CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides details about character values used in flexfields for standardized data storage.


Name Type Description
Value [KEY] String The character-based value stored within the descriptive flexfield (DFF) value set. This value represents a user-selectable option used in business processes for categorization, classification, or configuration.
Description String A detailed description of the character value, providing context for users selecting this value in the DFF. This description helps clarify its intended purpose in data entry or reporting.
StartDateActive Date The date from which this character value becomes active and available for selection in the DFF. This date is used for controlling the validity period of the value.
EndDateActive Date The date after which this character value is no longer available for use. This date helps enforce data governance by ensuring deprecated values are not selected in new transactions.
EnabledFlag String A flag indicating whether this character value is currently active ('Y' for Yes, 'N' for No). When disabled, the value cannot be selected in user interfaces or transactions.
SummaryFlag String Indicates whether this value serves as a summary or parent value in hierarchical structures. This flag is useful for grouping values in reporting or DFF-driven rollups.
ValueSetCode String The unique identifier for the value set to which this character value belongs. This identifier ensures proper grouping and validation of values when used in DFF-based data entry.
Bind_AttrMap String Specifies an attribute mapping reference associated with this value, allowing dynamic associations between DFF values and business objects.
Bind_DataSource String Defines the source from which this character value originates, typically used for dynamically retrieving values from external systems or database tables.
Bind_DataSourceDiscr String A discriminator value for the data source, used to refine or filter dynamic value retrieval in cases where multiple sources are available.
Bind_FinderContext String Defines the finder context used to determine how values are retrieved dynamically. This finder context helps optimize lookups and filtering when dealing with large datasets.
Bind_FinderDateFlag String Indicates whether date-based filtering is applied when retrieving character values via the finder. This filtering ensures only values valid for a given date are returned.
Bind_ValidationDate Date The date used to validate the character value within the finder context. This date ensures compliance with effective dating requirements in business processes.
Finder String The predefined finder query used to dynamically retrieve matching values based on search criteria. Finders improve performance by optimizing data lookups.
Flex_vst_bind1 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind10 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind11 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind12 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind13 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind14 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind15 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind16 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind17 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind18 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind19 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind2 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind20 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind3 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind4 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind5 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind6 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind7 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind8 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.
Flex_vst_bind9 String A system-defined binding parameter used for dynamic value retrieval in the DFF structure. Typically, this parameter represents a contextual reference.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175