CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles global descriptive flexfields within item templates, ensuring consistency across the system.


Name Type Description
ItemTemplatesItemId [KEY] Long Specifies the unique identifier for an item within the ItemTemplatesitemGlobalDFFs module. This identifier links item template records to their associated global descriptive flexfields (DFFs), allowing for additional standardized attributes.
ItemTemplatesOrganizationId [KEY] Long Defines the unique identifier for the organization managing the item template. This identifier ensures that global DFFs are applied consistently across business units for classification and reporting.
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long Represents the unique identifier for the part, item, product, or service within the inventory system. This identifier is used to track and manage inventory records across procurement, sales, and manufacturing workflows.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long Defines the unique identifier for the organization that owns or manages the inventory item. This identifier ensures proper assignment of inventory items to the correct business unit, enabling financial reporting and operational planning.
_FLEX_Context String Specifies the DFF context name assigned to the item globally. This context name determines how additional custom attributes are structured and applied consistently across all business units.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Represents the display value of the DFF context name. This context name provides a user-friendly reference for managing custom item attributes at a global level.
Finder String Defines the search mechanism or query criteria used to locate records in the ItemTemplatesitemGlobalDFFs module. This field enhances system usability by enabling efficient data retrieval for global DFFs.
ItemId Long Specifies the unique identifier for the item within the item template module. This identifier ensures accurate tracking and association of item attributes across global DFFs.

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Build 24.0.9175