CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages associations between items and their suppliers, defining supplier-specific attributes for each item.


Name Type Description
ItemsV2ItemId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for an item within the ItemsV2 module. This identifier serves as a key reference linking items to their supplier associations, ensuring accurate tracking of supplier relationships and procurement workflows.
ItemsV2OrganizationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the organization managing the item. This identifier ensures that item-supplier associations are correctly assigned to the relevant business unit, supporting procurement, inventory management, and compliance.
AssociationId Long The unique system-generated identifier that defines the relationship between an item and its associated supplier. This identifier allows businesses to manage supplier contracts, pricing agreements, and preferred sourcing.
ItemId [KEY] Long The unique identifier assigned to a part, item, product, or service. This identifier ensures that supplier associations are correctly linked to specific items for procurement and inventory purposes.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier representing the organization associated with the item-supplier relationship. This identifier ensures that supplier sourcing rules align with the correct business unit and regulatory requirements.
SupplierId [KEY] Long This attribute is currently not used but is intended to store the unique identifier for the supplier in future implementations.
SupplierName String The name of the supplier providing the item. This name is managed in the Suppliers work area under the Manage Suppliers task and is essential for procurement, supplier performance tracking, and financial transactions.
AlternateSupplierNumber String An alternate identification number for the supplier, often used for internal tracking or legacy system compatibility. This number can be reviewed and updated in the Suppliers work area under the Manage Suppliers task.
SupplierSiteId [KEY] Long The unique identifier assigned to a specific supplier address. This identifier ensures that purchase orders, invoices, and shipments are routed to the correct supplier location. It can be managed in the Suppliers work area under the Manage Suppliers task.
PartySiteNumber String The unique number that identifies the supplier site within the supplier’s business structure. This identifier helps in differentiating multiple supplier locations.
AddressName String The name of the supplier's address, which provides a user-friendly reference to supplier sites. This information can be reviewed and updated in the Suppliers work area under the Manage Suppliers task.
Address String The physical address of the supplier, which is critical for logistics, invoicing, and compliance with tax and trade regulations. This information is maintained in the Suppliers work area under the Manage Suppliers task.
SupplierItemNumber String This attribute is currently not used but is intended to store the supplier-provided item number in future implementations.
PrimaryFlag Bool Indicates whether this supplier is the primary source for the item. A value of 'true' designates the supplier as the preferred vendor for procurement, while 'false' indicates an alternate or secondary supplier.
SupplierExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode String The classification code that identifies the item class associated with supplier-specific extensible flexfields. This code allows for additional supplier-related attributes and can be configured in the Setup and Maintenance work area under the Manage Item Classes task.
CreationDateTime Datetime The timestamp indicating when the item-supplier association was first created. This timestamp is important for tracking supplier onboarding and contract initiation dates.
LastUpdateDateTime Datetime The timestamp of the most recent update to the item-supplier association record. This timestamp ensures traceability of modifications and supports supplier performance management.
RegistryId String The unique identifier in the supplier registry. This identifier helps track supplier records across multiple procurement systems.
SupplierSiteAssociationStatusValue String The current status of the item-supplier association, indicating whether the relationship is active, pending approval, or inactive. This status affects procurement and supplier sourcing decisions.
RequestId Long The unique identifier assigned to a data import request related to item-supplier associations. This identifier is generated during supplier data imports and is used for tracking and validating supplier relationships.
AcdType String The classification type associated with the item-supplier association. This classification type determines how the relationship is processed in procurement and sourcing workflows.
ChangeLineId Long The unique identifier that links the item-supplier association record to a specific change request or supplier update process. This identifier ensures traceability of modifications.
Finder String The reference to an internal search or query mechanism that allows users to efficiently locate item-supplier association records within the system. This reference enhances usability and data retrieval for procurement teams.
InventoryOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the inventory organization responsible for managing the item-supplier association. This identifier ensures that sourcing rules align with inventory planning and supplier selection.
ItemNumber String A human-readable item number assigned to the product, part, or service. This item number is used in procurement transactions and supplier catalogs to ensure consistency in sourcing.
OrganizationCode String The standardized alphanumeric code representing the organization responsible for the item-supplier association. This code ensures consistency in procurement reporting and compliance tracking.
VersionId Long The system-generated identifier representing the version of the item-supplier association record. This identifier allows historical tracking of supplier relationships and ensures compliance with supplier contract versioning.

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Build 24.0.9175