctionalAreaName String The name of the functional area associated with the catalog. This name provides a human-readable reference for identifying the business function to which the catalog applies.
LastUpdateDateTime Datetime The timestamp of the most recent update to the functional area assignment. This timestamp helps track modifications and ensures version control.
CatalogId Long The unique identifier of the catalog that is linked to this functional area assignment. This identifier ensures that assignments are correctly associated with the appropriate catalog.
Finder String The name of the predefined finder query used to retrieve functional area assignment records dynamically. This query improves efficiency in searching for catalog-functional area relationships.

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Build 24.0.9175