CData JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps ビュー
Name | Description |
BacklogColumnFields | Retrieves column fields for the specific backlog level. |
BacklogPanelFields | Retrieves panel fields for the specific backlog level. |
Backlogs | Retrieves all backlog levels and details of the specific backlog level. |
BacklogWorkItems | Retrieves a list of work items within a backlog level. |
BoardColumns | Retrieve columns on a board. |
BoardRows | Retrieve rows on a board. |
Boards | Retrieve boards for the specific project and details of the specified board. |
BuildChanges | Retrieves the changes associated with the build. |
BuildDefinitionMetrics | Retrieves metadata for the specific build. |
BuildDemands | Retrieves a list of demands that represents the agent capabilities required by the build. |
BuildLogs | Retrieve the logs for a build. |
BuildPlans | Retrieves the list of orchestration plans associated with the build. |
BuildValidationResults | Retrieves the list of results of validating the build request. |
BuildWorkItems | Retrieves a list of work items associated with a build. |
CommitChanges | Retrieve changes for a particular commit, sliced across all repositories. |
CommitGitStatus | Retrieve git status for the specific commit, sliced across all repositories. |
Commits | Retrieve git commits for a project, sliced across all repositories. |
CommitWorkItems | Retrieve work items for the specific commit, sliced across all repositories. |
DeploymentGroupMachines | Retrieves all machines for the specific deployment group. |
FeedPermissions | Retrieves the permissions for the specific feed. |
FeedUpstreamSources | Retrieves a list of upstream sources for the specific feed. |
GitStats | Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository, sliced across all repositories. |
IterationWorkItems | Retrieve work items for the specific iteration. |
ProjectProperties | Retrieves a collection of project properties. |
PullRequestAttachments | Retrieves a list of attachments for the specific pull request, sliced across all repositories. |
PullRequests | Retrieves a list of pull requests, sliced across all repositories. |
PullRequestWorkItems | Retrieves a list of work items associated with a pull request, sliced across all repositories. |
PushRefUpdates | Retrieve Ref Updates for the specific push, sliced across all repositories. |
QueryClauses | Retrieves clauses for the specific query. |
QueryColumns | Retrieves all columns for the specific query. |
ReleaseArtifacts | Retrieves a list of release artifacts. |
ReleaseChanges | Retrieves a list of releases. |
ReleaseDeployments | Retrieves a list of deployments. |
TaskGroupInputs | Retrieves a list of inputs for the specific task group. |
TaskGroupSourceDefinitions | Retrieves a list of source definitions for the specific task group. |
Tasks | Retrieves tasks in a task group. |
TeamMembers | Retrieves a list of members for a specific team. |
TestAttachments | Retrieves a list of test result or run Attachments. |
TestCasePointAssignments | Retrieves point assignments for the specific test case. |
TestCases | Retrieves a list of all test cases. |
TestPoints | Retrieves a list of test points. |
TestResultIterationDetails | Retrieves iteration details for the test result. |
TestRunStatistics | Retrieves test run statistics, used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome. |
TestSubResults | Retrieves sub results for the test result. |
TfvcBranches | Retrieves a collection of branch roots -- first-level children, branches with no parents. |
TfvcChangesets | Retrieves Tfvc Changesets. |
WikiVersions | Retrieves all wiki versions for the specific wiki. |
WorkItemIds | Retrieves a list of work items, for use with other tables in the Project schema. |
WorkItemRelations | Retrieves relationships between work items. |
WorkItemRevisionFields | Retrieves a list of work item revision fields |
WorkItemRevisions | Retrieves a list of work item revisions. This table includes custom fields which are automatically discovered when 'IncludeCustomFields' is enabled. |
WorkItemsFields | Retrieves a list of work items fields |