Handles contextual descriptive fields for item categories, enabling additional data storage and categorization.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemCategoriesCatalogId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the catalog associated with this category descriptive flexfield (DFF). This identifier ensures that the category's flexfield data is correctly linked to the appropriate item catalog. |
ItemCategoriesCategoryId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the category associated with this descriptive flexfield (DFF). This identifier establishes the relationship between an item category and its extended attributes. |
CategoryId [KEY] | Long | The default category identifier associated with this descriptive flexfield (DFF). This identifier is used when a category is automatically assigned based on predefined rules. |
_FLEX_ValidationDate | Date | The date used for validating the descriptive flexfield (DFF) values. This date ensures that flexfield configurations are correctly applied based on the effective date. |
_FLEX_Context | String | The descriptive flexfield (DFF) context associated with the category. This context determines which set of additional attributes are applicable for the category. |
_FLEX_NumOfSegments | Int | The total number of segments defined in the descriptive flexfield (DFF) for this category. This value indicates the number of configurable fields available in the flexfield. |
_FLEX_NumOfVisibleSegments | Int | The number of flexfield segments that are visible to users for data entry. This value ensures that only relevant fields are displayed based on the flexfield configuration. |
Bind_CatalogCode | String | The catalog code used for binding category data during service calls or data retrieval operations. This binding ensures consistency in catalog-category relationships. |
CatalogId | Long | The unique identifier of the catalog to which the item category and its descriptive flexfield attributes belong. This identifier ensures that category flexfields are properly associated with their catalog. |
Finder | String | The name of the predefined finder query used to retrieve descriptive flexfield (DFF) records dynamically. This query improves efficiency in searching for category flexfield data. |
FunctionalAreaId | Long | The unique identifier of the functional area associated with this category flexfield. This identifier ensures that the category attributes are correctly linked to relevant business functions within the system. |